Original art and concepts for YOUNG INDY trading cards

This week I thought I'd treat everyone to bit of fun from 1991 - box and package concept art and original card art for the Pro Set YOUNG INDIANA JONES CHRONICLES trading cards.

Visit us at www.throwmetheidol.com.

And remember we are still giving out throwmetheidol.com e-mail addresses to anyone that submits articles, pictures, etc for posting!


Well-known member

Les, I'm a bit late replying to this thread (just a tad).;) Would love to see the concept artwork but your link is just a general link to your website.

Could you point me in the right direction, Mr. Master Collector?
throwmetheidol said:
And remember we are still giving out throwmetheidol.com e-mail addresses to anyone that submits articles, pictures, etc for posting!
Has anyone taken "throwmethewhip@throwmetheidol.com"?
Rocket Surgeon said:
Has anyone taken "throwmethewhip@throwmetheidol.com"?

No one has. Send me your real name and let me know if you want it as a complete email account (ie - webmail access, etc) or just as an alias to an existing account you have.



Well-known member
throwmetheidol said:
Thanks for link, Les.:hat: I'm glad that concept packaging was not approved. I don't recall what the box looked lke but I still have a wrapper and it looks much better than that proposal.

How on earth do you ever get a hold of all the actual artwork? (Judging from the style, I'm almost 100% positive that whoever did the renderings for the card backs & 3-D glasses was female.)