Italian singing in Last Crusade?


Well-known member
In the scene where Indy and Elsa kiss, in Venice, there is Italian singing in the background, around the shot of the guy with the Gondola. Anyone know the song or anything about it?


Well-known member
If our Italian members (like The Stranger or Yure, etc.) don't answer you...I'll ask my girlfriend's dad. He knows everything about traditional, Italian tunes.:)


Active member
We have italians member other than me? Anyway sorry, I have no idea about what's the name of the song.
Now, I don't sincerely even remember how it sounds like... :confused: never given it much relevance... anyway, I can try to give it a shot and see if at least I can understand what words the guy is singing, but I doubt I will have any idea what song it is. Probably some old traditional love serenata.


Well-known member
If you don't recognize the tune, you paesani could ask your parents to give it a listen. Even a better chance if your grandparents (nonno & nonna) are still around.:)


Well-known member
Me said:
If our Italian members (like The Stranger or Yure, etc.) don't answer you...I'll ask my girlfriend's dad. He knows everything about traditional, Italian tunes.:)
Over the holidays, I brought one of my "Crusade" DVDs along to play the song for my 'father-in-law'. He recognized the tune but didn't know its name!:( The excerpt is brief but he definitely knew the melody & continued signing it.

Interrogating the uncle is next. Even though he is older, he has a sharper memory. Both of these guys are born & bred Italians who immigrated in the early 1950s (not like the generation of North American 'mangia cakes') so it's possible that the older brother may know the answer. An univestigated avenue...

For the time being, I've exhausted my resources so unless someone else solves the puzzle soon, I'll give it another shot in a couple of months.:gun: