The Arthurian Quest


New member
Ok. Here's my idea for Indy 4:

Indiana Jones and the Arthurian Quest.

Indy comes out of retirement (He'll probably still be teaching, but he's retired from field work) for a still yet unknown reason. (sorry, I still need to refine it a bit) His main goal is to find Excalibur. However-unlike other Excalibur ideas, the sword isn't the only artifact he must find. He's going to be hunting down numerous artifacts, each helping to bring him closer to the ultimate goal. The communists will probably be looking for Excailbur too in order to help strengthen their empire or what not. Still needs some work, but I'd like it.


New member
OK. As a slight update-During the war, there would have been Soviets in the UK. Perhaps a Soviet in Britain heard about the legend and it sparked his interest. Now he's trying to find Excalibur because it would give the Soviets an edge in the Cold War.


New member
True that the Last Crusade would be similar. But this could be useful. Henry Jones, Sr. would probably have lots of info on the whole Arthurian topic because of the Grail association. That's how they could tie Sean Connery in to it. Indy needs to visit dear ol' Dad to get some info about Arthur. Plus, there will be many other artifacts besides Excalibur. The round table, Lancelot's armor (Okay, that one was a little cheesey, but you get the idea)
Besides, the was very little mention of the Arthurian portion to the Grail legend in Last Crusade. And this movie would more take place in Western Europe than the Holy Lands.


New member
I dont feel that Britain is really good Indy territory (and i am English!) does it have any extraordinary environments, is it part of the unknown - no and the same goes for the rest of Western Europe it is just too civlized.

The Arthur legend i feel has been covered to a certain extent in LC and it would be going over old ground. Also if Indy was to go to Avalon he would just be able to awaken arthur as the once and future king of Britain......

However i feel that some elements of the legend would make ideal Indy (if not Indy IV) such as the lady in the lake with excalibar, merlin etc


New member
Well I don't think Britian is really THAT boring! I mean he could hang around Stonehenge. Most likely find some catacombs (yes I know-Last Crusade) Some old castles. Even a car chase through London would be cool. And what if Indy found some knights of the round table who gained eternal life from the Holy Grail? there are possiblities...


New member
I like the idea of him looking for excalibur, no wait, i love it! I also like the idea that teh title will start like Indiana Jones and teh Quest of...


New member
Why would Indy ever be retired from fieldwork? He'd go stir-crazy sticking to academics. Even at 93 he was still accumulating travel expenses at the same rate as when he was in his physical prime, according to Lucas.

As he got older, I'm sure he spent much less time ducking bullets and fighting thugs. Based on Young Indy, one of his latter big adventures seem to have cost him an eye, and I'd think bearing such a wicked scar would've made him a bit more Philosophical in his approach to adventuring from that point on. He probably did much less Dangerous field work, much less of that Mercenary, Fortune-Hunting type of archaeology that he seemed to have already outgrown by the time of the Last Crusade. But I find it unlike him to quit the Field for the Lecture Hall, not as long as he's still able to traipse around and see things long unseen and solve mysteries.

I expect that when we join Harrison's Indy again, he'll still be busy getting into trouble and loving it, not moping around the house.

He might Groan around the house when he gets out of bed the morning after surviving the film's opening tease, hahah...
All those aching swollen joints and bruises and the split in his lip being the price he pays for his adventuring. The spirit is always willing but the body will complain the next day, and I'm sure he doesn't bounce back from That as fast as he used to.


New member
OK. I'm off to go camping for the rest of the week, but when I get back, I'll have a definate plot for this idea done. So if you have any ideas you'd like to have in the story, post em quickly...


New member
Anyone who is interested in this plot should check out the fanscript Indiana Jones and the Sword of Arthur it is pretty good, but for me doesnt have IT to be a serious contendor for an Indy script.


New member
I downoaded it. I haven't read it yet though. I'm still reading Sons of Darkness. If there is not going to be a new script they should absolutely use SoD cause it's the best script I've ever read that doesn't have a movie made of it. TMK was more of a fantasy and would have been better if they didn't use Indiana Jones and Indiana Jones hadn't been made.