Raiders Flying Wing Lego Instructions AVAILABLE!


New member
After about a month of nonstop work..I have completed a custom LEGO instruction manual on how to build the Raider's German Flying Wing. It takes 441 pieces to build it, and the end result is killer. Check out the pics below.....I have 2 sample pages.

Cockpit holds pilot. Rear turret holds Marion, and if Indy should fail his mission...the ARK can be stored on board. Email for more info!


New member
But why don't you just post all the instructions?
because his post is an advertisement for his product.. ( the instructions that you have to pay for).. and yes he does have instructions on ebay right now.... all of that aside.. I do have to applaud you for the really cool creative piece !

No Ticket

New member
That's cool and all... but I feel spammed if it's just an advertisement for something I'm supposed to buy.


New member
Thanks, it wasnt meant to spam anybody....but lets be honest. Unless you are a true Lego nut like myself, you can't possibly imagine the hours involved to build one of these. First you have to creat the model from scratch. Then, tear it apart and shot meticulous photos of the teardown. Then, you have to build the model again, but this time is CAD software. Once that is done, you tear the CAD apart and build a step by step manual from step 1 to 78. So yes, I do charge a minimal amount for the hours involved. I have bought instructions from I can now appreciate why they don't hand them out. Yes, that is the first one available..and it's on ebay. I can honestly say that the winner of that auction will not be dissapointed. It's my seventh instruction manual....and it's my favorite so far....with my Star Wars Imperial shuttle a close second!;)


New member
hey kev... wasn't trying to be hard on you with my post... just thought it funny that your very first post on the board was a "hey look at my product" post... again, all that aside I can appreciate the work you put into it... good luck !


New member
Awesome work, guy. I randomly stumbled across your other products on eBay while looking to score some sort of Batman Begins Tumbler. I didn't realize that was yours until I saw the Flying Wing in your other auctions. Nice work on them all. I'd prefer some modern BSG stuff, but great Viper as well!


New member
Hey Kev, how do u reccomend i go about getting the required parts, should i just buy large lots of gray peices or can i get them from that build your own lego site?


New member
I suggest you go to for lego pieces... all kinds of vendors for good prices.. ( and you can get the Indy minifigs there without having to buy the entire set)


New member
Thanks mfisher...that's exactly what I suggest to builders....hit You can get any part you are looking for , in any color......from a multitude of people. If you have older Star Wars are already on your way. I have lots of Star Wars sets parts in this build! Props can be found in the new Indy Peru set....or from the Batman Scarecrow set. I get all my extra parts off bricklink.;)