Silly Movie Reviews

The Shining/Stanley Kubrick/1980

This movie ia about a man who likes to shout things through gaps in doors. Jack Nicholson plays the man with the obsessive compulsive disDOORder. For two hours, he goes around smashing in doors and sticking his face through the hole he's made: " Heeeere's Eddie!" "Heeeere's Chris!" "Heeeeere's Simon!"
This goes on and on.

I expect more from Stanley Koldbricks. It is just so monotonous. "Heeeere's Keith!" "Heeere's Quentin!"

How anyone would want to watch a man shouting things through gaps in doors for two hours is beyond me.

For goodness sake, even the poster has his face sticking through a hole in a door.

Okay! Okay! We get the general idea. Enough already.