New Indy 4 Fan Teaser

Dr. Mulbray

New member
There is a german Indy site, . I´ve found this fan artwork there. Is´nt it great?



New member
Wow...well Thats

Here's the thing that got about it...
Of all the fan art out there, I've never actually seen one that totally gets the Harrison Ford Face right.

Until now that is. This one is fantastic.


New member
A round of applause to Jox Angel Villan (or whatever that signature says). Mutt, Indy, & Mac look dead on...maybe not the colors, but they still look great.

The temple is good, too...but the skull needs to go.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
I don't know what it is, but something looks a little computerized on Mac and Mutt, but not on Indy. It's odd, around the mustache, for example.


New member
SKAbatula said:
A round of applause to Jox Angel Villan (or whatever that signature says). Mutt, Indy, & Mac look dead on...maybe not the colors, but they still look great.

The temple is good, too...but the skull needs to go.

It's Jose. ;)


New member
Its the best IJ4 fan art I've seen. The characters are spot on. The addition of the crystal skull is a little distracting though.

Here's the great Fate of Atlantis illustration Jose Angel Villar made:
