An Eighties Renaissance...


New member
High adventure and high fun was evident in the eighties! Raiders of the Lost Ark launched and had profound impact for the better part of this decade. The term "rollercoaster" fun with high "relentless thrills" and "filled to the barrel" with adventure was apparent in all movies of this era.

Will Indy 4 bring back this feeling of giddyness, or will it show that heros like Indy have no place in our modern era, the 2000s. Have audiences become dull spectators, is the wow factor gone, as special effects no longer make the viewer go "wow" since it's possible for anything with todays technology to be created by the touch of a finger.

Todays audiences get the likes of Matrix were the hero is unstoppable, heros have become superheros, so someone like Indy seems to have no place. Will Indy 4 make or brake the era, or will it have no impact whatsoever?

Is Indiana Jones needed again to save the cinema? Or is the cinema even in need of rescue? Am I asking too many questions?


New member
I'm personally in favor of the 80's excitement.
The 80's was an amazing time, I would go as far as to say a reverse of the 60's. Communism, Drugs, Sex, Feminism, Anti- war demonstration's, Mowtown Music, and the peace sign were prevelant in the 60's. James Bond truly belonged to this era. Anti-communism, the fall of the Iron Curtain,
Drugs, Pro-life demonstraion's, Democracy Movements world wide, extra terrestrials, Rock and Roll, and the victory sign were prevalaint to the 80's. And Indiana Jones belong's to this era. What made Indy a hit was it was a storyline, with clothing, customs, ect. . . from the 30's, with a all the excitement and spirit that prevailed in the 80's. And that's what makes it still popular today. KEEP THE'S RENASSIANCE IN INDY. FAN

Pale Horse

Staff member
Indy IV will definately break from the current traditions, (I hope). One of the things that Indiana had a part in was the smart, yet vulnurable hero. John Mclaine, nothing over the top, but always over the top. Jack Ryan, (more 90's really) Harry Callahan, Rocky, all 80's examples of everyman becoming a hero.

When you look at it from that perspective, Gladiator, Braveheart, and some of the more human heroes of the movies from the last day seem to have staying strength beyond that of the modern superhero. I would argue that the reason superhero comics are around is only because of the youth concept of immortality. The older more seasoned consumer realizes youth is fleeting and we look to the wisdom of a veteran to help us as we face death.


New member
I wish I grew up in the eighties... Y'know AC/DC, U2, The Hip Indiana Jones and all the stuff that FAN said... I envy you


New member
Dont jump to conclusions Patrick,
I was born on the tail end of the 80's, I simply have a good grasp of the 80's and other era's, but if you want you can call every one who was either born, raised, or a teenager in the 80's, 80's Child. One of the reason Indy was big in the 80's was his career really picket up in this time frame, I mean you had Return of the Jedi comming out as well as the Indy Films and any other Ford films.


New member
ROOOAAAAAAACK AND ROLL AIN'T NOISE POLLUTION!!!!!!!!!!I'd love to see a AC/DC concert... especially when "Back in Black" came out... What do you mean don't come to conclusions do you mean about living in the eighties or is it my era can't ruin it? Um yeah... The last "good" band that came out for me was " Green Day" and actually I don't really care for them. And the new stuff for U2 isn't that great either although it's better than most. Now excuse me as I go listen to my "Boy" album with "An Cat Dubh" and blast my cat to hell ( I'm not gonna kill him... back of Humane society)Oh yeah that's U2
I'm just kidding though... But still... The only bad movies Steven did was the last 2 Jurassic Parks... They didn't follow the story line that Chrichton had made and for no reason they made a third. As for George Lucas... Don't screw it up.


New member
I wasn't around in the eighties so I don't know about what I am about to say but I'll just use what I know. I can see that they probably will advertise products with Indy, Probably SUV's and clothing or something. I can see an SUV commercial where Indy is in one and just drives over to his university and it would say "In one of these, Everyday's an adventure" or something like that. I'm not sure if this would do any good to the product or for Indy since it could be an overexposure of the character for commercial means. I don't want them to do this, because of The Hulk movie that just entered our theatres, had costumes made for kids who don't even now what this character is on they're shirt, They got gloves not made for punching which to me has an Ironic humour. Too much advertisement of a product that barely relates to it (Like if We started talking about cars on this website) is not a good idea. It wrecked my enthusiasm to see some movies and I can't foresee what might happen with this "Indiana Jones" film. Does anybody that's older than me now what happened when the movies came out? Was there massive advertisement and stuff like that?


New member
It'll definetly apeal to me! Who cares if Indy's older, Like he's going to play a role like as old as my Dad! I don't think my Dad's that old, He looks like he's only 40. Wow! Did a lot of people like Temple of Doom?