My Qualm With Indy 4


New member
I'll get right to the point, the chances of Indy 4 achieving the caliber of its predecessors is unlikely to say the least. The state of movies these days, more so how they are actually produced is horrid. I'll use the example of the last 3 Star Wars movies, they had the incredible polish and effects that were unimaginable when the original 3 came out, but lacked what made the first 3 so awesome. The characters, the feel the look that made the originals classic was lost in a wash of bloated cgi. The story was there, but the attention was paid more on the visual candy than the progression of the story.
I'm scared the same will happen to Indy 4, in a time when looks and effects are more important to the demographic than an amazing story. Now I know both Star Wars and Indy revolutionized visual effects, but it wasnt used at a cost of story.
The pulp era look of Indy is what took me, the idea of a genuine hero, who saved the day and always got the girl, I loved it and its a big reason why most of its fans are here. But I don't think in the era we live in now, were practically zero movies have heroes, only grizzled men with revenge on their minds, a hero like Indy will exist. I'd like to think the Indy we knew won't be the same that we see on the screen with 4.
I could be wrong, I could be eating these words come Memorial Day, my God I hope i feast on them, there's nothing id love more than an incredible Indy movie, but with the "genius" of Lucas, I seriously doubt it.

Don Karnage

New member
truth by analogy isnt truth. i dont like baskets therefor i cant like basketball...

this stands all the chance of being as good or bad a movie as any other movie, which of course doesnt mean much but then again neither does any of the other random speculation from anywhere else.

even if it turns out not to be a good movie, that cant diminish how much ones likes or doesnt like the ones we already have.

Professor Jones

New member
horrormike said:
I don't think in the era we live in now, were practically zero movies have heroes, only grizzled men with revenge on their minds, a hero like Indy will exist. I'd like to think the Indy we knew won't be the same that we see on the screen with 4.

Well, then maybe that negative era with no heroes in which we live is an era that most than the others need... a hero! A genuine hero, who'll "save the day" and "get the girl", and as long with the day he'll save our era too!


New member
I agree with you, I think we need a hero now more than ever, but I was referring more towards whether or not Dr. Jones will still be the same one fron the original, and not reworked to what mainstream you filmgoers want, a brutish anti-hero.


Well-known member
I can already hear the same critics who went after Stallone for Rocky Balboa and John Rambo coming for Indy, screaming "Pathetic!"

Professor Jones

New member
I understand your feelings HovitosKing and Horrormike. I seriously feel the same sometimes. But I think what could really save Indy 4 from being "pathetic" could be the sense of humour that fills the saga and the fact that he could really be a different protagonist than the other "brutish antiheroes" that spoil our movie era.


Well-known member
I'm not calling it pathetic, I'm just saying what the critics will think. I think the film will be great, personally. Bring it on.


New member
The question isn't the critics, its opinons and it means nothing to fans. What matter most is whether or not Spielberg sticks to what made Indy and not caving in to pressure from studio and investors.


New member
Spielberg is only as strong as the money the studio gives him. If they don't like something he does they will make him change it. Alot of movies that could have been stellar in the past few years were ruined by people in suits. We need to face the fact this movie isnt being marketed to fans, its being marketed to kids in high school, who are spoon fed their movies in nice little doses.
But I agree, Spielberg is very strong and firm in his movies, as shown in Schindler's List which caused a huge stir with the higher ups, but Spielberg was still very popular with moviegoers at that point. Only time will tell I suppose.


New member
I think it's a little unfair to blame the faceless "men in suits." Spielberg is perfectly capable of making a film on his own, and he has the money to do it, so if he felt that his art was being compromised, and if he was truly doing this for fans, then he would do it on his own.

I have my reservations about this film, like anybody else. I still want to see it, but I am worried that it will not be very good.


New member
I don't think you know how the movie industry functions, without the men in suits a movie isnt made. No one person can fund an entire movie, including the actual production, advertising, distribution, and that is were the studio funding comes in. The studio has the final say since it's THEIR name that goes on the final product and their rep on the line. Spielberg is potential money to them, not a director, and if the final product he turns in doesnt spell money to them, he'll either change out or have his movie scrapped. It's not fair but it's how Hollywood has worked since the beginning.


Well-known member
Niteshade007 said:
I think it's a little unfair to blame the faceless "men in suits." Spielberg is perfectly capable of making a film on his own, and he has the money to do it, so if he felt that his art was being compromised, and if he was truly doing this for fans, then he would do it on his own.

I have my reservations about this film, like anybody else. I still want to see it, but I am worried that it will not be very good.

I agree. At this point, with his reputation, you don't go forward unless you have the control.


New member
I don't think you know how the movie industry functions, without the men in suits a movie isnt made. No one person can fund an entire movie, including the actual production, advertising, distribution, and that is were the studio funding comes in. The studio has the final say since it's THEIR name that goes on the final product and their rep on the line. Spielberg is potential money to them, not a director, and if the final product he turns in doesnt spell money to them, he'll either change out or have his movie scrapped. It's not fair but it's how Hollywood has worked since the beginning.

I'm well aware of how film making is done.

People have made films on their own. It doesn't happen very often, but it does happen. And Spielberg may not be able to do it on his own, but his buddy Lucas certainly isn't hurting either.


New member
I'd like you to tell me a mainstream hollywood movie that was created entirely with a directors funds. The reason it's called hollywood is because mainstream studios fund it. Otherwise it would be independent and fade into obscurity unless a studio picked it up, like Kevin Smith.


Well-known member
Okay it's not about funding it yourself, it's about NOT going forward with a project if you're not given the appropriate control over the project. Spielberg won't ruin his reputation over something like this just because the suits want it done differently. Please.


New member
HovitosKing said:
Okay it's not about funding it yourself, it's about NOT going forward with a project if you're not given the appropriate control over the project. Spielberg won't ruin his reputation over something like this just because the suits want it done differently. Please.

Yea he has control over it, he has lots, but the final say isnt his.
Look my original arguement wasn't personally against him, but people picked and chose snippets of what I wrote and turned it into this.
What I orignally said was the entire state of films today, how theyre made etc, go read it. Movies are made the same way today, and I said I didn't think Indy 4 would work in that mold. No whether or not he wants to put his rep out on the line isnt the matter at hand, frankly i'm sure he wants to add a genuinely good chapter to the series but it's about the money foremost and PLEASE don't kid yourself about that. Contractual obligations my friend,the money he makes for the studio and this money in his account, thats the rep he's most worried about.
So lose the mentality that he's making the film for fans and not for all the potential moviegoers in a demographic that will go see the movie and give the studio lots of money so they can fund another of his movies.