Indiana Jones and the Big Questions


New member

In many threads i have read over the years i have found that when it comes to Indy IV in the quest to make Indy IV The Ultimate Indy film the question of the huge issues beyond artifacts that could be raised in an Indy film.

In the trilogy there are no profound revelations on the nature of the universe etc in fact nothing is said that has no bearing on the artifact.

With artifacts such as Eden, UFOs, Atlantis, Philosophers Stone being thrown around by fans these are all artifacts that could profoundly change the way that we understand the world. Should Indy step beyond the B Movie and explore these and perhaps give some answers beyond the usual wrath of god or are these questions left to other films


IMO Indy should stick to what he knows - go after something just to stop someone else getting their grubby hands on it, get involved with the wrong girl, and kick some Nazi butt on the way.

If Lucas and Spielberg try to make the best ever Indy film, they'll probably fail. If people expect the best ever Indy film, they'll probably be disappointed. I want to see Indy's adventures continue as much as anyone, but all the hype is starting to bug me - stick to the basics of what makes Indy cool, and that'll be enough.


New member
I think this is the approach the filmakers will make, they will shoot for the answers to life's greatest mysteries, ie, relevations for man kind etc. Here's an good point and may question our hype for this movie: We are an miniture size proportional to an Star Wars fan base. Indy 4 may becomes our Phantom Menace.

I guess Im going for the big approach in accordance to Indy's last chapter...or actually the filmakers will.


I agree with you completely Westford.

Very well said.

Stick to the basics. IJ doesn't have to save the whole world, and there doesn't necessarily have to be anything profound. Just a rousing adventure story with some mystery, romance, and action.


westford said:
IMO Indy should stick to what he knows - go after something just to stop someone else getting their grubby hands on it, get involved with the wrong girl, and kick some Nazi butt on the way.

If Lucas and Spielberg try to make the best ever Indy film, they'll probably fail. If people expect the best ever Indy film, they'll probably be disappointed. I want to see Indy's adventures continue as much as anyone, but all the hype is starting to bug me - stick to the basics of what makes Indy cool, and that'll be enough.

yes, sounds good to me, well said ;)


New member
(I would personally agree that Indy should stick to what he knows but come on that doesnt make an interesting thread!)

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Well, many people have said this before, but the real trouble with making Indy IV as "just another adventure" is that it is so many years after Last Crusade, both from 1938 to 195? and 1989 to 2005. It seems to me you can't just hope to jump right into another adventure after all this time and not respond to it. Characters evolve. The director certainly has changed, perhaps for the better, as has the producer (the benefits or lack thereof are debatable in his case). It is inevitable, and preferable, that Indy IV is some advancement over the previous three (no, that isn't a disguised advertisement for "Indy Noir").

Of course, how can you have an artifact bigger than the Holy Grail - the ultimate quest.

UFO's is a possibility, considering Indy's B-movie origins.
Philosopher's Stone is a possibility, considering it being well-suited to the Cold War.
Eden is a possibility, considering asks "Where did we come from?"
Atlantis is a possibility, considering the great cultural baggage it carries with it.

To be honest, these seem to be the best options - but all have their drawbacks...and none seem worthy of Indy's return.