Indy's Love Life


Well-known member
It seems that at the beginning of KOTCS, Indy is single. That strikes me as being odd, especially for a guy like Indy. You'd think he'd at least have a girlfriend or something, knowing his character. We know his last love interest was Sophia Hapwood (in 1939 and 1947), but were there any more between '47 and '57? I'd hope Indy wouldn't have been single for those ten years.

Erik Pflueger

New member
Raiders112390 said:
It seems that at the beginning of KOTCS, Indy is single. That strikes me as being odd, especially for a guy like Indy. You'd think he'd at least have a girlfriend or something, knowing his character. We know his last love interest was Sophia Hapwood (in 1939 and 1947), but were there any more between '47 and '57? I'd hope Indy wouldn't have been single for those ten years.

I think we can safely assume that he DID have other lovers, but that those characters are for other stories, thus far untold.

All the same, I think it may be telling that he is in a bleak, girlfriend-less place in Autumn 1957, since the point of the film is to take a rather exhausted, lonely character who has seen all his support system deteriorate the last few years, and reinfuse him with life and a new support system, a family. There probably were girlfriends, or at least brief dalliances, in the 1940s or early 1950s, but they should gradually drop away the closer we get to 1957, in order to align with Indy's character arc in Crystal Skull.


New member
Indy and Marion were destined to be together. Even though when it began, she was a child, she was in love, it was wrong, and he knew it!


New member
I think he probably had other lovers as he got older and more mature, probably slacked off on the quickies. Not only that, if we are going by the show and the books, he has had some really tragic experiences in this department.