A Call to Arms: Fellow L.A. based screenwriters, film students & film professionals.

Pale Horse

Staff member
Give a quick 'holla-back' if you are a Ravener here who fits into the above category. Being in the city that dreams are made of, we have a first hand knowledge of back-lot-alliances, that other Raveners may wonder about but not fully understand.

Our unique position allows us the ability to shed unique views about a most bizarre industry, that perhaps our fellow international friends often wonder about, and which may help shed light on the complicated process we call film making.


I was born in L.A., lived on the west coast for most of my life, and I have aspirations to be a writer.

Does that count?


New member
well, I am planning on pursuing a career as a screenwriter, and I write plays now, does that count?

Pale Horse

Staff member

Many people speculate about how business is done in this city. I was hoping there would be a solid core of Raveners who might be able to substatiate some of the more outrageous claims that we all have to weed through, especially because we live it. Credibility can go along way in this place.


New member
I live on the east coast, very far from LA, but I have a dream of becoming the next Speilberg. I've already made a countless amount of short films and I am hoping to air some on our local network soon.


New member
Are you talking about the huge conferences where the writers go to eat and meet and pitch ideas, etc. to possible producers? How a film deal can be struck over a ham sandwich or double martini? The majority have already written and sold a script or two. Fledglings can sell something at one of these. It's not impossible, but more than not these days it takes 1. an agent, 2. someone you know. 3. contests that are genuine and 4. a website like Project Greenlight! Does that begin to answer the question?
I am in the process of hunting down an agent right now. It's tough!


New member
No. Read the top messages. I was just saying for them what kind of process it usually takes to get a screenplay looked at in Hollywood. It's the kind of process where you have to dig in your heels and pitch, pitch, pitch if you don't already have an in there.