Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings


Well-known member
From what I am reading, the PS2 version is almost worthless. I do not have a Wii, so that version is kind of out for me, but it seems to be the only console version worth buying. Fate of Atlantis is a good addition, but I really hate Co-Op modes you can't play on single player. I'm too old to be pestering a friend to play a Wii game with me. I hate that! Hate it!

PS: I checked out the videos from the youtube link someone posted here:

Are those what the game actually looks like on a TV? The colors, animation, modeling, and lighting look horrible! I can't tell what is going on.


New member
Superboydevlin said:
A red line and a bag's strap have almost nothing to make Indy the adventurer he is but Indy is the adventurer not his belongings. What is it with you? I keep having to correct you on a lot of things. Maybe you should actually pay attention to what Indy does instead of care about his satchel and belongings and the red line on the map. What are you Indy's fashion designer? Sure his satchel cool and all but Indy is the main character not his satchel.

First of all, learn some grammar. Your points make little enough sense as it is without being written as if a three year old wrote them.

Second, this is a game, pal. Indy isn't real. He's a character. Ya know like Mickey Mouse and Superman. Judging from your retarded logic, you'd be fine playing a Mickey game sans ears and a Superman game sans cape!

Hell, why include the whip even.

Are you starting to see just how dumb you are now? If not, let me know. I'll include pictures next time.

Now quit jumping on the *****y defensive and tossing out personal insults. Your sensitivity over this matter is embarrassing. I don't like the game and that is fine. You love it more than your sticky pillow and that is fine too!
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Active member
The worst thing about this game is its half baked story, it seems so blah. THey never fully explain things. Maggie is introduced seemingly as a formality to have the hero have a love interest...i hate it when movies( in this case video game) do it just to be formulaic. The bad guys have almost no development or motives. This game just doesnt feel like a major part of the Indy canon.

For all its flaws, ET felt like an important adventure for Indy. We find out a little about the backstory to the whole Shanghai opening in TOD...the whole game is basicly a prequel to TOD. Sure it had continuity issues with Dinosaur Egg, but at least the story was developed even if it was a little flawed. This game just feels so choppy.


New member
Just finished the game. Having never played any other Indiana Jones game (with the exception of Lego Indiana Jones) I don't really have anything to compare it to. I played it for PS2, and it sounds like everyone who played it on PS2 has the same issues. I'm not really a video game person, so I'm not really sure it's just the console or what, but there were a lot of glitches. A LOT.

The game is short, but that's not really a bad thing for me. I would probably get bored if it were much longer. As others have pointed out, there isn't much of a story here. That disappointed me. I never knew where I was going or what I was looking for exactly, the game basically just took you from location to location. I enjoyed the levels where you were exploring more than the combat levels, which got repetitive. And since I was playing on PS2, there weren't really any exciting moves to do except whip people constantly. That's the most effective way of beating enemies. I even found that throwing stuff didn't do as much damage.

Probably would have had more fun on the wii, but I don't have that with me.

Characters were alright. Indy looked close enough to Harrison Ford, although a little heavyish in the face. He sounded like Harrison too. Maggie was...okay? Interesting little mystery about her character I suppose, but not well executed. Her motivations seemed strange. But, at least she had motivation, unlike the bad guy, whose name escapes me right now. Mangus Fletcher? I dunno. I had no idea what he was looking for or why he wanted it, in fact the power of the staff of kings...err...Moses...whatever, isn't explained. Yeah, it can split the Red Sea, and that's I don't think Angus or whatever is gonna be leading the Jews away from Egypt.

Last level was lame. Didn't realize it was the last level until the bad guy died. And the graphics really sucked at that point. It was just a mess. Maybe there was just something wrong with my system.

The music was great, the locations interesting, even if they weren't strung together in a coherent manner. The story and characters could have used work (why introduce Suzy, for example? What purpose did she serve?), but I enjoyed the game, for what it's worth.

And it's the first video game I've ever beat. Sad that at 21 I hadn't really finished a game all the way until the end with the exception of the lego game.


I'm still on the first level (I think). I'm at the part where you blow up the dynamite crates and knock out the catwalk.

um...what's going on so far? I find an idol, then fly in a plane, now I'm chasing some girl through alleys?

Please tell me the story gets a little better then this as the game progresses.

Unfortunately, I had to get the PS2 version, as I don't have a Wii. I was going to get the PSP, but it was 15 dollars more expensive, and considering the PS2 and PSP versions of The Force Unleashed were exactly the same, I figured I'd go with the PS2.

Are the two different in any way? Should I have gone with the PSP?

And in regards to the cancelled PS3/XBox360/novel thing, I think something fisshy is going on. It would be decidedly Lucas-like to say these are all cancelled, just to surprise us somewhere down the road with an Next Gen console release of the game. I think they're seeing how many copies it sells on Wii/DS/PSP/PS2, and if they sell well, then all of a sudden they will announce they've "just decided" the XBox and PS3 will get it. And they'll release the novel along with the Next Gen console releases.

A finished novel being canned just set off a lot of "Bull****" alarms in my head.
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Moderator Emeritus
Ok, reading what people have said about the PS2 version, I'm worried. I'm worried that it won't be as good as ET and I'm very not happy about co-op mode being only on Wii. Frankly, I ain't about to get a Wii just to play a better version of SoK. This combined with the cancellation of the book and a movie with many wasted opportunities, well, I can't help but feel that we're drawing the short straw with Lucasfilm and all it's affiliates. SW fans have very little to complain about (other than a couple of ok but not great movies), they get novels all the time (good or crap), cartoon TV series (a couple of times over), SW only conventions, an extensive merchandise line, a few different comic book series (still a few continuing series going today) and decent to pretty good video games.

Let's face it: Indyfans have been loyal to a much smaller, though still iconic franchise and have collected stuff with what little they have (despite how rare a lot of the merchandise is). Heck, even COW have their own fan summits in the States. We've always had to make everything on our own to continue the passion (even this forum since the official site never made one ever and I certainly wouldn't pay just to post anyway). When it's supposed to be our time, our product, there always has to be something screwed up or ignored. Some of the books that came out last year had a few obvious enough errors (like the Greatest Adventures scrapbook that couldn't match faces to names right!).

You can only screw around with the consumer for so long till they get sick of the crap and stop buying your stuff. If anymore stuff like this continues to happen, my passion for Indy will continue to wane and I will probably put my money to a different franchise (and no, it certainly won't be SW). Heck, I'm not even dressing up as an Indy character for my 21st.

If they had just published the damn book, maybe I might change my mind a little.
To be honest I can't see how ye're all not following the story. Its probably because I'm reading the journal as I go, but for me the jumps between locations are far more coherent then in ET, I mean, that Prague Level, why the hell did Indy go to Prague, Why was he there? What was that Frankenstein monster thing? Also it seems to me that the level design in SOK is far far better then ET, again, Prague, each room in that castle thing didn't seem to connect to the next, libraries at the end of dark cavarns, wierd clock rooms in the celler, that sorta thing. Just finished Panama, and I have to say I'm pretty impressed with the way they've incorporated Mayan Mythology into the level design and the puzzles, which aren't all as easy as some people would like to make out.

Panama in face reminded me of a Legend of Zelda level, that whole temple was very impressive.

Seriously guys, read the journal as you go, I know we shouldn't have to and it should be incorporated into the cutscenes, but the stories not half bad, its a fair sight better then the one in Emperor's Tomb anyway.

Maybe its my lowered expectations, but the storys really pulled me in, just started Istanbul and impressed that its set at the opening of the Topkapi Palace as a museum. I definately prefer Voller as a villian to that guy in ET, plus,the numerous escapes Indy makes, triggering traps, chucking a bag at him, are really just Indy to me.

And IndyJones2131, calm it down a bit with the personal insults, just cos SuperboyDevlin likes the game and you don't is hardly excuse for what you're saying to him.


Well-known member
Jeremiah Jones said:
Seriously guys, read the journal as you go, I know we shouldn't have to and it should be incorporated into the cutscenes, but the stories not half bad, its a fair sight better then the one in Emperor's Tomb anyway.
Are there any pictures somewhere of this journal? Does it come with every version?:confused: What's the skinny on the Young Indy levels? I'm extremely jealous of all you folks right now!

@Violet: Don't jump ship! We'd miss you.:whip:


New member
And IndyJones2131, calm it down a bit with the personal insults, just cos SuperboyDevlin likes the game and you don't is hardly excuse for what you're saying to him.

Ha. You obviously did not read/understand the comments he made first. HE was the one who turned my simple problems with the game into personal insults. But then why the hell am I defending myself to you anyway? And why do you care? You his mom or something?
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New member
Seriously I cant shoot when on that stupid elephant. Yoda's help desk wont respond to my email. I've exchanged the game and still have the same problem. Is anyone else having this issue on ps2.


New member
I beat the game last night. SO MANY bugs and poor design decisions. What a shame.

The end was cool visually (not graphically of course) but again the gameplay just ruined it.



New member
Ok time for my 2 cents.

This was lazy, just lazy. I have never seen a more phoned in attempt as a video game in a very long time. I mean it's just......Blegh!

The word mediocre is too good for it. I wont reiterate or bore you with what's already been said. Everything that is wrong with this game has already been commented on, but I will talk about one thing that really bugged me, that no one seemed to really talk about.

The music, Now dont get me wrong, The music in itself was pretty good, but some of the choices were just lazy and not thought out.

Like Mutt's theme showing up or the many instances where Irna's theme plays in some of the cut scenes. I can forgive the usage of the Ark theme when Indy finds the Journal in Panama just barely, but then they used Irna's theme right after that, UGH!! That irked me.

I hate it when they do stuff like this. Lucasarts does it a lot with Star Wars games. The Ewok theme, Jabba The Hutt's theme or Yoda's theme showing up when your no where near any Ewoks or Jabba or Yoda.

I mean Composer Gordy Habb did a pretty good job with the original music he did compose for the game and I do want to get my hands on it as it's really good, but I don't understand why Lucasarts did not go all the way and had him compose an entirely new music score using The Raider's March like Clint Bajakian did for ET.

He wrote an amazing score for ET. Full of great original themes and still used the Raider's March plenty of times to keep a film score buff and theme fanatic like me happy.

I think you can all now see that I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to film scores and thematic continuity and appropriateness.

I mean it makes no sense to me why They would not have him compose an original score. It's like the satchel thing. It makes no logical sense Every time I heard a theme that did not belong it irked me.

The Only theme I should be hearing on a regular basis during cut scenes and within the context of the game play itself is the Raiders March.


New member
RONDC20 said:
I think you can all now see that I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to film scores and thematic continuity and appropriateness.

On the contrary; music is one of the most important things in a game, something that can often make or break a particular moment, or just the entire game. It's a shame that it's often also one of the aspects that gets less attention than it should (just like, o let's say, writing?)

However, from what I'm hearing about Staff of Kings, it sounds like they treated every aspect like that.

The score from Emperor's Tomb was actually very pleasant to listen too, and it often had exactly the right impact on the right moments :)

Johnny Nys

Okay, honestly, I don't know what the fuss is about. I bought a copy of the PS2-version today. Been playing for an hour, hour and a half or so. Did the Sudan level, now I'm on that level with the boat wrecks and the canon.

Perhaps it's because I was so disappointed to read all those bad reviews, but I'm genuinely enjoying this game. Controls are easy. I wish the fights were less chaotic - I didn't have a chance to try the jelly fish. But like I said before, I'm not much of a fighter when it comes to games.

So really, next to the lack of extras besides artwork, at this moment I don't have anything to gripe about.


New member
Jeremiah Jones said:
Maybe its my lowered expectations, but the storys really pulled me in, just started Istanbul and impressed that its set at the opening of the Topkapi Palace as a museum. I definately prefer Voller as a villian to that guy in ET, plus,the numerous escapes Indy makes, triggering traps, chucking a bag at him, are really just Indy to me.

This was something I enjoyed, actually. It felt like Indy when he was hanging onto a ledge and you had to pull him up. Those were mostly in the exploring levels, which, as I said, I enjoyed.

The game is enjoyable, I suppose, but not great. The strange thing is that I went in with almost zero expectations. I was planning on buying it, but I woke up and saw that it was coming out so I bought it. I had fun because it was Indy, but wasn't really blown away by anything nor do I think I'll play it again any time soon.

Also, the part on the boat that's underground, did anyone else's game go into slow motion at that point? It was kind of cool to fight in slo-mo, but pretty sure that wasn't supposed to happen.

And during the last level when you're supposed to blow up Mangus or whoever, the game froze and kept repeating "You'll have you'll have you'll have you'll have you'll have you'll have..."

And I had to turn it off and start over. Fun.