General Indy 5 Thread - rumors and possibilities

Honestly...will there be another Indy film in the next decade?

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New member
i wouldn't mind a small role for marion. just at the start. and Mutt be the sidekick again. the film definitely needs youth and Indy is too old for a love interest.


Something the really threw KOCS off was TOO MANY side kicks, Mutt, Ox, Marion, and Mac. It took away from Indy's screen time which we needed allot of because it's been 20 years since we had a brand new drink of Indy.

Mutt takes away from Indy's screen time so my vote is we get someone new and with less importance for a change.


New member
IndyFan89 said:
Something the really threw KOCS off was TOO MANY side kicks, Mutt, Ox, Marion, and Mac. It took away from Indy's screen time which we needed allot of because it's been 20 years since we had a brand new drink of Indy.

Mutt takes away from Indy's screen time so my vote is we get someone new and with less importance for a change.
That's not entirely true. Some of the more interesting Indy moments in the film are with Mutt and the whole interrogation scene is missing Mutt. In fact Mutt is never on screen without Indy.


New member
i can agree with that too many sidekick thing. It worked in LC cause they were separated and ultimately Indy did a bunch of stuff. the next movie should go

Natalie Portman.

Jones Disciple

Active member
Like it or not Mutt and Marion will be in Indy 5 as I am sure the next one will be a family affair. Don?t get me wrong I like the prequel idea and would welcome with open arms a more Raiders like film but I just don?t think it is practical given Ford?s age. The big question is how will they evolve Mutt? Will he follow Jones family tradition and become an archeologist? What will he be like? Will he carry a sword like his Dad carries a whip? Will the scar Spalko gave him be visible and echo his Dad?s scar? How will his clothing change or will it? A big part of what will determine the success of this film is how they deal with this character. Indy is easy and for that matter so is Marion. Mutt is a potential problem.


Well-known member
IndyFan89 said:
Mutt takes away from Indy's screen time so my vote is we get someone new and with less importance for a change.

I agree. Mutt's significance to the series at this point lay beyond the point that Harrison Ford hangs up the hat. If it were up to me, I would include Mutt and Marion in Indy5 in scenes prior to when Indy leaves New York to go on his adventure, and only bring them back for the very end when Harrison does the real torch-passing moment (as opposed to the "Psyche!" one of Indy4).

Indy's had enough youths as sidekicks. We've had a little kid, and we've had an arrogant young man. We can go back to having adults now. I also agree with the sentiment that Indy4 had too many sidekicks. The movie's "family dynamic" angle forced Indy to have his ex-love, their illegitimate child, and the child's surrogate dad all tag along for the adventure, at the expense of letting any individual character shine. Maybe if they'd just let Winstone be Indy's main sidekick, they could have actually made him the great character he had the potential to be.


sandiegojones said:
That's not entirely true. Some of the more interesting Indy moments in the film are with Mutt and the whole interrogation scene is missing Mutt. In fact Mutt is never on screen without Indy.

No he didn't just sword fight Spalko and swing from vines with monkeys...:rolleyes:


Well-known member
I quite like the younger rival idea- it's been done before but then so has everything in Indy. Could work quite well; I'd like him to be surprisingly good and better than Indy at some things.

Indie House

New member
I think the way Crystal Skull ended was a natural closing for the series... it would be hard to best it with something else (save for of our hero dying which I'm not a fan of).

A Temple Of Doom style prequel would be my preference for Indy V. It would be great to see things end in such a way that made me want to pick up Crystal Skull and watch it immediately after (ala Red Dragon to Silence Of The Lambs).

Perhaps the story could take place during Indy's undercover missions in Russia and end with "Very nice work colonel Jones, you've done your country a great service. Now step this way, I'd like you to meet your new partner George McHale...". We don't ever see him but have an idea what's to come.

I'm not suggesting this example is the best of endings but the principle would leave the audience feeling that Crystal Skull was the true punctuation mark at the end.


Ray Hare

New member
what do you think of this for Indy 5?

Indiana Jones and the Sacred Relic
The Story Synopisis
It is 1959 the Cold War is beginning to escalate. The tension between Communist and Capitalist doctrine is heightening. Each side is looking for something that will finally vanquish their foe. In this climate Indy finds himself in a race with China, the United States and Great Britain to find the greatest relic of all, the True Cross of Christ. For each know whoever holds the ultimate symbol of Christianity holds the balance of power, over the world.
Van Leung ? an elite officer of the Chinese army. Cold, calculating and cunning. His loyalty to China and its Communist government is unwavering. He will stop at nothing to retrieve the Cross of Christ.
Thomas Thorne ? member of the British Secret Service MI5. Working with the US army. His vast knowledge of spy networks and ability to use this to anticipate his opponent?s next move makes him highly desirable in the Cold War environment. The pursuit of the cross is a race he wants to be first over the finish line.
General Cooper-Harding ? a general in the US army. Comes from a family with a long line of military service dating back to the war of independence. A fierce patriot, his pursuit of the Cross of Christ lies in preventing the Chinese obtaining it so they cannot use it to spread their Communist doctrine.
Indy ? the famous archaeologist. His ability to obtain rare ancient artefacts makes his value in the race for the True Cross a priority. He may have gotten older but he has also gotten wiser. Unlike previous adventures, in this race, fortune and glory is not the prize.
Marion Ravenwood - now married to Indy and still as feisty as ever. Her help to recover the Ark of the Covenant and Crystal Skull was legendary. Her help to find the Cross of Christ will be invaluable.
Preston Ryan ? a former student of Indy. His pursuit of the True Cross has been an obsession since leaving College. His association with the Chinese is unclear. He has always admired Indy but unlike Indy his academic skills far out way his physical prowess.
Sallah ? a long time friend of Indy. He was with Indy when he retrieved the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. His connections in Egypt and his great friendship with Indy makes him a valuable ally.

Himalaya 1959.
The Paramount logo fades into the summit of Everest
Exterior Ghengis Kahn?s tomb.
The wind is bellowing and the snow is falling. Four men battle the blizzard. One seems to direct the other packed laden men. The leader wears the all too familiar fedora. Indy motions towards a rock that seems out of place. He presses the rock in and suddenly the ground before them gives way revealing a downward spiral staircase. The three men behind Indy gasp. Indy begins his descent. The three men have a quick lively discussion in Cantonese. One breaks off.
Zhou ?I?m going with him. You know what to do!?

How's this grab you? :whip:


New member
Interesting, but u could also have the Spear Of Christ.

and this part..

"Marion Ravenwood - now married to Indy and still as feisty as ever. Her help to recover the Ark of the Covenant and Crystal Skull was legendary. Her help to find the Cross of Christ will be invaluable"

made me cringe, cut her and that out!


Ray Hare

New member
Thanks guys....I could kill Marion off! Making people cringe? I have alot in common with Lucas then...ha ha ha. I used Marion now because they are married and we can't get away from it. I always felt Indy should be a loner and no family but thanks to George he's now a family man. I like the spear of Christ, that's great! but I chose the cross as Lucas mentioned it on the web as a possibility. I did a bit of research and the story is a fascinating one.

This is just a bit of the scene that explains the discovery of The Cross based on its actual legend.

Its Indy talking to Thorne...Indy:"There are a number of stories but most scholars agree that it was discovered by the mother of Constantine, Helene, after he converted the Roman Empire to Christianity around 337AD. It seems to have gone missing after the battle of Hattin in 1187AD when the Muslims under Saladin occupied Jerusalem".

Thorne: "Lost? not according to Ryan or the Chinese...the power of the Cross is not to be taken lightly. There was actually three crosses Helene had to choose from. So a dying woman was placed on them. When her body was laid on the true cross her health was restored. This is a mere fraction of its wonder. Professor Jones the army who holds the Cross before them conquers all who stand in their way. If it falls into less savoury hands, the world as we desire it, will be all but a passing memory."

But the consequence of using the cross is what drives my story. The moral implications of it.....I'd love to say what it is but it would give the story away. Anyway I appreciate your comments. :whip:


New member
Indie House said:
I think the way Crystal Skull ended was a natural closing for the series... it would be hard to best it with something else (save for of our hero dying which I'm not a fan of).
I don't know that I agree. It could have been a natural close, a sort of book-end, but they don't give that sense. It feels like there are still plenty of adventures to be told, rather than Indy himself is actually winding down.

I wish INDY IV had more of a winding-down feel, as if we really had seen Indy's last truly great adventure. It would have made more sense of a lot of the nostalgic references, and thus KINGDOM would have been something of a good-bye letter to Dr. Jones. Darabont's CITY OF THE GODS, imperfect as it was, did have something of that feel, and that was a nice touch.

Still, I don't really see an INDY V being able to capture that "winding down" feel now. After KINGDOM, such a story would feel odd. But I do think one could make an INDY V that was just a really solid adventure film, and if it managed it, it would be worthwhile.


New member
yeah, Spielberg would only direct the first. Jackson the second. I imagine Spielberg would produce the second or something. he's got Lincoln, Tin Tin and Interstellar on his director's slate. I think Indy would take precedence over Interstellar.