

Moderator Emeritus
When this Archaeology Section first appeared in July of 2001, it was after some begging on my part - assuring the staff of TR.N then, that it would be visited often.

I can't thank you all enough for making my desire to discuss Archaeology on TR.N come true. The posts you have made to this thread are amazing and the number of posts - stunning!

I hope that you will continue to delve into our ancient online tome and uncover further secrets. We hope to have our new Archaeology section at TR.N's main page up and running in the near future, and welcome your comments and discussion on the numerous topics that emerge from our studies.

Thanks again, for making this topic so successful!



New member
This is probably the forum I get the most excited about when I read that there's a response. Don't get me wrong, I'm an Indy fan to the core, but even that stems from my passion for antiquity. Thank you, moderators, for sponsoring this forum.


New member
What is going on?

I love this forum most of the threads are of a very high quality and often the most rewarding to read


That's cos all us intellectuals hang out in here bob! :p

It's just nice to be able to share archaeology info with people who appreciate it :)

Joe Brody

Well-known member

With the anticipated move to Raven 3.0 would you consider broadening this topic to include other academic fields like history and language?

I make the suggestion because it seems that there are other members here who have interests in these fields that are arguably just as Indy-related as archaeology. While these interests clearly could be served in a miscellaneous table, it just seems a better fit to have one area to concentrate these discussions because of what I assume would be some overlap and shared interests among the members.

Not surprisingly there is a respectable population here with more than a passing interest in archaeology, and I totally respect and appreciate the dedicated archaeolgy topic -- especially given the success you have had in having members posting good content and staying on topic.

I could see how broadening the topic could compromise what has been acheived, but I think it's an idea that I hope you would give some consideration. Possibly, a broader topic area -- with a stated emphasis on archaeolgy -- could be called something fanciful like the 'Professor's Lounge'.

While I'm not a regular poster in this topic, I do appreciate the content.



Pale Horse

Staff member
Indiana 101/ University of Indiana

Break it down like a typical college, or secondary school, with topics that could be discussed in an educational format. I love that idea, Joe.


New member
Count my vote for a "Professor's Lounge" Great idea and name idea, Joe B!
I love this! Though, I wouldn't consider myself a regular poster with good input(I'll bug ya'll to learn me some tho!) in the Archeology forum....I have found myself gravitating here while on the board.... very interesting...Yes, Thank You Mods!!


Staff member
Yeah... finding actually smart, intellectual people among the Indyfans... who would have guessed? :p

It's a good thing we have such a section. I may not post here too often, but I sure as heck read everything.


New member
Though I don't post at this particular forum that much (I don't know a lot about archaeology, unfortunately), I read the posts, and I have learned a lot!


Moderator Emeritus
We'll look into it...

Believe it or not, we have talked about something similar to this before. So let us mull it over. I'm glad you all like the Table. When I first suggested it nearly two years ago, it wasn't really taken seriously, as it was believed by some at the time, that it would not generate as much discussion. Boy were they wrong ;-)

We will look at a possible expansion, but I can't make any guarantees.



New member
"The Profesor's Lounge," great idea bub! Archeology and history have always been my favorite subjects, I'm no "intellectual" but I do know a thing or two. Count me in! :D

Tennessee R

New member
It generated so much interest for me, I clicked on (show all posts) and clicked on all the interesting ones, then, came to this one, and decided it was time to thank you again (After all, only four people thanked you at the time) for hanging in there.

Edit: Oh, and I also think that those ideas mentioned in the last few posts might be nice.

[Edited by Tennessee R on 02-28-2004 at 04:18 pm]

Doc Savage

New member
Sounds like a couple of great ideas. This is arguably the best forum on the board...but I think we should rename it "The Doctors' Lounge." You know...Doctor Jones...Doctor Savage...:p