A new nemisis for #5 ? Who would you cast?

Dig Site 1138

New member
Dewy9 said:
I'd love to see my all time favorite musical artist, David Bowie, go up against Ford. Bowie does have a Lucas connection- Labyrinth- as the wonderfully creepy Jareth the Goblin King.


Bowie would be fun. How's about Rutger Hauer? He could be an escaped Nazi living in Argentina or something. It could be a Blade Runner reunion.


New member
Dig Site 1138 said:

Bowie would be fun. How's about Rutger Hauer? He could be an escaped Nazi living in Argentina or something. It could be a Blade Runner reunion.

Rutger's great, and I'm looking forward to seeing him in "Hobo with a Shotgun".


New member
Lonesome Drifter, I came up with a plot that I posted about Short Round and Indy finally finding the peacock's eye together. But the Idea of them feuding would be good. I think Short Round is one of my favorite characters from the Indy movies.

Indy's brother

New member
Jonathan Ke Quan. As a different character altogether as an inside joke. If he were So Wa Mu (Shorty) the villian, it would make TOD hard to watch.

I do like the Selleck idea of course for the obvious reason, but more than that, I'd like to see him play a villain.


Well-known member
Maybe something with Cuba, Cuban spies, set it sometime between 1959 and 1961. Have part of the action down in seedy New Orleans (like the sleazy, underbelly of gangsters and corruption New Orleans portrayed in the film JFK). Maybe work in some really dangerous, thuggish, REAL greasers--the kind that would actually try to use their switchblades on someone like Dr. Jones. They could be simply thugs hired by the main villain(s)

Or you could have the Russians again, but make them renegade Soviets or at least, truly evil Soviets, or Trotskyists. I'd say Nazis trying to rebuild the Reich but Spielberg will never use anything near them again.

Darth Vile

New member
Raiders112390 said:
Maybe something with Cuba, Cuban spies, set it sometime between 1959 and 1961. Have part of the action down in seedy New Orleans (like the sleazy, underbelly of gangsters and corruption New Orleans portrayed in the film JFK). Maybe work in some really dangerous, thuggish, REAL greasers--the kind that would actually try to use their switchblades on someone like Dr. Jones. They could be simply thugs hired by the main villain(s)

Or you could have the Russians again, but make them renegade Soviets or at least, truly evil Soviets, or Trotskyists. I'd say Nazis trying to rebuild the Reich but Spielberg will never use anything near them again.

You have to remember that Lucas/Spielberg (both in Indiana Jones and Star Wars) have historically depicted the villains as largely cliched, pantomime antagonists. Whilst I'd really like to see real ruthless/vicious gangsters and underworld villains (as you suggest), I'm not sure that would be in keeping with the existing aesthetic... (unless we want the Cuban equivalent of Lao Che); so it's down to wether Spielberg/Lucas are looking to mix the formula up a bit for a potential Indy V. Here's hoping... :)

Montana Smith

Active member
Darth Vile said:
You have to remember that Lucas/Spielberg (both in Indiana Jones and Star Wars) have historically depicted the villains as largely cliched, pantomime antagonists. Whilst I'd really like to see real ruthless/vicious gangsters and underworld villains (as you suggest), I'm not sure that would be in keeping with the existing aesthetic... (unless we want the Cuban equivalent of Lao Che); so it's down to wether Spielberg/Lucas are looking to mix the formula up a bit for a potential Indy V. Here's hoping... :)

While the villains have been cliched, in Star Wars Vader quickly showed that he's more than a pantomime menace by snapping a rebel's neck. In ROTLA I have no doubt that, given the chance, Toht would have used the hot poker on Marion's face. Mola Ram was also in this camp. The current vogue may be for more menace than fatal action, with the likes of Spalko and Dovchenko, which would presume that an Indy 5 would also follow this route.

Darth Vile

New member
Montana Smith said:
While the villains have been cliched, in Star Wars Vader quickly showed that he's more than a pantomime menace by snapping a rebel's neck. In ROTLA I have no doubt that, given the chance, Toht would have used the hot poker on Marion's face. Mola Ram was also in this camp. The current vogue may be for more menace than fatal action, with the likes of Spalko and Dovchenko, which would presume that an Indy 5 would also follow this route.

Whilst not disagreeing with you, I think it's more subtle than that. The fact that Toht (or Governor Tarkin for that matter) could successfully generate threat without the drop of blood indicates that it's not necessarily about body count and/or the use of violence. Rather, it's how threat/menace is conveyed by director and actor. I agree that Spalko seemed to lack the menace of Toht or Mola Ram... but I think that's more down to Spielberg, as he seems to be painting her as a sexy femme fatale from the very off (notice how Spalko is introduced with her establishing shot in sunshine and then compare that to establishing shots of Toht and Mola Ram with heavy shadow and shades of red/orange... as if straight from Hell itself). Some would like to think its's the script or Lucas' fault, but it's the direction (IMHO), or at least it should be the direction, that sets the tone of the piece.


Staff member
Bring back Ric Young as Kao "you killed my brother" Kan.
Moedred said:
Bring back Ric Young as Kao "you killed my brother" Kan.
I like this idea...but would he be in the prologue or the main story?

Maybe he's shows up in the middle of the adventure to spoil Indy's plans...say he recognizes Indy in disguise.

Darth Vile

New member
Moedred said:
Bring back Ric Young as Kao "you killed my brother" Kan.

Rocket Surgeon said:
I like this idea...but would he be in the prologue or the main story?

Maybe he's shows up in the middle of the adventure to spoil Indy's plans...say he recognizes Indy in disguise.

Great idea... I'd love that. :D