Haunted House?


New member
This may have been mentioned before...

You know how Indy3 was going to be a play off the old Haunted House gags? The Christopher Columbus script and all? I think there's a chance that this could be the fourth movie: its time for a darker movie anyways, and this would fit just as well in the 50s and the 30s.

Any ideas?

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Well, my kneejerk reaction is that a haunted house isn't particularly dark. On the contrary, in an adventure film, it just sounds immature.


I agreed with Attila, not really very indyish....mabey for the opening scene in a comic or something, but certainly not in a movie


New member
I think that maybe LC narrowed our expectations of what an Indy film could be, there was never really supposed to be a set formula until the critical failure of ToD ended originality in the series.

A haunted house could work, but i cannot really see how


New member
I do think we should take a look at a completely different genre in Indy4 - if its the same as Raiders and Crusade, why make another one?