CineMassacre: The Top 10 Dumbest Indiana Jones Moments


New member
James Rolfe brings us the 10 dumbest moments in the series. It's more like "ridiculous" moments, and thankfully he didn't join the KOTCS bashing bandwagon (in fact he liked it, if you check out his review of it). He also concedes that Indy films need their dumb moments and blames today's audiences lack of imagination for the flack cheesy movies get. God forbid a ridiculous moment occurs in a movie!

:whip: Enjoy:

edit: The video ends with an amazing montage comparing classic adventure films with modern Indy scenes.
Thanks for the link...there's just too much to say, I'll leave it to others.

However how can you put a list together like this and leave out stuff like drinking with crime lords who have already tried to cheat and kill you, or handing your gun over to a nightclub singer in a shootout instead of putting it on the seat.

Marion smashing a guy with a pan wasn't dumb...shooting the driver of the truck your girl is captive in is!

Nice try.



New member
WeAreGoingToDie said:
James Rolfe brings us the 10 dumbest moments in the series. It's more like "ridiculous" moments, and thankfully he didn't join the KOTCS bashing bandwagon (in fact he liked it, if you check out his review of it). He also concedes that Indy films need their dumb moments and blames today's audiences lack of imagination for the flack cheesy movies get. God forbid a ridiculous moment occurs in a movie!

:whip: Enjoy:

edit: The video ends with an amazing montage comparing classic adventure films with modern Indy scenes.

That was great! Funny and entertaining..and makes me want to start an Indy marathon right now.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Really? He thought the voodoo doll not allowing a fair fight was a justifiable complaint?

The other one I think is phenomenally silly is the complaint about the Hound Dog sequence. Yeah, the song itself was too obvious

I still have to stand by the KotCS waterfalls being a poorly executed version of a great idea, whereas the Temple of Doom slalom was a possibly lackluster idea done very well.

Mostly, though, I'm not sure how the guy who delivers those nice few lines at the end of this can be the same guy who ripped into some of the moments that he did. It WAS a nice montage.


Active member
WeAreGoingToDie said:
James Rolfe brings us the 10 dumbest moments in the series. It's more like "ridiculous" moments, and thankfully he didn't join the KOTCS bashing bandwagon (in fact he liked it, if you check out his review of it). He also concedes that Indy films need their dumb moments and blames today's audiences lack of imagination for the flack cheesy movies get. God forbid a ridiculous moment occurs in a movie!

:whip: Enjoy:

edit: The video ends with an amazing montage comparing classic adventure films with modern Indy scenes.

Thank Jehovah! When I first read the title of this thread, I dreaded yet another jamboree of Anti-KOTCSing. Whew! Some people have sense!


New member
kongisking said:
Thank Jehovah! When I first read the title of this thread, I dreaded yet another jamboree of Anti-KOTCSing. Whew! Some people have sense!

Yeah, considering he placed the Fridge scene as 5th and did it mostly because of how infamous it is with complainers, I'd say he was very kind to KOTCS. He seems more of a TOD hater, if anything. He even gives KOTCS respect for showing Indy working out how to escape the A-bomb whereas the tank escape in TLC just sort of happens. He makes a good point too, Indy basically teleports away from the top of the tank inbetween shots.


Well-known member
I love the Angry Video Game Nerds video's but this one I couldnt really agree with. What happens in the Indy movies are Gospel to me and I don't question them except for the Mutt/Tarzan stuff :p


New member
Pretty nice compilation. Although I think some of his 'dumbest moments' were misplaced; flocks of birds can take down plans, a knife wielding villain could be knocked unconscious with a frying pan in the dark, lots of families with kids lived outside of nuclear test facilities back in the 40s/50s (some even recall getting up at 5 am to watch the atomic bombs go off). Yet he ignored subjects like immobilizing a motorbike Nazi with a broken flag pole, Willie hovering feet above a lava pit with being chard, going off a water fall and surviving the churning white splash below... three times.

In the end, it's about the writer, director, and actors' ability to make you suspend your beliefs.

Nurhachi1991 said:
What happens in the Indy movies are Gospel to me and I don't question them except for the Mutt/Tarzan stuff

Well... coz that was just ghey.


Well-known member
I don't understand why he hated the card/jungle scene so much that scene was just awesome.

"You Cheat Dr. Jones you cheat!!!!"

You can't beat that

Forbidden Eye

Well-known member
Well, I'm glad he didn't just make the fridge and raft #'s 1 and 2.

Like Attila said, the best part of the video were the montages comparing the Indy movies with the serials. I wonder what silly moment Indy 5 has stored for us(hopefully Spielberg and Lucas won't completely turn away from those moments after some lukewarm reception of the 4th.)


Well-known member
Gear said:
Pretty nice compilation. Although I think some of his 'dumbest moments' were misplaced; flocks of birds can take down planes,
When this was mentioned, I was almost ready to turn it off. According to the narrator, "it's a fine line between brilliance and DUMB!". Well, the same could be said for this video...:rolleyes:
Forbidden Eye said:
Like Attila said, the best part of the video were the montages comparing the Indy movies with the serials.
That was the only reason I watched it for. Over many years, I've been putting together shot-by-shot recreations of scenes from Indy films (I only need 2-3 more shots and the entire, opening 15 mins. of "Raiders" will be complete). Almost almost every clip shown here is in my collection but I still don't have "China"!:mad:

Lance Quazar

Well-known member
Well, I didn't agree with a lot of his choices (though he was spot on with his KOTCS critiques), but I thought this was entertaining and in good fun, with obvious affection for the films and those that inspired them.

It was great to see the clips of the older films and serials. I'll definitely have to check out "China".

And, maybe it's just my filter of hating KOTCS, but he seemed VERY sarcastic when he said how much everyone "loved" that movie.

But, then, he did seem even handed in his criticisms.

The one big moment I'd put on the list is the Indy satchel tangle from "last crusade." It just makes no sense whatsoever and is easily the most "unrealistic" moment in the series. As depicted, it is physically impossible.

Forbidden Eye

Well-known member
Lance Quazar said:
(though he was spot on with his KOTCS critiques),

Oh come on, you have to admit his complaint for #9 was really a stretch(and didn't make much sense).

And, maybe it's just my filter of hating KOTCS, but he seemed VERY sarcastic when he said how much everyone "loved" that movie.

But, then, he did seem even handed in his criticisms.

He gave a positive review on youtube when it came out.

Darth Vile

New member
Thanks WeAreGoingToDie.

Somewhat like myself, this was something put together by a man who clearly enjoys all the Indy movies to some degree... and doesn't feel uncomfortable analyzing/critiquing a movie he likes. I think the underlying sentiment is sound (something I've been rattling on about for the last 12 months)... regardless of personal likes/dislikes and preferences, scenes such as the rubber raft escape, campfire scene (TOD), 'Doom Town' and the jungle chase, all capture the same essence/spirit of the movies that first inspired 'Indiana Jones'... and to seriously dispute one, undermines all of them to some degree. :)


New member
I also recommend his Angry Video Game Nerd Indiana Jones video as well:

I enjoy James Rolfe's critiques as he shows that he truly is a fan, but isn't afraid to point out the "warts". Even then, he almost always concedes that the warts make the piece what it is.

I love the Star Wars prequels, but admit that there are problems with them. But if I could choose between losing the problems or keeping then, I'd keep them without question. Sio Bibble MAKES Episode 1 in my opinion. ;)
Gear said:
...immobilizing a motorbike Nazi with a broken flag pole...

Now that CAN be done, just not to a "free spinning" wheel that's off the ground. It would have to had been on the ground to flip the bike.

He is getting hits to site though...whatever the content maybe!

Morning Bell

New member
I was just about to post this but then I noticed this thread. It was a fun video and James always does great work, whether you agree with him or not. He seems to be a big Indy fan and he even gave KOTCS a good review.

What I really like was his statement at the end about audiences no longer being able to enjoy escapism and have fun, a complaint I've had for quite awhile now. It's refreshing to know there are still people who can sit back and just enjoy a movie for what it is, regardless of flaws or implausibility.


New member
Great thread WeAreGoingToDie!

While I may not agree with every clip he referenced, the video does make a good point regarding the ridiculous and over-the-top moments that defy logic, running through all 4 movies.
And as Darth Vile already said,
Originally Posted by Darth Vile
to seriously dispute one, undermines all of them to some degree.

By the way, I really enjoyed his editing of the old films with the Indy series! Seeing clips of China, Secret of the Incas, Gunga Din, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, etc. really showcases just how much was borrowed from these old classics. makes me want to start a classic adventure marathon, followed by an Indy one!(y)