More archeology in IJ4-- please!


Well-known member
One of my favorite things in Raiders was to see Indy not only as an adventurer, but also as a archeologist-- a real scientist. I loved seeing him using a surveying instrument, making calculations in the Map Room and supervising the dig for the Well of the Souls. It really made Indy look professional when he worked with the tools of his trade. In my opinion, it somehow made his character more genuine-- as if he was a real person doing his job and not just a fantasy character that has amazing things happen to him. He looked more like a "real guy" and that's one of the reasons I like Indy. And it was so cool to see him directing the diggers and even digging with them in the beginning. It's obvious to Indy that he's serious about his profession and concerned about the diggers' welfare. Yes, I love the swashbuckling and derring-do, but I also loved seeing Indy's professional side. I guess it made him more believable as an archeologist. Anyhoo, that's my spiel.

George, Steve or Harrison, if you're reading this I'd like to see more of Indy "at work" in Indy 4, being the terrific archeologist he is. Let's see Indy using some tools, doing some math, scouting an area for a dig, doing some stratigraphy or doing other jobs related to his profession. Maybe even taking out some grad students on a archeology "field trip" and showing them the ropes. Then maybe Henry Sr. won't have to say "You call this archeology?"

Regards, Indyologist.


New member
I agree, and do to the fact that i am a major of archaeology, i think that the first movie was best from a archaeological stand point.


Indyologist, I couldn't agree with you more. What you wrote was very well said.

Archaeology is a crucial ingredient.


Well-known member
Wow Indyologist! What a great thread.

Upon reading your wonderful post, I thought to myself "she's right!"

It would be wonderful to see Indy doing 'real' archaeology in Jones 4, as well as seeing him do the usual heroic stuff he does.

I agree with you when you say that when Indy did these types of things in Raiders, it made him seem more 'real'.

A very good post. Well done! :D


Well-known member
Gosh, guys, I'm flattered (blushing). Thanks for all your kind compliments. I love to hear all your comments.


Well-known member
I also have to admit that seeing Indy being "professional" turned me on as well. The way he gently fondles that sand-coated slab of stone in the Map Room, tenderly exploring with strong fingers for that sensitive opening to plunge in his long, firm rod.... okay, okay that's enough! Pant, pant!

Joe Brody

Well-known member

Amen to that. Your posts are dead-on right. Since archaeology in the last two Indy movies is missing-in-action, I think scenes set in a real archaeological context are long overdue.

I'm not an archaelogist and I've never been on a dig, but I'd love to see some realistic and creative sets, and Indy engaged in some good old-fashioned problem solving.


New member
"Raiders" is my favorite Indy film for many reasons, but archaeology is one of them. It's interesting, informative, and ok, Indyologist, I admit it- sexy. *blushes* My favorite scene is when he is teaching, and misspells "Neolithic," if that counts as an archaeological scene. *sigh* hot professors....


New member
I also like the Indy misspelling scene. It gives him a more human touch. As for bringing back the archeology, defenatly.


Well-known member
Do you need me to post pics of myself when I get back into shape for you, too? [/B][/QUOTE]

Put on a white bathrobe and a towel on your head and we girls will vote! (tee hee tee hee)


New member
I agree with you Indyologist (in fact i posted something on this topic eons ago)

I think that ToD and LC missed a trick with Indy as he is primarily an archaeologist and rather than bumbling on through a series of unlikely situations he should actually do some (visually attractive) archaeology.

But I wonder is Indy actually a good archaeologist?
Yes we saw him surveying etc in Raiders but that was not using an enormous amount of skill.
He miscalculated in the opening of Raiders
He is not much of an academic really

Yes he does say that x never marks the spot, and we cannot afford to take mythology at face value as well as knowing many languages but does that make him a good archaeologist? I dont know