Indiana Jones VS the Terminator


Hello all,
I haven't yet started a thread since the rebirth of our beloved Raven, so I think it's about time.

I would like to throw out a question for discussion:

There seems to be a movement amongst the Indiana Jones fan community that seems to me to be at once both illogical, and fanatical.

Why is it that there is such a reluctance to accept even the notion of future Indiana Jones movies? Why is there such an iconoclastic attachment to Harrison Ford as THE Indiana Jones?

Indiana Jones is a fictional character with such unlimited potential that I think it is a shame to bury him forever. And yet some wish so fervently to do so that it borders on the fanatical.

Why do people think that the original trilogy of Indiana Jones movies is so fragile that it will be utterly destroyed forever by injecting some fresh new blood into the public exposition of this most wonderful of all Action Adventure characters?

Recently they made a great movie called "Troy". But you know what? Homer was NOT consulted. Homer was not involved with the production. I am outraged!!!

Achilles is NOT James Bond!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fanaticism is never a good thing.

Open your minds.


Staff member, I'm saying once again, despite the fact I've said this numerous times inside one week, I'd love to see a younger actor playing Indiana Jones in 1920's in a new series of adventure flicks. Period.

But I guess I wouldn't mind it either if somebody decent one would take his shot playing the character in a movie(s) set in the 1930's.

There are numerous legendary characters from all around the fictional world played by more than one actors on silver screen.

James Bond
The Saint
Allan Quatermain
Jack Ryan
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Jesus Christ
...and the list would go on, but let's stick with these for starters.

Many people who are against a new face playing Indy will tell us that "Indiana Jones is not James Bond". However, as we can look at the list, Bond is not alone. All of these characters are great, in the same category of respect with our beloved man in the hat. And even though every fan of these characters will have their favorite face that is superior to others who've played the same role, I have never heard anyone calling an actor switch with them blasphemy. Now, why would this be the case with Indiana Jones?

I've always said that the story is the most important, not the person who tells it to us... as long as he's good doing it.
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Well-known member
Monkey, you raise a very interesting point. I feel that Indy is the worlds greatest action hero and as you say, it would be a shame to bury him forever. Indy IS a great character with much potential and I'm sure this has the making of a very good thread.

Firstly, I would just like to say, just because I am of the opinion that Harrison Ford should star in Indy4, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to see another trilogy or quad of films, and maybe have it set in the 1930's, perhaps set before the Indy trilogy, and of course, starring a different actor.

There have been many times when I have thought about who could play Indy in a new series of films.

Many times I have thought that either Viggo Morensen, Orlando Bloom, Colin Farrell, Hugh Jackman (and at one time I thought Russell Crowe would be good) would make pretty good portrayals of our favourite hero!






Its weird, because I am so loyal to Harrison, I almost feel guilty suggesting different people who could play Indy, but even so, I would just like to point out that I DO NOT want another actor to play Indy in Jones4. ;)


Moderator Emeritus
Canyon said:
Firstly, I would just like to say, just because I am of the opinion that Harrison Ford should star in Indy4, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to see another trilogy or quad of films, and maybe have it set in the 1930's, perhaps set before the Indy trilogy, and of course, starring a different actor.

I agree. If there'd only be a Indy 4, I'd rather have them cast Ford for the role.
But if they'd at one point consider doing another trilogy ? and I'd really like that ? then it be logical if they'd take a different actor for the role.

I took a look at the list Canyon made? I think Jackman would be the best choice, out of that list.


Staff member
Canyon's suggestions...

Now, out of the suggestions Canyon made... only one I would scratch off the list right away is Bloom. (IMO even Depp would be better...) Too boyish-looking and too scrawny, his body just isn't built the way Indy is - manners either.

When I look at those pics, Crowe looks like most the one who could be up to the part... if we were to look for a replacement to Harrison Ford. Viggo could do too.

Now, if there was a 1920's Indy I spoke about, then Farrell and Jackman mite be up to the part.

Funny by the way that out all of the actors Canyon suggested, no one is American (well, Viggo is, but he's half Dane). I, however tend to think that if they're going to look for a new Indy someday... they're not having an A class star.

Unless, of course... GL and SS found Ford to the role from Star Wars. Do same with the replacement, and you mite eventually see Ewan McGregor wearing the fedora. :p


Hey, wow! I am pleasantly surprised.

I thought for sure that this threat would elicit some acidic responses, but instead it has stimulated just exactly the kind of open minded discussion that I had hoped.

(Of course everyone hasn't clocked in yet.....)

First off, I agree completely with Canyon about Indy IV. If Indy IV is made as an extension of the trilogy (key point), then yeah, of course Ford is the only choice.

My idea is for more Indiana Jones movies down the road.

Yes, I am talking about a (oh dread!) franchise.........(there, now he's gone and done it, he's used that evil word).

Indiana Jones is not James Bond....yadayadayada.....OK, that's out of the way.

But as Finn has pointed out, franchise does not necessarily equate to evil, or gluttony, or blasphemy.

I'm glad that there are other Indiana Jones fans who would enjoy the idea of seeing more Indiana Jones movies, books, etc. in the future, and don't consider the concept to be sacreligious.

Let the fun begin again!!

Indy Smith

New member
A Franchise would be cool. However I think to cast a new Indy you do not need someone famous. It's like casting Bond. You don't need a high profile actor because the charcter is already high profile enough.


Moderator Emeritus
Wow? with all do respect.. I think you're taking this all the wrong way.
All of this is hypothetical.
Yes, I agree with the fact that the latest new 'stars' all seem to be cast because of their so called good looks. I too find that quality is far more important than having the 'perfect' look.
But nobody's replacing Ford, here. What I read in this thread is that we all believe Ford should be in Indy 4 and nobody else. ( correct me if I'm wrong ) We were referring to other Indy movies, that would play in the '20. And it be logic that Ford wouldn't be in those.


Staff member
...or possibly in the '30s, but that's a completely different story. If there is going to be Indy IV, I want to see Ford in it as much as the next man.

But, once Ford gets <i>way too old</i> (and some say he is already) to play the man with the hat... <and if we'd still like to see more Indy flicks, would it really be so horrible to see him portrayed by someone else?

As long as Indy flicks are made and Ford seems to be in a condition suitable enough for them, I don't want to see anyone else wearing the fedora.

Ren, we were not talking about Ford being <i>replaced</i> by anyone, but a possible <i>successor</i>. I see those as two different things.

<small>And yes, I think I can play Finn for a few more years, perhaps even decades... but when my time comes to join the group of heavenly JonesFans, I'll make sure there is a worthy successor to fill the boots I've left empty.</small>
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New member
Interesting title...

I think the main problem is that Ford is very much as iconic as Indy himself is. The two are almost inseperable, so there needs to be a radical change in order for this to work. I think some fans that are opposed to the idea are worried of an rebooting of the character himself, making him unreconizable, or unfamiliar or that we really can't see past a recast because its not Ford. Well how about a Ford knock off?

Now the interesting thing is, a rip off won't keep anyone satisfied either, because he's ripping him off. Theres no winning this arguement unless there actually is a new movie, new director, producer and star.

For instance, lets fill in some voids. Now just bring it one step forward and build the character through his stages. If its set in 1936, before the ark endevour, then something must of happened to make the character darker later on in Raiders. We are led to believe he has an belief in the occult, than its all a bunch of superstituious hocas pocas nonsense the next visit.

I think an recasting will take care of all the continuity errors...


Ren, I respect your opinions, but I think your analogies are going off a bit too far on tangents.

It's kind of a stretch to go from thinking that future Indiana Jones movies are a good disrespecting the elderly, or replacing my grandfather, or supersizing my MacDonalds meals.

I think you need a "happy meal".

Sorry, don't go off on me please!

(Monkey ducks down in his computer chair).

Please take that the right way. I like you Ren, and we share a lot of common opinions. I often like the way you express yours, and it makes for great reading.

But seriously, I said that if they make an Indy IV as an extension of the trilogy then there is no one but Ford who should have the role. That makes perfect sense.

I'm talking about 5 or 6 or 7 years from now for re-casting a new actor in the role.

Should Sherlock Holmes have died along with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle? Then we wouldn't have had those great 30's and 40's movies with Basil Rathbone.

Should Achilles have died with Homer? ....."Troy" is a box off hit today.

"Titanic" was one of the best, and most profitable movies ever made. Was it 'disrespectful' to the old 1930's version? I don't think so.

The point is that you can't keep a great character, or a great story down. You simply can not lock up the great character of Indiana Jones and throw away the key just because an actor gets old.

The character of Indiana Jones transcends ANY actor, and even his own creator (no, not THE CREATOR, ...I'm talking about George Lucas). That might be hard to accept today 19 June 2004, but what about ten years from now?

Anyway,.....I'll have a salad.


New member
People keep talking about replaceing Indy to have him be young again. Why? I think it would be a welcome change to see an older man play the hero.

As far as Canyon's list is concerned I'd have to say Jackman, he has the right attitude I think, as for Bloom, NO!


Strider, I can only answer your question with logic.

Even the Indiana Jones Canon says that the character was born in 1899.

To me, the true Indiana Jones is an aged thirty-something character who exists in the world of the 1930's (make mathematical sense?.........OK)

If you want to see an older Indiana Jones, then the math has to work out. How old do you want him to be...........65? OK, then what artifact is the 64 year old archaeologist going after, in 1965? Does Indiana Jones belong in 1965? Would it be wierd?

Remember when Doctor Evil said to Frau....what's her name "It got wierd didn't it?"

"Ya!" she answered with a nod.

I think it would be wierd. I think it would be much easier to just get a new actor, and put the character back where he belongs.

Or we could embalm Harrison Ford, place a fedora on his head, put him in a glass case like Lennin, and never even consider making any more Indy movies..........EVER!

Let's just terminate Indiana Jones.

That's what I meant by Indiana Jones VS the Terminator.


New member
I see monkey. Well said. Very Logical. I agree with you, lets just termanate the whole thing.
Oh and ren: I never Supersize, I don't even eat at McDonalds, it's horrible food.

Joe Brody

Well-known member
Joe Brody on 10/28/03 in the What if Harrison Ford couldn't play Indy! Who would? Thread said:
I like the IJ character so much that I'd take a chance on another actor. . . . .

I'd also be intrigued by Matthew McConaughey -- the guy has a great deer-in-the-headlights-look that would suit the character.

I still stand by McConaughey. He's got a very American feel do him and he can everything that the role requires. Watch 'U-571' and that English Dragon killer movie he was in.


Wow! The Monkey is hanging from his tail from the cieling fan; delighted in the response to this thread!


Active member
>>There are numerous legendary characters from all around the fictional world played by more than one actors on silver screen
James Bond
The Saint
Allan Quatermain
Jack Ryan
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Jesus Christ<<

All These characters who have been played by more than one actor ( with the exception of Obi-wan) have not had a film in their respective series's as suscessfull as any of the Indy films, and I think thats what makes re-casting Indy a big gamble. Harrison is part of that formula that made Indy a legend.
you have to realize, not every James bond movie was a hit. Every Indy movie was! re-casting James Bond who was not performing at the box office really could not hurt the franchise anymore than it already had been. There was not as much at stake. For Indy it is quite the opposite.


Staff member
Of course, if you start making a lot of movies, literally squeeze the franchise dry... it's more a rule than an exception that there will be some lousy ones.

I don't want Indy turn into James Bond -like franchise either. I would like to see maybe a few more movies that are made with same care as the original trilogy was. No scripts full of clichés coming down the slide everytime you request one. If Indiana Jones ever comes to that there will be a film after every two years for the next half a century, then I'm going to say too, whoa, hit the brakes for a while and look where this thing's going.

<small>And Obi's been played by two actors, not just one. Or did you refuse to see the prequels as part of Star Wars timeline? Or are too young to remember they made SW flicks over 25 years ago already? I'm interested to hear your explanation to this.</small>


New member
To take Harrison Ford off from Indy is the same as having the empty bottle in your hands without any water, and you have just the object, useless ----HF adds soul and life to the character, another one to his replace would only give image, just!