What would you like to see in Indy 4


Active member
Since there are going to go ahead and make Indy 4, what would you like to see in it. I don't mean plot, but little Indy-isms, like veichle chases, fights, whip action, not things like look for the weed of life, or save 1,000 stray dogs, but what features should Lucas stick in the movie?

I would lvoe to see another chase that even comes close to the truck chase in Raiders!
I'd love for it to be as good as Temple Of Doom....
I'd be happy if it was as good as Raiders....
I suspect it won't even be as good as Last Crusade....

What would I like to see?

Indy, played by someone too young to be collecting Social Security....
I'd like to see Miranda Otto as his 'lady interest'...
I'd like to see it written and directed by ANYONE other than Lick-a$$ and Spew-burg...

I believe there can be a strong future for the Indy franchise... but it'll take new blood to pull it off....

Doc Savage

New member
Indy...plain and simple. No gimmicks, no massive CGI. Just a dusty, ride-into-the-sunset, end-this-thing-with-dignity movie. Go figure.


New member
What would Webley like to see in Indy 4?

Hmmm............. I wonder

Could it Short Round




New member
Somewhere in Asia 1950. We see the silhouette of a man standing in an old forgotten temple. Directly in front of him is the idol.{you know the one from the beginning of Raiders} Its maybe 20 or 30 feet from the man. He starts to move forward a few feet but does not see the trip wire that’s ankle high. When the man trips the wire, we hear the chimes of bells. Slowly the entrance of the temple begins to close. the man snatches the idol and dashes to the door. Realizing he has more than enough time to escape, he decides to go back for the gold coins that were on top of the altar with the Idol. When he grabs a handful of coins a trap door opens and he falls to the floor below. Where he finds himself facing the barrel of a gun. Slowly camera pans up the man we see khaki pants. Camera moves to mans beltline, hanging from left belt loop is a sling shot. Camera pans to show mans safari shirt, leather jacket + sachel....but whats this?? No fedora? A NY Yankees baseball cap?! That’s right! Shorty's all grown up.
{scene 2}
Marshall College Indy in his office going through his mail sees apackage from Shanghai. Indy opens package to find NY Yankees hat covered in blood. Indy "Here we go again."


New member
Ok hears a scene that the Web man would love to see in Jones4, you know how in TOD Shorty thinks hes Indys bodyguard well in the 4th movie he still is the "bodyguard" of Dr.Jones and this would be cool to see.

You got Short Round fighting this big guy and not doin so well in the fight so Indy will say "I 've got to save him!" but Shortys girlfriend who is with Indy will say "He can take care of himself" than Indy will say "He needs me." Than we see Shorty take one hell of a punch to the fase and thats when Shortys girlfriend will say "Okay, save him." and than Indy goes runing to help Shorty.

Doc Savage

New member
Webley said:
Ok hears a scene that the Web man would love to see in Jones4, you know how in TOD Shorty thinks hes Indys bodyguard well in the 4th movie he still is the "bodyguard" of Dr.Jones and this would be cool to see.

You got Short Round fighting this big guy and not doin so well in the fight so Indy will say "I 've got to save him!" but Shortys girlfriend who is with Indy will say "He can take care of himself" than Indy will say "He needs me." Than we see Shorty take one hell of a punch to the fase and thats when Shortys girlfriend will say "Okay, save him." and than Indy goes runing to help Shorty.

That scene alone would be worth the price of admission.


New member
ClintonHammond said:
Indy, played by someone too young to be collecting Social Security....

Dude, you and my parents. My mom keeps saying, "Indiana Jones and the Nursing Home of Doom," and, you know, I wouldn't watch it if it didn't have Ford. To me, nobody could be Indy except for Ford.

AND, for that last time:

He's not too old!

So there. :p


Active member
IT's not a question of what he can still do, which by the way I agree with you Temp he should be "able" to do whatever, but more does it look right. When Rodger Moore was WAY too old to be 007 in View to a Kill, the movie just didn't sit well, which I still think is a very cool Bond flick. Who wants to see an old geezer kicking ass, it is as bad as Shorty K.O.ing the Thuggee that were twice his size or more. I also agree that no one else can be Jones at this point, the Harrison Ford facial expressions are as much of Indy as the whip, and anyone else trying to dulicate that, would be well awful.


Active member
Maybe a series of movies where a grown Shortround runs a chain of Brothels and gets into wacky adventures, and can only get out of jams by the old contacts he made as being Indy's guy?

Maybe woudl be better for the WB


I tend to believe that a well-crafted script could take into account Indiana's age while still providing an engaging adventure story. I can't help but think of Eastwood and the fact that he was able to pull off more than one credible action sequence in his later years that were believable for the age of the character he was portraying. A tightly focused story could present the great adventurer in the twilight of his career, placing him in a perilous quest that factors in the effects of age (and mileage) and incorporates those aspects into the story's suspense. I think the nagging question, in my mind, is just how strong the script is going to be. Given the number of changes it has reportedly undergone, I think the quality of the story remains debatable. What I fear is a tale that pawns off some of the physical aspects of the plot onto another, younger character, such as a son/daughter/student, which would lessen the presence of Indiana and ultimately, for me personally, render much of the film unsatisfying.


Active member
At this point you wonder if the script will have the 1,000 monkies with a 1,000 typwrites effect. Anytime their is tto much focus on one project, by too many people, it will be contrived. Don't take this next post the wrong way because I am not a Hollywood "insider" or want to be, but I haev had severel conversations with some people close to the movie, mainly the producers (if you use Pale Horses 6 degree of Seperation, then I guess I am a 1), and while we discussed NOTHING about the movie or plot (trust me these people no matter how good of friends you are with them do not give hints away and anyone who says they do are FULL OF IT), they did say how much back and forth all of the Scripts were being given. This can never be a good thing, as instead of having a good raw story., you have a story that does not have one voice. We will see, but if the last three Star Wars movies is any indication, well, I am sure there will be some great lines, some decent action, and the Score will be great.

I just hope there is little to no CGI! and no Jar-jar

Doc Savage

New member
As long as it's used, say, for a panoramic view of El Dorado or a massive, triggered booby trap. Part of the Trilogy's appeal was what was left pseudo-believeable by the pulp-novel feel of the movies.


Well-known member
I don't mind CGI if it's used tastefully and done well but for Indy I think it should be used sparingly. To me, one of the charms of the films was the B-movie feel that they retained and hopefully Indy IV will be able to capture this same experience. Harrison's getting old but I still think there's some room for action and excitement that he and stunt men could pull off. This film has potiential but there's also a lot of room for error as well.