Crystul Skulls


New member
Was watching an interesting programme recently on crystul skulls and also reading a bit more about them.

There is many myths and stories surrounding them, one of course being that they are from something outwith the earth.

Another is that they were created by an advanced ancient lost civilisation, like Atlantis.

How much better would KOTCS have been if they'd went with that? Could still have the elongated skull and the skulls could have still contained the power of knowledge etc. However it would have meant none of the aliens/UFOs/interdimensional beings at the end and kept it a little more realistic/inkeeping with Indy.


New member
Actually, I didn't have a problem with the concept for the Crystal Skulls in the movie - just more the execution. Whereas the previous films kept the MacGuffins with a spirit of awe around them, the Crystal Skulls seemed pretty rote. There was no real sense of 'meddling with powers beyond your comprehension' and imminent threat of danger.

From the point of the story, a lot could have been salvaged if Spalko had been presented in more detail and through a lot more 'showing' rather than doing. Make her obsession seem more personal and focused, hint that she's not READY for what could be there... but never, EVER, show what's 'real' about the Aliens.


New member
The aliens were much more present in Darabont's draft, but I still think he handled the aliens (and skull) better. There's a serious element of fear and awe that Darabont manages to instill there (the aliens are not well-intentioned), and I think on the whole, it ends up ending like KINGDOM should have.


New member
Hmmm, I haven't gotten tot he end yet, but the idea that the aliens are adversarial doesn't seem to gel with the ancient-astronaut myths. I'm excited to read the end to his script.


New member
The crystal skulls are a fascinating subject and a perfectly good artefact for Indy to pursue. It was the execution that was off in KOTCS's case. In fact even though I wanted to see Atlantis, Im glad that it wasn't another Christian artefact he was going after.