Ernest Borgnine


New member
Indyfan4ever said:
I was fortunate enough to meet Ernest Borgnine at the Hollywood Palms theater! He was in the films, The Poseidon Adventure, Marty, and even does the voice of Mermaid Man from Spongebob!

Anyway, I made this movie from when I met him...check it out!:whip:
congratulations on meeting him. He must be in his mid 90's by now. I never met him but his son Chris was in my acting class years ago and I did work with him on stage., never saw that before....he is 92 years old, so maybe he knows something that we don't, lol...

To change the subject, I'm giving away an Ernest Borgnine at the end of the video, or check out the videos (more info) section on it's page for more details!