H.P. Lovecraft


Well-known member
After striking out with Stephen King's "The Shining" and "It," I decided to take another stab at my quest to find THE great horror writer. I started on H.P. Lovecraft's "The Lurker at the Threshold" yesterday and haven't put it down. Wonderfully chilling stuff, extremely creepy and frightening indeed.

Of course, Lovecraft didn't exactly "write" this novel...it was completed after his death by a friend/publisher based on notes and outlines that Lovecraft left behind, but the credit goes to the story itself. Excellent stuff.

Has anyone else read Lovecraft's works? Any suggestions for where to start?
When it comes to Lovecraft, I'd say read it all... If you need a place to start, "At the Mountains of Madness" is as good a place as any....

Then read "Shuggoth's Old Pecular" by Neil Gaiman



New member
I never read any Lovecraft but I definitely will. I still say you should read Cell. It's not scary really (unless you are one of the characters). It's more like an action book with zombie-types.