I think Temple is closer to Raiders' tone than Last Crusade


New member
Don't get it twisted though, read the username. But, Last Crusade tries so hard to be like Raiders, its kinda funny that Temple still retains more of Raiders' feel/tone. There is NOTHING in Last Crusade like that opening scene in Raiders where there is in TOD.

Anyone agree?

Lance Quazar

Well-known member
I think that, despite the moments of slapstick, that ToD has a more serious tone which is in line with Raiders. Both movies have a few moments of levity. ToD balances its comedy with some grim material. Raiders doesn't go as dark, nor as silly, but maintains the tone throughout.

Crusade, on the other hand, is lighthearted all the way through. I think it's the least of the original trilogy, but I still enjoy it for what it is.


New member
I agree, but you know, as light hearted as Last Crusade is - it is still a very serious movie at its core, with the concept it deals with - Indy/his dad's realationshiop - and the chance of ever lasting life - would you want it? Not to mention, the final act with his dad being shot, the 3 trials and the false grail induced rapid aging is all pretty serious stuff too towards the end, even with the odd line that can be taken as amusing considering the circumstances: "He choose poorly".


New member
Both films are considerably more slapstick in nature than Raiders was. I think its hard to say which one is more.

I'm not being critical by the way, I love both of those films.


New member
I agree, maybe because the parts that were left over from Raiders are integrated in to TOD shows much similarity and the times in between the movies..

Way of the dodo

New member
It's all about Indy himself. He still has that slight hint of violence, graverobbing and general shady-ness that is pretty much gone in Last Crusade.


New member
It is very probable he lacks it in Last Crusade because his main quest isn't initially for the grail, it is his dad. Indy isn't really passionate about the grail.

Darth Vile

New member
Crusade>Raiders said:
Don't get it twisted though, read the username. But, Last Crusade tries so hard to be like Raiders, its kinda funny that Temple still retains more of Raiders' feel/tone. There is NOTHING in Last Crusade like that opening scene in Raiders where there is in TOD.

Anyone agree?

I wouldn't agree. I feel TOD lacks a lot of the tone first established by Raiders. Even in TOD's most iconic moments e.g. the spike room, there is an overriding comical element. So using that scene as an example, it looks like something out of Raiders (it's dark, there are the bones of the dead and spikes are coming from the floor and ceiling), but it's not played quite the same. It never really feels scary.

Being pragmatic about it... I think the approach that TOD took, has both its pros and cons i.e. it doesn't feel like a straight sequel - 'Raiders of the Lost Ark Part II', but it does suffer from becoming a parody of itself in places. That's not to say that TLC and KOTCS don't suffer from the same thing, but I think they are more consistant... whereas TOD (probably because it was the first sequel), seems to have more comic/caricature moments.


New member
I think the whole sacrifice section makes up the scary part of the movie for TOD. I don't especially think there is anything scary about Raiders either - until the finale when the ark is doing its stuff.

But overall, I'd say TOD and KOTCS are the most cartoony.

I wonder how people would have viewed Raiders if it had the mine cart scene and raft scene were in as originally planned.
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New member
As odd as it sounds, and I think this might've been mentioned somewhere in the forum, but I think Last Crusade is more reminiscent of Raiders because of all the dustiness and the dirt. Indy has his fair share of challenges in ToD, but they all seem to be with his mind, or something along those lines, like when he's forced to lower Willie into the lava pit. There are some good fights, but overall, I think it isn't quite as dirty and brutal as Raiders, if you get what I'm saying.

Last Crusade, on the other hand, had a huge amount of that type of thing, particularly the tank chase when Indy is battling Vogel, even more particularly when he's hanging from the cannon about to get crushed. That part would fit perfectly into Raiders, if you ask me. However, there aren't many parts that I could see fitting into Raiders from ToD.