Indy IV: The General Vibe


New member
If the film really is connected with aliens, it could be just a thematic background. I mean: Indy doesn't have to MEET any aliens. There doesn't have to be a single small and grey alien with big eyes in the film. Heck, there doesn't even have to be any flying saucers.

The crystal skulls are a great McGuffin. And I guess Spielberg knows he's already done "Close Encounters" so that doesn't need to be recycled with Indy.

And while we are reading the rumors, let's keep in mind the endings of ROTLA and LC. Spirits flying all around the place? A knight hundreds of years old? That's pretty far out too, so to me it makes all the sense Indy would be after something quite supernatural.

The film being set in the 1950s will make this a different kind of Indy film ? if they manage to incorporate the feel of the decade (and its movies, possibly) to the film with the right tone, this could be something great. So people: let's not judge it yet. There's still a year to go!


New member
> Spirits flying all around the place? A knight hundreds of years old?

Not to forget a heart being ripped out of a guy who stays alive :)


New member
I just don't know what to think about the whole plot ideausing aliens and the area 51....does that fit in an indiana jones movie?'?
i just hope that u dont get see see aliens....
i can imagine that people from area 51 will ask dr. jones to help them with something they found and cant explain....
hopefully they dont exaggerate with that alien thing....hopefully


New member
The Spirit of Indy

I don't think aliens in Indy 4 is too far off the mark. Indy was always set up to have a B-movie feel and what could be more B-movie than freakin aliens? I mean come on. Let's get real here. How fun is it gonna be seeing Indy roaming the jungles of South America (hopefully will badass sidekick Ray Winstone and beautiful and mega talented Cate Blanchett in tow) looking for mystical objects that imply visitation from higher intelligence? Come on!
I'm loving this news. Temple of Doom catches a lot a flack for a lot of different (and ridiculous) reasons. Say what you will about Temple, but I'm with Harrison in the thinking that it brought an originality to the series. It didn't play it safe and fall back on the elements that made Raiders great (which Last Crusade did. No knock. I love LC. Just saying, the movies are very similar in McGuffin, Setting, and character). This movie, if rumor be fact, is shaping up to be the most original entry into the series.
Some are thinking, "Aliens? In an Indy Jones movie? Wha?" To that I say, In Spielberg We Trust. I have supreme confidence in Mr. Spielberg's knowledge of the tone of the Indiana Jones series. He won't muck it up by literally putting ALIENS in the final reel. I think it's all gonna be implication and mystery that ultimately culminates with the object revealing its power not aliens visiting Indy. Spielberg knows what an audience will accept if guided properly and he is a master navigator.
Aside from the McGuffin ie alien plot, I'm just really looking forward to seeing the development of Indy as a character, as a man. Where has he been? What's he been doing? How does he feel about the world, what he's done? That is the real reason to see Indy 4.

Papa Jones

New member
Good point, dude.

And by the way... in RotLA: The power (ghosts, mighty fire etc.) which emerged from the ark was "alien" too. I mean, God is meant to be the biggest aliens of all time! Alien doesn't has to mean "Extra-Terrestrial".
About Area 51, well, couldn't that be the mighty "government warehouse", in which Indy has to get back some artifact to get the plot moving along? I mean, this would be great.


New member

Ancient cultures influenced by extraterrestrial entities... That reminds me something. Roland Emmerich Stargate, perhaps. It wasn't all that bad, but i'm quite reluctant to define it a good one. The alien material has to be handled carefully in sci-fi. Show the freak too explicitly and the magic is lost, that's the way most recent movies fail their intents. E.T. worked 'cause of its naive and jenuine inspiration. Close Encounters was able to "hibernate" the mistery 'til the very end of the movie, and so on... Luckily, in both of them, Spielberg was the man behind the cam, and that make me still fell quite optimistic about the flick. But any other attempt to use aliens like bada**es sounded fairly pathetic to me (please not another "welcome-to-United-States-***hole!" lines à la ID4). So, i think that the alien material can work on Indy only as a minor subplot, with main attention focused on archaeology and ancient cultures. Any other ideas?
Enjoy, A.


New member
Ok well let's say what Indiana Jones is all about.
I personally think that its is not that kind of movie that is highly sophisticated...Indiana Jones is meant to be adventure,fun and action plus a certain aura around Indy's character. Indana Jones has become like a stereotype for adventure of the pop culture....
Aliens... well i think it is right not to expect that green litle men will show up in the movie....i could imagine that nobody will know that the movie is even related to aliens until the end.What some people wrote here is right: Trust Spielberg he knows what he is doing as well as Geroge Lucas.....if they say their idea or area 51 matches to Indiana Jones then that's the way it is...
I mean who would better know about what Indiana Jone is or ain't than Lukas himself, the creator?
That is the problems with spoilers and the reason why they want keep th eplot as secret as possible....Spoiler and rumors just make peole have prejudices.....
It seems that something like this may have been a key element of the plotline for a long time. I recall the Rick McCallum '99 quote that regarding the plot people should:

"Watch the stars, and watch the desert."

Sounds like a Roswell/Area 51-type scenario to me. And it seems the MacGuffin has remained the same throughout the 2 re-writes.

I'm wondering where this leaves the Garden of Life idea? Especially as certain people have long-insisted it was the main plotline in the actual Darabont script (that they.. ahem... had read).

A possible solution I've been pondering is that it is possible that the aliens/crystal skulls idea provides an actual artifact to chase early on (opening quest as it were) that can seamlessly flow through into the whole issue/debate of the true origins of humankind (or at least civilization and the great neolithic population explosion). Possibly Henry can provide the research and background to his son at this point. And we can then get onto the search for the "Garden of Life", whatever it may be, linking the Eden story with ancient alien intervention.

This way at least this old favourite idea is still possibly true.
StwongBwidge said:
It seems that something like this may have been a key element of the plotline for a long time. I recall the Rick McCallum '99 quote that regarding the plot people should:

"Watch the stars, and watch the desert."

Sounds like a Roswell/Area 51-type scenario to me. And it seems the MacGuffin has remained the same throughout the 2 re-writes.

I'm wondering where this leaves the Garden of Life idea? Especially as certain people have long-insisted it was the main plotline in the actual Darabont script (that they.. ahem... had read).

A possible solution I've been pondering is that it is possible that the aliens/crystal skulls idea provides an actual artifact to chase early on (opening quest as it were) that can seamlessly flow through into the whole issue/debate of the true origins of humankind (or at least civilization and the great neolithic population explosion). Possibly Henry can provide the research and background to his son at this point. And we can then get onto the search for the "Garden of Life", whatever it may be, linking the Eden story with ancient alien intervention.

This way at least this old favourite idea is still possibly true.

Teh alien thing doesn;t bother me. I do not even have a problem with feeling their presence as long as it's at the end.


New member
"Garden of Life"... Eden story...
Wait, that's Biblical right?

I wouldn't mind Indy conjuring up anything from biblical history again, maybe something like Salomo's Temple (been mentioned before, I know)... how about even earlier: the Hanging Garden's of Babylon but even better... where Indy finds some rare plant curing cancer or something?

nah, I'm second-guessing as ever...

Oh and maybe he could descend into some weird Rumanian alchemist's hidden dungeon chamber... a bit like the Prague lab he found in Emperor's Tomb


New member
I hope that Indy 4 is original. It sounds like it is... but still. I think that it would be cool if Indy was up against a secret society like the Skull and Bones or Builderburg only one thats even more secret and dangerous. :)


New member
I think the hard core fans are ready for it right now. But, as for the people who forgot about Indy I think when they see the teaser trailer it will get the jucies flowing.