Irina Spalko & Dovchenko

Attila the Professor

Staff member
wolfgang said:
Agreed! In fact I like his character very much. I would have preferred him not to be a "triple agent". But I guess it was necesary so he could die. Still, the instant he talked I said "Cool character." And yes, he did kinda remind me of Sallah.

Oh yeah, I'm a huge fan. Although, I would have preferred more of a Wu Han-style death, which is to say, one in which he never sold Indy out a second time.


New member
Yeah I totally agree about the Wu Han style death. The cool thing about Mac, though, is that he never really hates or wants Indiana Jones to die. Sure, he might point a gun at him a few times, but he knows deep sown that he won't pull the trigger. Conclusion: i like Mac regardless of him being a traitor to Indy, or being a greedy son of a b!@#.


New member
I think it would've been great if the moment after Mac reveals he lied about being a double agent, he was stabbed in the back by Spalko. What an entrance into the final scene that would make for her, who no longer needs Mac on her side, or on anyones side for that matter. It would've fit quite nicely along with that deleted convo between the two during the jungle convoy as well!

Col. Detritch

New member
Yah, but I like the way things worked ot as well.
Dayne said:
I think it would've been great if the moment after Mac reveals he lied about being a double agent, he was stabbed in the back by Spalko. What an entrance into the final scene that would make for her, who no longer needs Mac on her side, or on anyones side for that matter. It would've fit quite nicely along with that deleted convo between the two during the jungle convoy as well!

Nowthat would have been a good change...

Agent Z

Active member
Dayne said:
I think it would've been great if the moment after Mac reveals he lied about being a double agent, he was stabbed in the back by Spalko. What an entrance into the final scene that would make for her, who no longer needs Mac on her side, or on anyones side for that matter. It would've fit quite nicely along with that deleted convo between the two during the jungle convoy as well!

That would have been a great development. Something to lend some weight to the final showdown. (y)

Indy's Fist

New member
I've always loved Indy's villians. They were so different than many other movie villians. Spalko was not interested in money or material things, she wanted knowledge. She got it too! Dovchenko was the perfect cold-blooded type. When he was told to break into an American base that held secrets he had no qualms about killing anyone who stood in his way.

Team Indy

New member
Belloq: Best villain in the Indy series. He always has a superior, "I'm better than you and you know it" attitude, is incredibly selfish, and believes he'll always win. It really portrays him as the anti-Indy. This is because Indy has trouble admitting when he's wrong and what he's doing is wrong, mainly due to his excellent track record.

Mola Ram is a living, breathing stereotype of everything that Americans fear when they go to a third-world country... taken back to the 1930s.

Donovan and Elsa: Easily the most dangerous villains when it comes to subtlety. They put on a facade that they're nice, ordinary, intelligent people, when really, they're cold-blooded monsters. When I read the novelization of The Last Crusade, I was shocked when I found out they betrayed them. It wasn't until later when I realized it made perfect sense, due to what happened prior to them revealing their true colors. I.e., Elsa ranscaking Donovan's apartment to look for the Grail diary, Donovan kidnapping Indy with shadowy characters.

Dovchenko and Irina: I personally found Irina and Dovchenko the most menacing villains in the Indy cast for personal reasons. My family on my mother's side were from present day Ukraine and Russia. Some of my relatives have lived in the Soviet Union during the darkest days of the Cold War. That being said, Irina is the classic case of a woman who wanted to pursue Stalin's dream, a man more deadly than Hitler. She wanted to take over the world, brainwash all of its inhabitants, and seek the ultimate form of knowledge. That is insanity at its worst. The wonderfully ironic ending was that she got exactly what she wished for... with a catch. :gun:

Anyone else think that Elsa Schneider and Irina Spalkov would make a deadly duo? They're both similar when it comes to goals and interests.