Off Topic the big problem (beliefs)


New member
The thread's pretty self explanatory but BTAIM it still doesn't mean bashing religion or drawing hate on other ethnicities. I will admit that in the past Iv'e said some cruel and spiteful comments on the subject of Islam and terrorism. Don't get me wrong I hate any terrorist that walks on this earth and kills innocent people to spawn fear against us. But those who come from their countries aren't all enemies. There are Iraqis that are extremely grateful that we have reformed their government and overthrown Saddam Hussien and his regieme. We need to understand that there are innocent people in enemy countries. In germany during ww2 they were hundreds of people who hated Hitler and the Nazi party. Just like in the Soviet Union and Japan back in the 40's. We can't be steryotypical about people from enemy countries. When an Islamic person walks into a store or airport, you don't hear people yell "terrorist! look he's got a bomb!" When anyone (including me) enters this forum and comments on threads about the middle east, islam, iraq etc. Think before you type. Because BION you can hurt and damage a person's spiritual nature, feelings and of course beliefs.
What's your point?

Who are " BTAIM" and "BION"???

"you can hurt and damage a person's spiritual nature"
Define, and show me any evidence for this so called 'spirit'....

"and of course beliefs"
Your beliefs would have to be pretty fragile if something someone said on the internet could damage them....


I too am interested in what BTAIM and BION mean.

I am also interested in your message in this thread. I know that you are saying something important here, but I'm a little vague on what you mean.

I too have said some things about Muslims, and Islam in the past on the Raven that may have been a bit harsh, and even offensive to those Muslims who don't adhere to terrorism.

It's a tough thing. I have major problems with Islam as it is currently practiced. On the other hand, I actually have relatives who are Muslim, friend's girlfriend is Muslim,.....and these people ARE NOT terrorists......not even close....

When I think of these people it makes me even more angry at the militant Islamists who make me feel bad things about Muslims in general.

I hope that the majority of Muslims are just as angry at the militants.

Indy Parise

New member
As far as Islam goes, I think the problem is that the terrorists say that they are working under their religion. This makes it look like all muslims kill people because of their religion. In fact, the Quran has no mention of the fact that killing people and declaring Jihad on innocent people is okay. It also does not say that the more civilized world, specifically America, is evil. None of the islamic terrorists can say that they are following their religion as their religion does not condone murder.

Abe Vayoda

New member
indifan101 said:
It's a lazy way of typing

Sure is.

I'm not exactly sure I understand the point of this thread... your final recognition that islam is not a black and white issue? Good for you... I guess?

Maybe you need a better thesis statement. :p

O, & TOJ; I tkwum, tsram. Iwpwstlt, igomn, soyif101ftlt, ycthomaifpmoycgl.