opening scene


New member
so how do you think the movie will open? what will the paramount logo fade in to? what will happen in the opening scene of indiana jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull?

to be honest I can't even think of something really cool to write here about an awesome intro. but i think it would be cool for all of us to share our own ideas for the opening scene. soooo.... lets hop to it.


New member
Ever time I see a thread like this I type the same thing.....

This is how I would like to see Indy4 start

Somewhere in Asia 195?. We see the silhouette of a man standing in an old forgotten temple. Directly in front of him is the idol.{you know the one from the beginning of Raiders} Its maybe 20 or 30 feet from the man. He starts to move forward a few feet but does not see the trip wire that?s ankle high. When the man trips the wire, we hear the chimes of bells. Slowly the entrance of the temple begins to close. the man snatches the idol and dashes to the door. Realizing he has more than enough time to escape, he decides to go back for the gold coins that wee on top of the altar with the Idol. When he grabs a handful of coins a trap door opens and he falls to the floor below. Where he finds himself facing the barrel of a gun. Slowly camera pans up the man we see khaki pants. Camera moves to mans beltline, hanging from left belt loop is a sling shot. Camera pans to show mans safari shirt, leather jacket + sachel....but whats this?? No fedora? A NY Yankees baseball cap?! That?s right! Shorty's all grown up. {scene 2} Marshall College Indy in his office going through his mail sees apackage from Shanghai. Indy opens package to find NY Yankees hat covered in blood. Indy "Here we go again."

I know this will not happen but a guy can dream.