Paramount silencing portions of Indiana Jones in theaters?


New member
Saw KOTCS a third time this morning and still didn't notice any sound drops. Also didn't see a sign at the box office stating such. I'm guessing, like someone else noted, perhaps this is only being done in more "high risk" areas where bootlegging is more common.


New member
And how does this stop the pirates by dropping the audio?

They are going to sell it regardless of quality - always have as quality is never high on their list.


New member
And how does this stop the pirates by dropping the audio?

That's the part that's so strange about people believing all of this. Pirated videos have terrible sound & picture. A few seconds of reduced or missing sound is going to be lost in the other two hours of terrible sound.

What do people really think is going to happen? Do they think that somehow someone at Paramount is going to see a pirated copy - trace it back to one of those shady dealers in Chinatown* - and then trace it back to that person's distributor - and then ultimately back to whoever recorded and copied it, as well as finding out which theater - all because the sound may have dropped out for two seconds during part of the jungle chase?!

Come on, man. It's urban legend started by a blogger who just happened to be unable to take a picture of the sign proving his claim - and he didn't even see the movie.

*Chinatown, in Manhattan, is the only place I've ever seen any pirated DVDs for sale.