Pre-CS article?


New member
Sorry if anyone had posted this before. I just got to read this site. I don't really remember where I got it from, I think it's a link from a friend, but reading through I believe that this article is from before Indy 4 came out, at least it reads like so. It's a site that is about rejected Indy scripts.

The last page has this written:

Basically, it claims that Abner Ravenwood, Indy's mentor and Marion's father, was even more interested in the Crystal Skulls than the Lost Ark, but apparently, he never mentioned it much. When Indy's colleague Hawthorne (Jim Broadbent's character) brings Indy a crystal skull to examine in the 1950s, the Russians kill Hawthorne and take the skull, leaving Indy and his student Mutt to track it down. The Commies capture Indy and Mutt and, by an AMAZING coincidence, they're also holding Marion, who admits that (unbeknown to ANYONE) that Mutt is Indy's son. It gets worse from there.


Don't believe the hype. If you read online that someone's read a script for Indiana Jones 4, take it with a BIG, BIG GRAIN OF SALT. This is one of the most anticipated movies in YEARS, so you know that the security surrounding the project is airtight.

Wow. Seems like that was exactly what we got in KOTCS alright with some differences, and it was passed off as unbelievable.

Full article :


Well-known member
This would've been impressive if it had been written several years before KOTCS was released. Instead, note that it appeared in 2008 as the film was nearing completion. As the author points out, all of these story elements were well known by that point:

If you've read the Vanity Fair article about Indy 4, saw some of the on-set photos from Yale, looked at the cast announcements, and read one or two interviews, you could've written a similar plot summary.

The only real mystery was how they would tie together. For example, fans assumed Mutt would be Indy's son and had seen photos of Marion in the Russian camp, but they still weren't sure if John Hurt would be Abner or how the crystal skull would factor in.

However, it is funny to go back and read similar stories that were written throughout the film's production. Despite Indy 4's reputation for being the biggest secret in Hollywood, it's surprising how much of it leaked online. (A fact that even Spielberg is said to have acknowledged during filming.)


New member
Mmm, I wouldn't say it's THAT accurate........clearly looks like a bogus story in hindsight - just somebody who made some guesses based on the info at hand.

There is no Abner. They got Broadbent's character wrong (not to mention his name), and he never shows Indy a skull and he never gets killed.

As James said, the fact that Indy and Mutt are looking for the skull and Mutt is Indy's son - I'm sure anyone could've pieced that together (although you never know for sure).

The only halfway decent guess was Marion getting kidnapped....but as has been said, we already knew she was going to be in the movie. And it's not nescessarily an amazing coincidence....


New member
James said:
However, it is funny to go back and read similar stories that were written throughout the film's production. Despite Indy 4's reputation for being the biggest secret in Hollywood, it's surprising how much of it leaked online. (A fact that even Spielberg is said to have acknowledged during filming.)

Cole said:
Mmm, I wouldn't say it's THAT accurate........clearly looks like a bogus story in hindsight - just somebody who made some guesses based on the info at hand.

Hmm, I guess I misunderstood the article. Maybe the author was saying don't believe 'that guy' rather than believe 'that story'. My bad.

The fact that Indy and Mutt are looking for the skull and Mutt is Indy's son - I'm sure anyone could've pieced that together (although you never know for sure).

The only halfway decent guess was Marion getting kidnapped....but as has been said, we already knew she was going to be in the movie. And it's not nescessarily an amazing coincidence....

Well for those of us who thought Young Indy was canon (actually I didn't watch that series, just read about it - ) we believed that Indy had a daughter instead of a son? So, that muddles things up a bit.

Actually just swap some names twist some scenario a bit, and the basic premise is there;

- russians want skull
- (marion) Mutt's mother kidnapped by russian
- mutt & indy finds skull
- russians chase indy and mutt, and catches them
- marion RAVENWOOD found at camp. (AMAZING COINCIDENCE -from indy's pov)
- marion says mutt is indy's son

Had the script been really secret the above would've been amazingly accurate.

But you guys are right, I was unaware how much info has leaked onto the internet before the movie was done, so the 'script' was nothing really to shout about.