Reports of Lines Forming


New member
Crack that whip said:
I bought my ticket a week or more in advance, and until I did I fretted about the possibility of their selling out before I could get mine. I probably didn't need to worry - the theater was fairly full but not sold out, and the audience wasn't quite as receptive as I'd hoped, though perhaps the hour had something to do with that.

I did see one guy in full Indy regalia (I asked what he was there to see ;) ) and a woman in Indy-esque garb (fedora and shoulder bag mixed with a skirt and woman's shirt).

I was actually surprised that there were as many hats and costumes as there were. For Pirates 3, no one was in costume.

I actually talked to the girl with the Marion costume. The theatre was somewhat dark so it looked like she had actually embroidered her top, but she had actually done the design on the computer and then used t-shirt transfers. I thought that was pretty thrifty. :)