Tell Hasbro We Want Marcus!


New member
Lonsome_Drifter said:
I would also kill for a shirt with Marcus' picture and the words "Water? No thanks, fish make love in it!"

That must be made, I beg all of thee!

"Water? No thanks, fish make love it. Besides, I'd rather spit it in your face. But as I haven't got any spit..." would be funnier. A bit longer, but funnier to combine those two completely unrelated quotes.


Incidentally, I may or may not have a certain shirt on its way to me from a certain someone regarding a certain campaign to get a certain museum curator made as an action figure by a certain company...;)

The Golden Idol

New member
Uki said:
Incidentally, I may or may not have a certain shirt on its way to me from a certain someone regarding a certain campaign to get a certain museum curator made as an action figure by a certain company...;)

Post pics when you get it!


New member
ChromiumBlue37 said:
We all want Marcus Brody as an action figure. Hasbro knows this. They have "spies" monitoring the forums.

They don't care what we want. Indy fans have always got the back seat to Star Wars. I want this figure as much of the rest of you but in all honesty, they have no plans to make one. And the way things are looking this line won't survive past 2009. Not because it couldn't but because Hasbro are a bunch of morons. They don't care about the line they never really have and they are proving it with the shortage of the LC wave.


Well-known member
RelicHunter said:
They don't care what we want. Indy fans have always got the back seat to Star Wars. I want this figure as much of the rest of you but in all honesty, they have no plans to make one. And the way things are looking this line won't survive past 2009. Not because it couldn't but because Hasbro are a bunch of morons. They don't care about the line they never really have and they are proving it with the shortage of the LC wave.

Damn, ain't that the truth? I must agree, the Indy line will most likely be failure do to hasbros main focus on the star wars line and the way they are currently handling the Indy line. With hasbros mentality we won't get Marcus and will probably have an even harder time finding TOD figures then LC ones, when they come out. Hasbro keeps releasing more and more of wave 1 and 2, thinking all the kids want more mutts and KOTCS Indys, but come on, some stories I've heard right here on the raven, evenn kids would rather have Henry over all those. Hasbros dumb ass mentallity thinking no one wants and old man in a suit or figures from the older movies or whatever it is they think, will just destroy the line. (n)

Way of the dodo

New member
Just from a P.R. standpoint, it's pretty dumb to just kill the line because it isn't
"selling at Star Wars levels". And why are they now complaining about a "lack of movie suppport". They KNEW going in this was just one movie, with questionable kid appeal from the start. Just finish the line right, geez. Especially since they could do about 15 more figures and a tank and be considered a really great complete set.


Exactly. I don't think the line has to last forever. I don't think it could or even should! Even if there is another movie, there's at least a few years that'll pass before then! If they stretch it out a bit, we could et a few great vehicles (Wing, Duck, Tank, Jock's plane, Messerschmidts, various cars, rocket sled, etc.), some deluxe sets (mine cars, horses, camels, crocs, setpieces ala the Map Room or Well of the Souls), and most importantly, figures (MARCUS, Belloq(suit), Marion (Skull), Mac, Ox, etc. I don't need to tell you guys!). If there's a fifth film, great! If not, ride off into the sunset.

...As long as they've left us with a Marcus, falling off his horse to ride alongside.


New member
We have gotten a great start to this line, but it IS just a start.

There is so much more that Hasbro could cover over 2 more years. They really need to LISTEN to who is actually purchasing the products they are creating. First off, recall 75 percent of the existing Mutt Williams figures and change the case assortments before they leave Asia.
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No joke Chromium! (Do you mind if I jus call you Chromium? Maybe just Chrome? Chrome-Dome for those wacky weekend days? :p ) They should take all the Mutts back and then save them. If they're convinced they need to keep Mutt out there at all times, then they can pack one in each case, or one in every other case or something. THey should do the same with Indy as well. I understand that kids want the main characters available at any time: there's always an Obi-Wan or Vader available for SW, and I can somewhat concede the point for Indy. But ugh...too many of those bad boys at Wal-Marts everywhere I go!


New member
Ha ha!! That's just fine. My head is shaved anyway, so I guess I am a "ChromeDome"!

Not a bad idea. I have seen Hasbro Reps pull product that is too excessive in amounts. Pull them and redistribute some to one per case and see how Mutt likes the Henry Jones Sr. treatment.

I also thought about taking $100 and spending it all on Mutt jacketless gihures and donating them to Toys 4 Tots this Holiday Season.


That's a good idea. I would love to be able to afford that! I have considered buying a few figs to toss into the Treasure Box for my classroom. THat way, my Pre-K kids earn cool prizes, get hooked on the toys (they already love Indy!), and go buy more, clearing space for us!