Why IndianaJones.com is the last to present new photos?


TR.N Staff Member
Have you noticed that when it comes to new photos from Kingdom the official site is the last to show them? Is it possible that since a load of photos had been stolen a deal has been made for each site that helped in catching the thief to present first an official photo?:sick: Do you think I've gone too far with this?

By the way check some of the photos that will appear in the official site soon. They are the same that appeared in the sites' previous version but one of them (crew/3.jpg) shows that the guys have humour.

http://www.indianajones.com/site/media/castcrew/cast/1.jpg (1 through 20)
http://www.indianajones.com/site/media/castcrew/crew/1.jpg (1 through 10)


Staff member
They're paid lackeys. We're enthusiastic fans. I guess there's minor difference what comes to updating our respective sites.

And I, of course, mean paid lackeys in the nicest sense of the word.
Indianajones.com may be slow but we have been fast in downloading their delicious selection of KOTCS wallpapers, have we not? ;)


New member
oki9Sedo said:
There has always been a general sense of laziness about indianajones.com.

In 2003 they first started talking about adding a discussion forum to the site. Only now are they finally getting around to it. :confused:


New member
Adamwankenobi said:
In 2003 they first started talking about adding a discussion forum to the site. Only now are they finally getting around to it. :confused:

I think Finn hit the nail right on the head. Enthusiastic fans are going to put far more effort into their sites than paid lackeys.

No Ticket

New member
I always assumed the same guys got paid to run most of the Lucas Online sites... starwars.com, lucasarts.com, indianajones.com -- and that they were just busy with the other sites and Indiana Jones didn't have a whole lot of "news worthy" buzz around it until now.


New member
No Ticket said:
I always assumed the same guys got paid to run most of the Lucas Online sites... starwars.com, lucasarts.com, indianajones.com -- and that they were just busy with the other sites and Indiana Jones didn't have a whole lot of "news worthy" buzz around it until now.

Well these guys are lazy... the only site witch is getting some attention from time to time is Starwars.com Lucasarts, didn't do any update since..... Same with indy.com

No Ticket

New member
Most official sites for movies suck. Starwars.com just happens to be one of the few that does not because there's just SO FREAKIN MUCH Star Wars stuff out there... both commercial and fan-made... they could go on forever.

But yeah, I don't care about anything anymore except seeing the damn trailer. I just wanna see some footage. Christmas came and went... as did the new year. I need to see Indiana Jones punch a guy.


New member
Accusing the IJ.commers of laziness is unfair. That may well be the case, but having worked on 'licensed' magazines and websites I can tell you the biggest problem is the 'people upstairs' (generally marketing, who love to control - or think they control - everything) dictating when you can and can't announce stuff.

You end up with the ridiculous situation with info or images leaking out onto the web and you being unable to react because some marketeer has decided it's 'not the right time' to release the same stuff - even though it's already freely available!

Also, as for the lack of updates... bear in mind that 90% of the population is still unaware that a new film is being made! Updates will increases the nearer we get to release (especially post trailer), it's inevitable.


Junior Jones

New member
Official sites are never the place to go for up-to-date news. Like DaveTheHutt said, they're run by marketing people. Fan sites are free to post rumors, unconfirmed gossip, and news subject to change. On the other hand, although they mess up sometimes, a studio's marketing department tries to release only solid, accurate news so as to prevent misinformation. So they wait until things are confirmed, but which time the news is generally already out.


Moderator Emeritus
Dr.Sartorius in another thread said:
The new crate photo is now in the Indy 4 gallery on the official site. Its kinda strange that the Agent Spalko photo isn't there yet...

and...hey...would you please vote for Shia to win the Orange Bafta Rising Star Award?!!!
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Indy Smith

New member
I'll just add to that story that official site aren't updated as much as fan down to the control the marketing guys have. There was a guy called Sean Fitzgibbons who ran a fan Stargate site and it was one of the most popular sites out there. MGM hired him to run their official website so they shut his site down and he went to work for them, but at the end of the day his hands were tied. he once said that on a fan site you get an idea for something one night, you get up the next day and do it, but with MGM you had to pitch the idea and it probably won't get the get go until months later. There's a lot of red tape out there to be cut.