Deleted scenes from the Trilogy


Well-known member
As most of you are aware of, many "insignificant" but memorable scenes were deleted from some of the Indy films. Why, I don't know and frankly it p----s me off. What scenes do you remember that were deleted once the movies were put on video? Also, does anyone know where to get the COMPLETE version of these movies?

Here's what I recall:


* Someone told me that there was a scene involving an arab who ate a fly while Indy and Sallah were talking. I guess they kept switching to looking at the arab who had a fly by his mouth. It crept closer and closer and when we see him the final time, he is chewing on something that is obviously small! This made the audience laugh and gross out!

--Temple of Doom--

Oh boy, there's a BUNCH for this one:

* When Lao Che says to Indy, "I didn't know you spoke my language", Indy originally says, "I don't like to show off."
* When Indy and company get to Pankot Palace, Indy carries Willie the rest of the way. For proof of this, watch Willie when they get to the palace the first time. You'll see her fooling with her feet like they bother her. She then complains and Indy is supposed to carry her. They instead erase over the scene with a flock of bats. :mad:
* Before the banquet, Indy admires a scantily clad dancer and says, "I've always admired folk dancing." When he walks away, Willie mutters "keep hoofin' kid, look where it got ME" to the dancer.
* After Indy comes to and trashes the temple of Kali, there is a big "apology" scene between Indy and Shorty because Indy hits Shorty while he's under the trance. During this scene there is a beautiful shot where Indy, Willie and Shorty are doing a "group hug" and the camera pans around them. Very touching and a definate tear-jerker.

Last Crusade

Nothing that I know of, thank God, unless one of you can recall anything.


Well-known member
By the way

Remember folks, I'm not talking about scenes that were scrapped on the cutting room floor before the film was put together or scenes that filmed but then taken out of the movie (like the kissing scene between Indy and Marion at the Raven). I'm talking about scenes that were edited out before they put it on video. When the movies were shown in theaters, they were the original version with nothing edited out. I remember these scenes being in the movies when they were in the theater. I'm doing a "survey" to see if ya'll can confirm the missing scenes I remember and/or add a few of your own that you may recall. K? K!

Indy Benson

New member
Boy, trying to remember scenes like that would be pretty difficult. I saw Raiders in the threater, but I can't recall that fly scene. Then again, I was only ten years old.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Well, I was going to say I find that hard to believe, but thinking about what Lucas and Spielberg have done to some of their past films (Stars Wars and E.T.) in "special editions," I don't suppose it surprises me much.

Pale Horse

Staff member
I wanna say I remember Indy picking up pottery pieces in the Chac-a-however-you-spell-it Temple in Raiders, before the spiders.


Well-known member
I hate to say this. . .

...but I just remembered another scene that was deleted from Temple of Doom. While Shorty is in the mines, he witnesses a Thuggee guard get burned by a spurting stream of lava as a child was digging. The Thuggee's face is transformed from a look of rage and pain to one of . . . awakening. We see that he has awoken from the Sleep of the Kali Ma. The other guards see the change and drag him away, kicking and screaming. He's being taken for a second round of Bloody Kali (and there ain't no celery stick in THAT concoction!). Seeing this, Shorty realizes that this is how to wake Dr. Jones up! For proof of this, check your Temple of Doom trading card collection. I believe it's #47 - "The Burning." It's a shame they edited this out. It was a revealing moment in the film.


New member
There was nothing edited out or changed for video. It?s a mass hallucination you?re experiencing. For years many people thought that the scene of Luke talking to Biggs on a bluff in the original Star Wars was cut out of the film after the initial release because they saw a picture of the scene in the novelization. It was never ever in the movie. Cheers

[Edited by Rundquist on 07-31-2003 at 01:03 pm]


New member
Indyologist said:
...but I just remembered another scene that was deleted from Temple of Doom. While Shorty is in the mines, he witnesses a Thuggee guard get burned by a spurting stream of lava as a child was digging. The Thuggee's face is transformed from a look of rage and pain to one of . . . awakening. We see that he has awoken from the Sleep of the Kali Ma. The other guards see the change and drag him away, kicking and screaming. He's being taken for a second round of Bloody Kali (and there ain't no celery stick in THAT concoction!). Seeing this, Shorty realizes that this is how to wake Dr. Jones up! For proof of this, check your Temple of Doom trading card collection. I believe it's #47 - "The Burning." It's a shame they edited this out. It was a revealing moment in the film.

That was never in the movie. Again, that crept into your subconscious from the comic book and other sources, like the trading cards. Cheers

[Edited by Rundquist on 07-31-2003 at 01:02 pm]


Well-known member
Well, "Rundy" ( ;) ) I don't know what to tell ya. I specifically remember the T of D scenes. I was definately not in an "alternate universe" while I was watching the film in the theater. No chance I fell asleep and drempt it, either. Indy films have a way keeping you awake.

or as a scene from the novelization of T of D says:

Chatter Lal: "I smell the fumes of opium in all this-- perhaps Miss Scott picked up the habit in Shanghai?"
Willie: "I'm no dope fiend!"


New member
When the Indy DVD's come out on November 1 there will be one DVD full of movie cut's and a hole lot more. I hope that was help:D

Nate Christen

New member
Cut Scenes

The Arab swallowing a fly, I believe, refers to the scene where Indy holds up the procession with the bazooka; during one of Belloq's lines, it looks rather like he eats a fly.

I watched this one in the theater about three months ago and, outside of gaining a "letterbox" perspective for the first time, I do not recall any scenes that weren't on the video.



Well-known member
I know what scene you're referring to, Nate, but that's not it. I don't know if this fly eating Arab scene actually was in Raiders or not. It's just something I've heard and somehow seems remotely familiar.

However, I am pretty definate about the missing scenes from T of D. SOMEONE out there must remember at least 2 of these scenes that were deleted from the video that they remember in the theater. If I could get anyone's back on it, that would be great.

Who knows-- maybe the "missing" scenes will be on DVD 4 in the upcoming trilogy release. I sure hope so because some people on this thread doubt my sanity, I think ;)

Indy Benson

New member
You must have some memory to remember these scenes in the actual films.
Frankly, I don't buy it. Most of the "scenes" you've referenced can be found within the actual site.

Aaron H

Moderator Emeritus
I do believe that you are blending that "fly" scene in Raiders with a few others.
The real fly eating scene is with Belloq, when Indy is threatening to blow up the Ark. "Blow it back to God." A Fly lands on Belloq's face, he doesn't make any attempt to shoo it away, it crawls around and vanishes into his mouth. We never see it fly out.:p:eek:
The Arab scene that was cut after some theater showings was when Indy and Marion emerge from the Well of the Souls*. The Arab can still be seen in the following scene, but there was a brief closeup of his seeing the stone moving and his fainting. You can see him leaning up against the wall after Indy pushes the stone through.

*Also the name of a good a message board that is now no longer.


Well-known member
Oh no -- another one!

Sorry guys, but I remember another scene that was deleted when Temple was put on video. It was the "seduction scene" where Indy and Willie are pacing back and forth all p----d off at each other. In addition to smelling their breath, looking at their teeth, etc., I distinctly remember them also sitting on their beds and striking various poses and practicing their reactions if one or the other should walk in-- it was hilarious! Too bad it got cut out. :(


Well-known member
In case you're wondering... I recall all these missing scenes from Temple of Doom, it's not because I'm "making it up as I go"! It's because Temple of Doom is the film that made me love Indy and you don't forget the details of your "first love!" I read the novelization of the film within a week of seeing it, and the book just confirmed all these details. It cemented them in my mind because I enjoyed the movie so much. Then, when it came out on video, I would say, "ooh, here comes the part when Indy carries Willie", but instead I saw a bunch of bats! "What the hell is going on here?" I thought. Then I noticed a LOT of other "little" stuff was cut out--stuff I remembered in the movie and the novelization that was not on my video! Even at the very beginning with Indy's conversation with Lao Che where he spoke a whole string of Chinese! It really made me mad. I guess one of my "Indy" dreams is to see Temple of Doom in its entirity-- UNCUT!!


Well-known member
In Temple of Doom (boy, lots of them there!) when Indy is in under the influence of the poison at Club Obi Wan, a cart with a glass of water sails by. Indy grabs the glass, looking as if he's going to drink it-- instead, he splashes it in his face! In the video, they just show him splashing water on his face from the glass.

Again in Temple of Doom, during the scene when the Indian shaman is telling Indy, Willie and Shorty about how they prayed to Shiva to make them fall from the sky. Indy insists that the plane crashed, and Shorty says "Boom!" and pantomines the plane crashing. I remember this scene because I recall there being a laugh in this scene somewhere. I can't imagine anything funnier then Shorty doing this!

Does ANYBODY here remember any of this stuff in the theater? I hope to God that they include the "cut" stuff on the 4th DVD in the series coming up. Or better yet, put it back where it belongs in Temple of Doom!