Indy in his underpant and sock.

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New member
Are they being disrespectful to the character by portraying Indy as an old, fast food eating loser sleeping in his underpant and sock?

I am outraged at the lack of respect. They are laughing at Harrison and he is not aware of it.



New member
One sock, a half eaten fast food carton on the floor, his underpant? Seems disrespectful and sly of these modern writers to degrade and humiliate an icon in this manner.


New member
Whilst watching Raiders do you think an underpant sequence would have fit in?

For example, when Brody goes to his house, the writers had the decency to give Indy a bath robe.

He did not open the door to Marcus in his underpant and one sock.



New member
Maybe we should create a thread just for those who doesn't like or hate the new film.
I, personally, am excited for the movie. I just hope they don't degrade the character more than can be seen in the underpant scene.

I am particularly excited to see the moon parade and subway sequences. Glasgow is a fantastic stand-in for The Big Apple.


Well-known member
I, personally, am excited for the movie. I just hope they don't degrade the character more than can be seen in the underpant scene.

I am particularly excited to see the moon parade and subway sequences. Glasgow is a fantastic stand-in for The Big Apple.
I haven't seen the trailer yet. 😬But I'll come here after I watch it to share my thoughts about that scene.

Z dweller

Well-known member
Taking the OP at face value and not just like a pointless provocation, here are my thoughts.

While not necessarily disrespectful to the character, that scene felt borderline depressing to me in the trailer.

Could be that in the movie it's actually played for laughs, but I did not enjoy it at all and wish they'd done it differently.


Indy may be a bit out of sorts at the beginning of the movie. This way he can be rejuvenated by the adventure. That's sometimes how movies work and you get a happy ending.


Well-known member
I think the scene does feel a little out of place with the other movies in that it's the sort of lifestyle detail that we've not really seen in the other films. But I don't think it's necessarily disrespectful, I think it's likely just showing that Indy's life is somewhat disorganised and - ultimately - unfulfilling when we join him at the start of the film.

And I do love the glimpse we've seen of Indy's apartment, it's modest and untidy. This feels 100% more true to the character of the original trilogy than did his home in Skull - it was way too neat and opulent and immaculately furnished.


Well-known member
I think the scene was rather half-arsedly done. There should have at least been a pot noodle somewhere in the frame, and a traffic cone as a little Red Dwarf homage.

Thuggee Guard #3

New member
He is holding a glass so maybe he just got drunk and fell asleep the previous night? Things most people do, even professors. Maybe he is upset by an event in recent times? Marion leaving him perhaps?
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