Search results

  1. DiscoLad

    Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon

    Have any of you played this game? It's out for most of the consoles I believe. It's a nice little game for 40 bucks. It's classic, cheap fun. Split-screen doesn't hurt either. Anyone?:)
  2. DiscoLad

    Happy Mardi Gras.

    At the risk of having a thread closed... I checked... but couldn't find a thread that this would fit in. I would like to wish everyone who celebrates it a Happy Mardi Gras. Whoo. :up: Wasted! See you all down in New Orleans. Hope you all have a good one. But hey. . . If you can't make it...
  3. DiscoLad

    Lupin III Castle of Cagliostro.

    I don't know if people around here are into animation... but I'll take a swing in the films section...:p I wanted to see how many people have heard of or seen the movie Castle of Cagliostro. Old 80's (I think) animated movie. One of the best you will see, It just is so great. I think alot of...
  4. DiscoLad

    Assassin's Creed

    I know some people here play games, some do. I just wanted to know what the big deal with Assassin's Creed is because I played the first one and it was nothing special. I hear the third will be amazing, but you never know. I wanted to know if anyone had anything convincing me this is worth me...
  5. DiscoLad

    China Discovered America First?

    I was watching this thing on history channel this morning at breakfast and it was on how the Chinese discovered America before anyone else. I was tuning in and out but they said they found some metal in South Carolina and stone anchors with chinese writing on them... They found the dates on...
  6. DiscoLad

    Who's pumped for Jackass 3D?!

    I can't wait till next week when it comes out! I was hoping if anyone knew if there was anything other than the trailer to watch of the movie as of now. Anyone else gonin see this masterpiece? Think it'll be better than the others? Man this movie is gonna rock so hard. That part when that giant...
  7. DiscoLad

    I Think God's Trying to Tell Me Somethin'

    Yes I know you probably don't care but I thought it'd be funny say. Yea so I just sat down and got back on and skipped over my flash program to start browsing the internet...Then my internet gave me a hell of a trouble to log in, so I've come to the conclusion that God wants me to...
  8. DiscoLad

    About Sallah.

    I was watching the couple hours of extras and people talking about raiders on the DVD that came with my movie pack. In there they start talking about how Sallah was originally suppose to be captured by Nazis. Then he says something else but I can't understand him and he says thats why it wasn't...
  9. DiscoLad

    Man I havn't been here in 2 years.

    What is up people. Just stumbled back over here, noticed it's been two years and a month...Jesus. I remember leaving because I got suspended for being "Drunk"...And I wasn't. I then left, lol. Whats new on here, sheesh.:up: Good to see this place.
  10. DiscoLad

    Egg or Chicken (Pick and Choose)!

    What came first...The Egg...or...The Chicken?... oh, ponder all you want... Personally, I think it's the Egg...
  11. DiscoLad

    Indy Libs

    (No ones probably going to play this...) Well, I'm trying to think of a new game to play...and came up with this one, I'll make a Mad Lib (A sentence or two long...) and the next guy fill it in. Then he make on and the next man fill it in...Get it...? Example: I write. "Interjection", Said...
  12. DiscoLad

    No ones on as much...must be school...

    Well, I'm noticing that people aren't getting on as much as they have been...(Haven't seen Lonesome Drifter in awhile) and all the others that post every day...Is this (like me) Because school has begun? I hardly have time to get on....
  13. DiscoLad

    Don't ask if you Don't want It !!!

    I'm reading these silly threads of people asking for others' opinions and then getting mad at the people, taking time to answer, with insults. Anyone else notice that lack of niceness...? So they Shoudn't ask if they don't want the answer!
  14. DiscoLad

    Yo Momma! Indy Jokes

    Similiar to gear guardian's thread...But there will be Yo Momma! jokes all-round...if anyone participates though no-one probly just make yo mooma jokes..INDY STYLE example:..YO MOMMA so fat it took the Ark 3 times to melt her face... (sorry if that sucked...) :o YO MOMMA so ugly...
  15. DiscoLad

    Who would you have put into Indy 4?

    Who would you have put into Indy 4 if you were the one in charge of the movie...Let's say the the movie was made in the early 90's to make the choices fit...
  16. DiscoLad


    I saw "Get Smart" the other day and noticed that at the end when he jumped off the speeding car onto a banner dragging on the ground after the car just happens to hop, rimless, onto a railroad...and survived, that that was a bit unrealistic...BUT I don't hear the reviews give flack about...
  17. DiscoLad

    Turn-Based Indy Game

    Wouldn't it be fun if they made an Indiana Jones 4 game that played and felt like the Final Fantasy games but was covered in Indy...o it probly wouldn't...would you guys buy it...?
  18. DiscoLad

    Indy 4 Haiku..or Hiaku..?

    However you spell it...I'm trying to make a Haiku on the new Indy movie... If anyone has one, for Pete's sake! put it up...hope this isn't in the wrong late now! After all this time Our Hero's back in Bussiness Cappin' them Commies Hope you like'd that...
  19. DiscoLad

    Random Question...

    What could the Staff of Ra be used for instead of the intended use...hmm... I guess it could be used as fire wood...What else...something to poke people with... Any suggestions?:confused: I'm trying to write a peom...
  20. DiscoLad

    Not following tradition...?

    I noticed that the recent Indy flick didn't have the gross-out scene like the bugs in ToD. Or that it didn't have Indy using his gun or whip...OK, He used it once..ONCE! What is with this?