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  1. NLogan

    Becoming Indiana Jones, slowly. My Adventure gear.

    Finally getting around to getting some adventure gear and using it! Throwing my hat into the ring with you guys, well wishing I had a better hat anyways. Modified Dorfman Pacific hat Coyle's Raider's Jacket What Price Glory Indiana Jones Khaki shirt WWII US Army Officer's pants (pinks)...
  2. NLogan

    Kellogs Printed Fun Pop Tarts Indiana Jones

    Has anyone else found these little gems. My son and I have been eating these brown sugar and cinnamon pop tarts with printed Jones pictures on them. We have gone through two boxes since we first found them a month ago and I have yet to see a duplicate artwork on one. I am just wondering if...
  3. NLogan

    It's a worthless bronze medallion Marion ya gonna give it to me?

    Thanks to Magnoli for the image, I borrowed from his site My question is what language are the markings on the Headpiece inscribed in? I have seen people mention Phoenician, where do they get this reference? I personally think it should have been engraved...
  4. NLogan

    Awesome site and community!

    So I stumbled upon this site whilst looking up Indiana Jones in anticipation of the upcoming movie. I should have known there would be a community of die hard Indy fans, it seems now-a-days there is a fan site forum for everything. I?m glad I stumbled onto this one. I have been a fan since I can...