Awesome site and community!


So I stumbled upon this site whilst looking up Indiana Jones in anticipation of the upcoming movie. I should have known there would be a community of die hard Indy fans, it seems now-a-days there is a fan site forum for everything. I?m glad I stumbled onto this one.
I have been a fan since I can remember. I loved seeing Temple of Doom and The Last Crusade in the theater with my dad. We also eventually got the trilogy on VHS tapes and we pretty much wore them out watching them.

Agent Crab

New member
Hey NLogan... Mind if I call you Logan for short? Welcome here! Temple of Doom was my favourite Indy Movie.

Have fun here.


New member
Welcome. Although the site is awesome the community is slowly unravelling. Common conversation is turning ugly and no thread can be created without someone pouncing on it and derailing it into negativity.

I really hope you enjoy the Raven for a while until it turns it's ugly head on you. I'm only here a short while as I can't take it anymore. Don't think i'll last the week.