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  1. C

    Emporer's Tomb vs. Infernal Machine

    No kidding. That annoyed me so much... I'd recommend Infernal Machine over Emperor's Tomb any day. I think IM is vastly underrated... ET has better graphics, sure, and the combat is more interesting, but it's almost ALL combat, it's extremely linear, and it gets really boring after a while...
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    ET Secret???

    Dalilovr, the same thing happened to me the first time I played through. I went the alternate way, then explored around and wondered, "What's all this stuff here for?" when I found the normal method.
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    George Lucas Should DIE at the end of the 4th Movie

    I agree with your statement about them being great cinema rather than great film... they're, well... fluffy. Even The Empire Strikes Back wasn't very deep or emotional compared to a FILM movie like Casablanca or Citizen Kane. I think Indy (at least Raiders) is somewhere in between, with lots of...
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    George Lucas Should DIE at the end of the 4th Movie

    Don't get me wrong, I fully appreciate what Lucas has done in the past. He's created some amazing things, and I'll always be grateful to him for that. But I think it's pretty obvious that he's lost his touch recently, to put it mildly. I mean, come on. Jar-Jar. How could ANYONE with a lick of...
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    George Lucas Should DIE at the end of the 4th Movie

    I agree with you, Temple of John. I think the reason Lucas doesn't like Darabont's script is more along the lines of "not enough poop jokes, CGI effects or Willie" rather than "not worthy of being an Indy movie". Lucas has clearly abandoned common sense, taste and talent with the Star Wars...
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    are indy and his dad immortal or not?

    I came in late... but no, Indy and his father are not immortal. 1. The knight's two brothers left the temple and died of extreme old age. Died. Extreme old age. They stayed in the temple for a while, using the grail to remain young, then left and told their story, and died after because they...
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    Indiana Jones and the plot holes of doom

    In response to the whole "why does the Nazi castle need a secret exit?" question, I think the secret passages and the castle itself had been built long before the Nazis decided to set up there. So they just happened to have secret passage in the castle they were in. This does kind of make one...
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    Indiana Jones and the plot holes of doom

    I've got one to add... how come everyone on the zeppelin understands Indy when he says "No ticket!" in English?
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    Why did Indy say that?

    I think so. This scene really lowered my opinion of Indy, both because he acted like an egotistical pig and because he was going after Willie, who by this point I was wishing wasn't in the movie at all... both this scene and the scene at the end where he grabs Willie with the whip, which somehow...
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    Something that bugged me in ROTLA........

    I thought Belloq was a great villain. What bugs me about ROTLA is Sallah's line, "They have not one brain among them... except one, he's very clever..." So they don't have a single brain among them, except the single brain they do have?
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    10 Reasons why CGI is lame

    I disagree. I remember reading an article about Jurassic Park a little after it came out... one of the actors (I think it was one of the kids) talked about how they had a malfunction one day and the T-Rex's head crashed down next to them and one of its teeth popped out. So maybe some of it was...
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    10 Reasons why CGI is lame

    The CGI in Jurassic Park was pretty good, but it's important to note that for the most memorable dinosaur, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, they used a gigantic animatronic-thingy... it certainly would have been cheaper to do a CGI T-Rex instead of using a massive state-or-the-art robot, but they knew...
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    Let's Brainstorm: Booby Traps

    No, no, make the bucket fall on his head, and it's filled with crazy glue...
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    omg! guess what?!

    I'm not too surprised... I don't think it's worth more than $20. The graphics were nice, and it had its moments (loved Prague!) but overall it wasn't that great... Von Beck's Revenge was hell and not fun, as well as being implausibly long, the parts where you shoot the same cars and airplanes...
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    Let's Brainstorm: Booby Traps

    Labyrinth had a labyrinth. Okay, so it's not an adventure movie... anyway, how about acid? Or something huge that falls from the ceiling and crushes anyone below it? I remember an issue of Catwoman that had an Indy-style temple with traps... there was one similar to the sand trap mentioned...
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    Secret of Spielbergs success?

    Maybe Williams isn't as much of the reason as the good scripts are, but I don't think any of the films would have been nearly as popular as they are without his music. The films Winston listed are memorable not just because they're made well, but because the music is... well... catchy! Think...
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    Lucasfilm screwed the fans with this DVD

    Re: What's for lunch? You're right, there's always someone worse off than you, so you should never complain about anything. EVER. Let's not even mention that if fans hadn't been complaining about it for years, it might STILL not be out on DVD...
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    Lucasfilm screwed the fans with this DVD

    Oh, and another thing... thanks for screwing over anyone who doesn't use Windows, DVD guys. No goodies for me, whatever they might be.
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    Lucasfilm screwed the fans with this DVD

    I got the set today, and I'm disappointed too... I could understand the utter lack of deleted scenes, etc. if they had released it fairly quickly, and even then I would expect a special edition in a few years... but to have this as the supposed ultimate edition is just absurd. After making us...
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    Creepy Crawlies for Indy 4?

    Okay, first of all, bats and rats aren't scary. At all. Maybe in the 50's they were, but come on. Unless you have a phobia, like Indy's Dad, they're not scary or threatening (they're pretty cute, actually!). In fact, anything that's a mammal is likely not to be scary (maybe excepting big cats...