C-Contest XLII


Staff member
And here we go again.


I'm really teasing your imagination this time. ;)
And the entry limit is <i>two</i> per participant.

Pale Horse

Staff member
Even though "X" marks the spot, most readers realize that Indy missed the mark, when he tried to pinpoint the 'Four Corners'.


Moderator Emeritus
BTW: The writer is B.A. Ward. One of the possible places where the Plato's Lost Dialogue is in FoA is the Ward collection.


New member
"Dad! Put that laser pointer away! I'm trying to read this article on American Industrialism. Sheesh!"


New member
This is not a caption; it is an ordinary question

Pardon me, but where the heck is that clipping from?


New member
Associated Press

Utah, USA--
In other news, captured StarShip 1/\/|)^/ escaped Tuesday from the top secret Green River Complex in Eastern Utah. En route to Mother Planet Gilles V, space rogue Andromeda Jones fired two proton torpedoes at the Iron Curtain, thus ending Soviet Domination in Space Warfare.

Dr. Harry Truman, representative of the Green River Complex - recently acclaimed as the "new Area 51" - did not return phone calls before presstime. However, expert of the occult Hans Baerwald told reporters on Wednesday, "those (expletive deleted) don't [realize] what they're getting into. Loop quantum gravity paradoxes are not (expletive deleted) toys. [An individual] can't just take our secret spacecraft, err, can't just take spacecraft and try to develop private aircraft. They'll never discover our secret; they're ruining our plan - err - that's off the (expletive deleted) record,

Colleague B.A. Ward offered a dissenting opinion, consenting the importance of (expletive deleted) secrecy, but disputing Baerwald's faith in a "Central Intelligence Agency" which would investigate related phenomena and seek to capture pirates such as Andromeda Jones.

Mr. Jones, long lost relative of the esteemed archeologist Indiana Jones, could not be reached for comment late Tuesday.

Staff Writer
Associated Press
Barry's Theme

Addendum: cookie to anyone who gets what I mean by "Barry's Theme"--intergamer​

tall square

New member
Driven to madness by never getting credit for any of his amazing discoveries, Indiana Jones began to focus on discovering more and more obscure things, such as Mormon assassination conspiracies, as this piece of paper torn from the wall of his apartment reveals.


Well-known member
"We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and X never, ever marks the....okay, forget that last part."


"Maps, where were going, we don't need maps..."


New member
After Reading How To Do Everything With Your Digital Camera by Dave Johnson, Indy tries to use Photoshop to add a "Star Trek laser gun effect" to one of his photos. Unfortunately, he failed to examine the source photo before beginning to work - it seems the photo was not of Nazis or Commies, but of a newspaper clipping...

[Edited by MP3 on 02-03-2004 at 06:37 pm]


New member
my second and last submission

Due to new technology, Indiana now has a laser sight on his Webley so he knows exactly where he's shooting. In this case, a city in Utah.

Tennessee R

New member
Alright, students, this dot is where we're standing right now, and the red line represents the meteor's path that formed the crater here, and these spider-legged lines represents these big cracks that are just beggining to form in the floor here....Wait...now Jane, honey, I can't hold you...Oh, and did I tell you be careful not to fall in these giant cracks...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......

We see a hat and a figure of an idol, and the words:

Indy, while taking a field trip to Utah, fell through the cracks reminicent of the end scene of Last Crusade, and died at the bottom of a bottom-less pit

Press F1 to load a previous save-game

Doc Savage

New member
"Several birds were flash-fried in mid-flight this afternoon when five-year-old Henry Jones III stumbled upon the Staff of Ra and his father's flashlight..."

Pale Horse

Staff member
After Finn hackes his way into "'Joshua' The NATO Super-Computer", with three lines of code; the first part of his game involved a first strike to the Arches U.S. National Monument, for reasons only known to reclusive hermit." :D

That's my final one too.