Harrison Ford and the "best of the Indy series yet"


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kongisking said:
Finding Shangri-La (although this would be unlikely since Mummy 3 already took the idea:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: Genius on their part!)
Lost Horizon (1937) was already about the finding of Shangri-La. And the beginning of this film inspired Temple of Doom! You call yourself and Indy fan? :whip: ;)

No Ticket

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herr gruber said:
Harrison described it as a "Dynamite" movie. Dynamite can blow up in your face... the fans face!

Also, dynamite is banned in certain countries. Let's hope this film wont be!!!!!!!!!!

That was pretty funny. lol. My confidence in the movie is steadily climbing. My final judgement on what my expectations are for this film will be decided upon viewing that first teaser trailer (if it actually shows any footage of the film). Then I'll pretty much have a good idea of what to expect.

Let's hope it really is as good as everyone involved likes to think it is, eh? :whip:
Good one! Over the years I have had dreamed of Indy 4 and some of my dreams of the film are awful. It usually involves ford and connery in a cave. Sometimes, hold your breath for this, Indy even DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How's that for anxiety dreaming?!


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TheLastCrusader said:
Lost Horizon (1937) was already about the finding of Shangri-La. And the beginning of this film inspired Temple of Doom! You call yourself and Indy fan? :whip: ;)

You guys seem to have misinterpreted my comment. When I said 'Genius on their part!', I meant in the context of the Mummy series itself. As in the originality of the idea, since the first two was about Egyptian mythology, the third flick will introduce Eastern mythology. Shangri-La is a terrific adventure-film MacGuffin, and I applaud TODE's makers for being brave enough to turn the series into such a radically different (stylistic) direction. It's different and unique from anything seen in the Mummy movies before.

I think YOU guys took it as me claiming that Mummy 3 was the first to use Shangri-La!!! Are you nuts? I have of course seen Sky Captain (an extremely underrated, modern-day classic, IMO) and I am well aware of other movies using the legend too. I'm not THAT dumb!!!