A misery soaked thread. Whinge away!


New member
Everything coming together in life then something hits the wall?

Had an okay day, happy that I finally have a good job and stuff is working out. Then I text my girlfriend to find out where we are meeting later and I get nothing. Hoping not to be late I set off into town and head to a party at my local comic book shop. I'm anxious for her to show as I don't know anyone and am the total wallflower.

Then a text: "I forgot my purse I won't be able to get into town for 2 hours."

Easily forgiven until the excuses continue. "Didn't know you were still going.. blah blah blah...."

So I text some friends and get excuses from all of them. So disappointed that all my friends are like that. I stay for 2 hours at this party as I can't find a legitamate reason to leave. Wasted too much money to be there too.

That is my whine. Please feel free to have your own.
Ironing. What a bummer. Ironing is such a chore and it helps if one could iron without the darn thing exploding as one is holding it. As your brain registers the loud bang and your eyes register the flash and the sparks, it helps if one drops the iron before imminent electrocution. Fortunately, as my life flashed before my eyes, I let go of the iron and my bowels.
Trembling, I searched for a piece of non conductive material with which to turn off the power source. My semi-naked body sculpture from the mantel piece worked just fine.
The real trauma sunk in as I realised that all of my other trousers were still in the washing machine, wet. A full day in un-ironed trousers followed. A full day of Who is that scruffy b**tard? looks from passers by. Nice.
Plenty of things to bemoan.

I'll keep them to myself.

But I will say I'm getting pretty annoyed by this place these last few days. Not even escape is an escape anymore. Goddamn volatility.

Think it's time to take a deep breath and pop some brain-rot into the DVD player.


New member
Attila the Professor said:
Knowing some of your film tastes, I wonder if what you're popping in actually involves rotting brains.
Perhaps he's popping in the Special Features DVD to prove me wrong about the deleted Arab scene. ;)


New member
Iandiana said:
Everything coming together in life then something hits the wall?

Had an okay day, happy that I finally have a good job and stuff is working out. Then I text my girlfriend to find out where we are meeting later and I get nothing. Hoping not to be late I set off into town and head to a party at my local comic book shop. I'm anxious for her to show as I don't know anyone and am the total wallflower.

Then a text: "I forgot my purse I won't be able to get into town for 2 hours."

Easily forgiven until the excuses continue. "Didn't know you were still going.. blah blah blah...."

So I text some friends and get excuses from all of them. So disappointed that all my friends are like that. I stay for 2 hours at this party as I can't find a legitamate reason to leave. Wasted too much money to be there too.

That is my whine. Please feel free to have your own.

Texts are evil. They often give the wrong impression. If I've learned anything about communication, you never base your judgments on texts. :(


New member
Adamwankenobi said:
Texts are evil. They often give the wrong impression. If I've learned anything about communication, you never base your judgments on texts. :(

Text messaging when you're in a relationship is generally a bad idea, I think. Unless it's stupid flirty stuff. Serious things should not be disclosed via text.

I actually broke up with my boyfriend of over a year by sending him a text... on Valentine's day. Which also just happened to be his birthday. Oops.

In my defense, I wasn't aware that it was either day, so maybe it was a good thing I severed.


New member
My entire grade is based on this paper I have to turn in later today (Friday). I'm sitting at my desk at work, putting the finishing touches on it. I save it three times, because I'm paranoid that it won't save and I'll have to start all over.

I go back to it later and it isn't there. My first draft is, but it hasn't saved any of the work I've done over the past few days. I wanted to kill someone.


Driving home from spring break about a month ago, my parents let me borrow their GPS system. Actually, they insisted I borrow it. I was fine with it, and for a while it was working fine. But it doesn't have me get off where I usually get off. I assume that it knows what it's doing and believe it. About an hour later it takes me to a toll road. This becomes a problem, as I have no cash on me at all. I start screaming at it and pass the toll road, at which point the passive aggressive ***** inside the thing starts telling me "Recalculating...Turn Around...Recalculating...Turn Around." I wanted to chuck it out the window. When I arrived home several hours later, I said to my parents that I hated that thing and I would never want one.

The following day for my birthday, guess what mommmy and daddy handed me? A brand new GPS system for my car.


The GPS system sucks. I hate it with a passion, and everytime I try to use it, it takes me to the wrong place. The first time I used it, it wanted me to get off the interstate later than I usually do. Not wanting to believe it, I got off at my usual spot and assumed I would eventually break its spirit and it would conform to my way of driving. That thing never shut up the entire five hour ride back to campus. Even when I was on the road that takes me straight to my apartment, it was still insistant that I turn around.

I later used it to find a park to film at. It took me to a YMCA.

I used it again today to find a storage unit one of my friends is renting. It told me to turn into the woods.

I hate it. I hate it more than I've ever hated anything in my entire life. Never have I been filled with such loathing.

So, if anyone is in the market for a TOM TOM GPS Navigation System, hit me up. I'm definitely willing to part with mine.

No Ticket

New member
So, there's this girl.

I like this girl. I dated this girl once.

She dumped me for her ex-boyfriend that cheated on her and went back to him.

So I was all sad for awhile.

Then I was like, "Who needs her anyway?" ... I was angry!!

But finally, acceptance. "Ahhh, I'd rather be single anyway."

Then I'm all content with myself and happy!

One day, I receive a message online. She's broke up with her ex-boyfriend?

It's her birthday and she wants me to come over? ... well, it IS her birthday. Okay! But we're just friends.

... so I go over there. And we hang out. And we're, apparently, not just friends.

So then she wants to do stuff with me every day now and make it a regular thing. Am I dumb? She's screwed me over befo-- oh well, I do still like her.

Then a few days go by. All is well.


She becomes distant. She's not answering my txts or phone calls. Her ex is in her top friends on myspace. She has a picture on there of her hanging around him at the place he works that she just added.

She goes back to her ex who cheated on her once... and did something similar again (never found out what exactly it was)...

I feel used. She did it to me again.

I am dumb.

I was sad for awhile.

Now I'm all like "Who needs her anyway."

... to be continued?


New member

You're a girl.

No, I totally understand how you feel. There is a girl like that in my life too. I swear she just likes to hear my heart breaking.

No Ticket

New member
Niteshade007 said:

You're a girl.

No, I totally understand how you feel. There is a girl like that in my life too. I swear she just likes to hear my heart breaking.

I write songs. You may or may not know that. I'm definitely going to steal that line "I swear she just likes to hear my heart breaking." lol.
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Moderator Emeritus
I have many grudges lately.

One: Mum nearly died this weekend and went to hospital causing me to drop my party plans, barely do any of my work due very soon and look after the household the best I can without breaking down (Dad didn't even tell me how close Mum was to dying till after all of this) so Mum wouldn't have a heap of chores to do when she got back and looked after her when Dad couldn't and my younger brother coz Dad was busy looking after Mum. I had to do a ton of ironing (not exaggerating) and got last minute phone calls of this need to hire a big shot TV actor so we can get funding from Korean TV for short film and it's a weekend: no one works weekends.

Two: I'm co-producing a short film, where I am the ONLY ONE who speaks English. Everyone else is an International student with a non-English background and also haven't been on work experience or been paying attention in class, so I have had to literally teach and tute every single one about how to do their freaking role in the movie while the other Producer and Director take strolls on their own with their ego's and come up with things that are impossible to do with the budget we have and the technically disadvantaged crew, in which the supervising lecturer wants me to consult and watch over everyone like a hawk, real close. The Director of Photography seriously sucks at his job. Terrible composition.

Three: Trying to put this group to work together to potentially pitch my television series to an industry panel provided we can get through two school based panels and I don't really know any of these kids well at all as to whether they'll do their job. So again, left to pick up the pieces and make sure this all holds together.

Four: I can talk to guys normally and work with them. But flirt? I struggle. I'm not really like other girls. They wear low cut tops and short skirts (andf those weird shirt dresses with tights, seriously don't get that) and they tend not to be modest. They spray-tan themselves orange and guys are hugely pashing them on the dance floor bumping into me. Grr.... How about learning to share the floor, eh? Get a room! But even so... why is it the biggest idiots and computer nerds and guys who are way too old for me, hit on me (by way too old, I'm talking 30+ year olds hitting on me, 25 year olds I don't have a problem with, I'm 19)? I just want someone in between damn it! Someone who speaks my language and remembers my birthday would wonderful. Don't laugh. The guys I've dated NEVER even got me a card for my birthday and I remembered theirs. I got cheated on and stalked by the other.

*sigh* I'm glad I got that off my chest. Onwards with life.


New member
Violet Indy said:
Two: I'm co-producing a short film, where I am the ONLY ONE who speaks English. Everyone else is an International student with a non-English background
How can they even pass the course if they dont even speak english?:confused:


Moderator Emeritus
Pay enough money and write enough essays to pass. It ain't hard to pass film school, I can tell you that now.