Saucer Men From Mars script

Dr. Gonzo

New member
Is there any other way for me to read the "Saucermen" script? I have a very old computer and apparently it cant handle the zip format. Is there some other way to read it?


New member
Moedred said:
I recall Moriarty at AICN hinting the movie would start with a very big bang...
This is what I've been hoping for, and I'll be a little disappointed if the movie doesn't contain some sort of nuclear explosion. After all, nuclear weapons was a huge issue in the 1950s, and a lot of atmospheric nuclear testing was carried out during that decade.


"I looked at everything that everyone had written..."

Oh, good heavens, does that mean that he siphoned out of "Monkey King", too? Because that one makes "Saucer Men" look like "Raiders". It's very likely the worst (non-fan) script... excuse me, the worst "script" ever written...


New member
JerryKing said:
"I looked at everything that everyone had written..."

Oh, good heavens, does that mean that he siphoned out of "Monkey King", too? Because that one makes "Saucer Men" look like "Raiders". It's very likely the worst (non-fan) script... excuse me, the worst "script" ever written...

I don't think so. That script was a candidate for Indy 3, not Indy 4.


New member
Violet Indy said:
What is in SMFM and doesn't seem to be in KOTCS:

-Drive-in movie scene
-That Atom Bomb testing site that Indy hides in a fridge to survive the blast. Impossible!
-Spider-like aliens that say, "murrkah" (though they very well could appear in KOTCS, and say a similar word, maybe "Marion").
Also on this list: The cylinder. The ridiculous alien sex toy excuse for a macguffin they used in that script.


New member
I had to stop reading the script, first because the jungle parts seemed too likely an action spoiler, if it's Stuart's real script, and second, because it's called saucer men from mars... I've known about this years, and... honestly? Sanity is foreign? For f*cks sake is that just some blue harvest thing going on, deliberate antonyms for anything that has to do with Indiana Jones? You guys say its real. Markus Brody spelled with a 'k'... I'll have to see how much area 51, nuclear content is in it later, just so by the chance that this is a real script, and if so the added odds of such content being used with any similarity (well they did film in New Mexico and it does deal with scifi crap, Lucas's interviews etc.), so that I may avoid May 22nd when any shred of anything left that made some sense in this world being done away with as well... 1 + 1 = 52

Well when you click on the Monkey King script others open as well, haven't read them yet but they're titled and the Tomb of Ice, Spear of Destiny, and the Sword of Arthur.

Dr. Gonzo

New member
DarthLowBudget said:
If you have a computer that can't handle .zip, I wonder how it is able to handle the forums.
Its a wonder to me too. This computer is still running on Windows 98... joke!


New member
Well, if it's running Win98 it should be able to read a .zip file, but you will need to download a Win98 compatible version of the Zip extractor.


New member
I was really quite annoyed by the Saucer Men script. The opening teaser seemed very much like an Indiana Jones movie, but that was it. Everything else was so off the mark, from the dialog, the pacing, the tone, the relationship... it was as if the guy had never seen an Indiana Jones movie.


New member
Listen, I have the utmost faith in Spielberg and Ford. They refused that Saucer Men script. Now KOTCS may be some similar points here and there, but I bet that is it.


New member
I think the way to look at it is this:

Lucas's prequels scripts all read like rough drafts. Terrible dialogue etc. But the stories in each are strong.

If Lawrence Kasdan had re-written each script the result would have been that most of the major story beats would have remained the same but the gulf in quality (dialogue and character) would have been enormous.

It is normal for different drafts to vary wildly in quality and tone, even if many of the story ideas and beats remain similar. Saucer Men is truly awful, but it seems fairly obvious that many of Lucas's ideas for what he wants in Skull are still going to be there.

The nuclear age. Russians. Aliens. Sci-fi vibe. Ants etc.


New member
jasperjones said:
If Lawrence Kasdan had re-written each script the result would have been that most of the major story beats would have remained the same but the gulf in quality (dialogue and character) would have been enormous.

He may have been a great writer at one point, but I wouldn't want Lawrence "Dreamcatcher" Kasdan getting anywhere near the prequels.

Blue Jay

just read the short summary of saucer men and i must say i was quite surprised.
it had a few cool moments, but most of it was just aweful. :sick:
It was so not indiana jones....
In comparison: i quite like the book ij and the sky pirates which seems a bit similiar but different and much better :p


Staff member
1ord3vil said:
The cylinder. The ridiculous alien sex toy excuse for a macguffin
I'm sure it would have looked like the one Eisenhower saw in the desert in 1957 in the 1985 Disney movie "My Science Project."

Okay, here's the AICN story:
there will be a sequence early in the movie that takes place on a site in the desert that both Jeb Stuart and Frank Darabont are rumored to have included in their takes on the story. And, no, I’m not talking about Area 51. All I’ll say is that if this is the sequence I think it is, it starts the story off with a bang.


New member
I love the nuclear blast scene in SMFM...especially as theyre walking through the "fake" town and it dawns on them that something isn't quite right. Hopefully someones found a better way for Indy to escape than climbing inside a fridge.

Spriggan Jones

New member
The new trailer as good as confirms that the rocket slead sequence from the script, which was one of the few ideas really loved from the script, has indeed made it into KOTS.