Calling all video editors and effects artists


New member
So over at a group of us have been trying to edit Kingdom of the Crystal Skull for well over a year now.

We had a fella, Infodroid, who was heading the whole thing, with special fx and suggestions provided by others.

It was all moving along very smoothly until the project hit a snag. Personal family issues struck Infodroid and he had to leave the project that he'd spent so much time devoted to.

Now the rest of us are trying to pull together to finish the edit as a tribute to him. Problem is we have no one with the video editing skills that Infodroid possessed.

I would encourage any of you interested in the idea of making KOTCS a movie worthy of standing beside the original trilogy to head over to this site, join it (can't view the thread without joining) and contribute in any way possible. The thread name is "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Joint Task Force)". We have a running list of suggested changes with the only rules being they have to be possible and they must be within the realm of a purist edit. We don't want Han Solo to show up or Indy to fight Wolverine.

And most importantly, if you have experience in Premiere or Vegas or whatever, and you'd like to contribute to a cool and great cause, you can be the one to ride in and save this project.

I also urge you to check out this thread "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: DECONTAMINATED". This is the original thread started by Infodroid that has PAGES AND PAGES of amazing edited clips just so you can see the potential here.

I know some of you don't think KOTCS needs any changes at all. I respect that. For those of you who know it could be something greater, come check out this amazing project.


This could be something really cool.


New member
All you have to do is join the forum. Obviously if that's a problem for you then we understand if you choose to stick this one out. ;)


New member
I like the way originally intended the fourth to be. No Thank You!

I mean you wouldn't edit Casablanca if you didn't give birth to it; create it.
It's the same premise with this film!
Insomniac said:
I like the way originally intended the fourth to be. No Thank You!

I mean you wouldn't edit Casablanca if you didn't give birth to it; create it.
It's the same premise with this film!

No. Big difference-- Casablanca doesn't suck **** through a straw.


New member
Insomniac said:
I like the way originally intended the fourth to be. No Thank You!

I mean you wouldn't edit Casablanca if you didn't give birth to it; create it.
It's the same premise with this film!

As I said in the original post:

"I know some of you don't think KOTCS needs any changes at all. I respect that."



New member
I just tried joining and it told me that creating a new account at this time was not possible. WTF does that mean??? :confused:


Well-known member
What sort of changes were you attempting? I'm curious: can you copy and paste some here?


New member
1) Cut prairie dog in opening shot - this was fixed in a clip already. ALso, if we open with the cemetery this won't be an issue.
2) Trim the drag race a bit.
3) Make gunshots in opening a bit more violent (blood, louder gunfire, etc)
4) Cut down on dialog between Indy and Mac. Use NOT AS EASY AS IT USED TO BE line from trailer!
5) Cut some awkward dialog between Indy and Spalko
6) Edit awkward cut when Spalko pulls sword on Indy in warehouse. (you will help us find it)
7) Trim down the whole gunpowder bit. I THINK UA or ID posted an example of this.
Don't let us see what was in the box.
9) Trim the whole box sequence.
10) Do something with the Damn I thought that was closer line. Maybe cut it so that it looks like Indy whip swings and lands on Spalko's vehicle.
11) Make the screams of the soldiers getting burned by the rocket sled flames more horrific and louder.
12) Cut the prairie dogs and comedic elements from the end of the rocket sled bit.
13) Cut goofiness from Doom Town (fine don't wait for me! line from Indy) Just see Ford's frustrated and worried expression.
14) Cut down on the flying and bouncing of the fridge.
15) Add more of a delay before Indy opens the fridge door to make it seem like he is banged up.
16) OR make it appear like Indy escaped the Nuke on the rocket sled.
17) OR cut the nuke altogether. Make the nuclear shower into a wall. Cut reference from feds to the nuke.
18) Cut "never shoula doubted you me friend" Indy talking to Stansworth in his home.
19) Cut Indy's skepticism about skull (and its magic) when talking to Mutt in diner. Adding to his motivation for going in the first place.
20) Lessen delay between knife and gunfight line.
21) Use UA's Marcus statue edit - where the head DOES NOT fall from the statue and onto the baddies lap. Bleh.
22) Try to cut some of the redundant exposition between Indy and Mutt in his house.
23) Cut second shot of asylum inmate reaching through the bars.
24) Cut "this way up line in cemetery" but keep this way down.
25) Cut dance on your own time kid line in cemetery.
26) Cut stupid noises made by the cemetery ninjas (the kung fu noises, the animal noises and the cartoonish groan when the guy gets it from the blow gun.) bleh
27) Make Indy's gun FIRE! Someone has done this clip as well.
28) Use "PART TIME" line from trailer.
29) Cut after Indy says "what is this thing" to see Indy and Mutt walking back up to surface.
30) Cut all of the speculation about Orellana's men.
31) Cut shots of Alien when Spalko is talking to Indy in tent.
31) Cut the TERRIBLE head SPASMS of Indy when getting interrogated.
32) Add new visions for Indy - this has been done but there are still slight changes to be made to the new version in my opinion.
33) Cut OX's DANCING and stick twirling. Have them bring him in the tent cut right to Indy grabbing his wrist saying Ox it's me.
34) Cut Marion's Or have you retired so go right from Trail of wreckage to You looking for a date?
35) Cut OX saying three times it drops and anyting else goofy that he says. (waterfalls are NOT gonna drop 3 times now)
36) Cut Indy congratulating Spalko for solving a bit of the riddle. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?
37) Cut Quick Sand lesson from Indy.
38) Have Indy tell OX to just HELP. Not go get help - that makes no sense who's he gonna get the Russians?
39) Have Indy finally grab the snake WITHOUT asking them to say snake.
40) Cut Ox saying Help when he returns with the Russians. Yeah we get it Ox.
41) Cut awkward ripping sound and **** line from Indy when he is cutting the ropes.
42) Cut number of times it takes to kick guard before he falls. Let Indy give more kicks and the final one.
43) Cut amount of time we see goofy grin from Marion.
43) Cut Ox saying Henry Jones ...JUNIOR just before chase starts. In fact just cut Ox as much as possible.
44) Use UA's edit of jungle chase, but add sword fight but cut number of hits Spalko gives to Mutt. Makes her look weak.
45) Just to be clear UA's jungle edit gets rid of the crotch shots, the vines, the monkeys, etc. Works great.
46) Make Indy/Dovechenko fight grittier. more blood??
47) Use TMBTM's (?) edit that removes the tree branch as has them splash right into the water.
48) Cut the waterfalls to one BIIIIIGGGG one.
49) Cut Marion laughing holding the steerwheel.
50) CUt Indy saying he has to go alone. (this has all been done in edit clips somewhere)
51) Cut dialog when Indy takes skull from Ox to open door.
52) Make bodies of natives bloodier when lying on ground after soldiers shoot them.
53) Add new Spell of Spalko visions.
54) Add TMBTM's edit of aliens and her death.
55) Cut Mac's line before he dies (I'ma be alright) bleh. Cut the whole Mac death thing down to be less cheesy.
56) Have the Adventure Gang tm go from gear room directly to the top of the cliff. Therefore cut the water elevator. Tried it works great.
57) Intercut Spalko death with Adventure Gang climax.
58) See less of the UFO.
59) Cut the Mutt line of I don't know Dad why didn't you (stick around). So Mutt stubbornly tries to head off on his own, Indy responds to that with "somewhere you grandpa...
60) As Laserschwert's newspaper to Stanworth's desk. This ties up the FBI Indy is a Red storyline.
61) Cut dialog of wedding and trim it. Just play Marion's theme the whole time.

Most of this stuff is already done here and there.

vf wing

New member
That's an interesting breakdown of the disgruntled fan's list of cringeworthy moments. I loved the film, but I agree the script had issues and the sounds the Cemetery Warriors made were grossly irritating. I think I preferred the "part time" line from the trailer as well.

Funnily enough, I've never realized "Not as easy as it used to be" wasn't even in the film proper!


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Well-known member
Some of the trims I can understand; a little less talking in some places is good, but I don't really get the obsession with removing all the jokes: Indy movies are supposed to be fun.


Well-known member
If Indy4's problems were superficial enough that a fan edit could correct them, it already would sit as a worthy companion to the original trilogy.


New member
emtiem said:
Some of the trims I can understand; a little less talking in some places is good, but I don't really get the obsession with removing all the jokes: Indy movies are supposed to be fun.

This "obsession" you speak of is just a wish to remove the SEVERAL jokes that DON'T work. A few bad jokes in an otherwise good movie would be alright. But here we have to have as little crap as possible. Ox was not "fun". Prairie Dogs were not "fun".

But again this is a matter of opinion. I'm up for a debate regarding the good bad and ugly of KOTCS, but if you are not in agreement with these changes then don't act as though I am changing the content of YOUR KOTCS DVD. This edit is not for everyone. I made that clear in the original post.

"If Indy4's problems were superficial enough that a fan edit could correct them, it already would sit as a worthy companion to the original trilogy."

I see your point but disagree. Some of the changes that the talented folks over at faneditforum are capable go beyond the superficial in ways that may surprise you. Many of these aren't listed here. Also, while each film in the original trilogy (ok not Raiders) has their own cringe worthy parts, they are still GOOD movies otherwise with a real sense of peril that adventure movies need and good Indy action. KOTCS needs help where it can get it. I think it has POTENTIAL to be worthy of the others even if it is still the worst of the bunch.


Active member
I dunno. Sounds like cut-cut-cut! That's at least 49 cuts as I quickly counted out of 61 points. While I might agree with a couple, that seems like an awful lot. You might just want to write your own adventure movie screenplay... (Everyone in the 'biz' always seems to complain of lack of good scripts after all.)


Well-known member
indyjones2131 said:
This "obsession" you speak of is just a wish to remove the SEVERAL jokes that DON'T work. A few bad jokes in an otherwise good movie would be alright. But here we have to have as little crap as possible. Ox was not "fun". Prairie Dogs were not "fun".

A case of throwing the baby out the bathwater, though, I'd say. What's wrong with 'I thought that was closer' for example? That's classic Indy stuff: he's not supposed to be perfect.

indyjones2131 said:
But again this is a matter of opinion. I'm up for a debate regarding the good bad and ugly of KOTCS, but if you are not in agreement with these changes then don't act as though I am changing the content of YOUR KOTCS DVD. This edit is not for everyone. I made that clear in the original post.

Blimey- a little over-defensive. You don't sound like you're up for a debate.

Darth Vile

New member
indyjones 2131,

I think for the majority of people who like it, editing elements out will not add value. Like emtiem, I like some of those lines you list... so there is a good chance an edit will be detrimental to the movie. For those who don't like it, as Udvarnoky states, edits probably won't go deep enough to resolve their key issues. However, as someone who enjoyed the movie, I'd still be curious to see what the finished article looked like and see how you achieved it (if you achieve a technically good edit).

Anyways - good luck with it...


New member
Originally Posted by indyjones2131
This "obsession" you speak of is just a wish to remove the SEVERAL jokes that DON'T work. A few bad jokes in an otherwise good movie would be alright. But here we have to have as little crap as possible. Ox was not "fun". Prairie Dogs were not "fun".

A case of throwing the baby out the bathwater, though, I'd say. What's wrong with 'I thought that was closer' for example? That's classic Indy stuff: he's not supposed to be perfect.

Originally Posted by indyjones2131
But again this is a matter of opinion. I'm up for a debate regarding the good bad and ugly of KOTCS, but if you are not in agreement with these changes then don't act as though I am changing the content of YOUR KOTCS DVD. This edit is not for everyone. I made that clear in the original post.

Blimey- a little over-defensive. You don't sound like you're up for a debate.

Unfortunately, the "Damn I though that was closer" line is NOT AT ALL classic Indy. Classic Indy wouldn't have paused between two Nazis DURING THE ACTION to give a witty line. He would have given a classic Indy look of course, but no line. Ford can give an expression that says "Damn I though that was closer" and more! So let him do that! Why force a line too? Can you imagine in Raiders when Indy is fighting by the flying wing if he paused after barely getting out of the way of the tire and said "Damn, that was a close call!" Terrible. Does it ruin the movie? No, not by itself.

And sorry if I came off as over defensive. I am as I stated up for debate about aspects of the movie that should/shouldn't be changed. What I'm less up for is debating whether the movie as a whole should be changed. We've had too many threads going back and forth on the quality of KOTCS. There's a definite split. I"m simply asking those who HAVE PROBLEMS with the movie to contribute if they'd like to. That's it. My intention was NOT to try to convince everyone that the movie was terrible and that we all have to change it. Those who like the film as is will be unaffected by this. Their copy of the DVD will not magically change. If anyone is being defensive it's those who can't hear a bad thing said about KOTCS without getting angry and up in arms.