"Sex" too hot for Indiana Jones at box office


Well-known member
Turtle said:
I agree, word of mouth was a massive factor in Iron Man's success. Non comic book fans were swarming to it.

It's essentially this summer's Spider-Man: A slick, well-made blockbuster that also has the novelty of being something new. Robert Downey Jr. makes Tony Stark more entertaining than the typical superhero character.

I really enjoyed it, although I have no desire to watch it again anytime soon. When you get right down to it, it's still just another superhero origin movie.

The Man

Well-known member
Nurhachi1991 said:
Stupid sex in the city...........

Wow I just got my Mutt/Brando Jacket and all of my friends told me it was a gay jacket first I thought they were being ****** but there like no dude that actully is a jacket gay guys wear :mad: Its not a gay jacket is it?


Leather can be ambiguous, but it certainly isn't exclusively for gay men to wear. Just forget the YMCA jibes and wear it with pride.


Well-known member
Alright good I would hate to wear it if it was a gay thing ( no offense to anyone)

I just wanted to wear it to look like Mutt/Brando


New member
Nurhachi1991 said:
Stupid sex in the city...........

Wow I just got my Mutt/Brando Jacket and all of my friends told me it was a gay jacket first I thought they were being ****** but there like no dude that actully is a jacket gay guys wear :mad: Its not a gay jacket is it?

Man, that jacket be stylin'. Don't listen to your friends, probably know nothing about fashion and are just playing into the gay leather biker/tom of finland cliche.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find an style of clothing that hasn't been worn by a homosexual at one point or another and, questionable sexuality aside, Marlon Brando was about as macho as they come. If it looks good, WEAR IT.


Well-known member
To be honest I did not watch The Wild One until after I saw KOTCS but when I saw Mutts jacket I was like that is one bad *** jacket

Wtf is Tom of Finland is it a movie or something?


New member
Nurhachi1991 said:
To be honest I did not watch The Wild One until after I saw KOTCS but when I saw Mutts jacket I was like that is one bad *** jacket

Wtf is Tom of Finland is it a movie or something?

He's a gay artist from 50s/60s, well known for his pictures of Brando-esque men and sailors. You can look him up if you want to but I probably wouldn't recommend it.

And that's it, I'm outta this thread. I feel like I'm corrupting the innocent here.


New member
I do hope Indy takes the #1 spot again this coming weekend. The only two things worthy of maybe seeing are Kung Fu Panda and You Don't Mess with the Zohan.


New member
>>Kung Fu Panda and You Don't Mess with the Zohan.<<
I'd rather have my eyes gouged out with rusty thumb tacks laced with rubbing alcohol...


New member
DocWhiskey said:
a HBO Chick Flick "Whips" Indy 4 at the box office?

C'mon, Sarah Jessica Parker's face looks like a foot!

What sort of cruel Hell is this?

haha I always thought that her face did but never was going to say it.

I saw a few Sex and the city shows cuz i was bored one time, and it was just well I have to say the ****tiest show Ive ever seen. I tried to be open minded, but not even that helped. Maybe its doing better cuz more people know about Sex and the city than Indy. And why would gay men go see something with chicks in it? Theyre still men.


New member
Sex and the City is the worst show ever. A shallow show for shallow people. Indy beat it over on Sunday, so maybe that nightmare is over with.


New member
MaxPhactor23 said:
And here I am...a straight male that didn't think the show was Middle Eastern torture.

Sex and the City wasn't a bad show. It wouldn't have lasted so many seasons, or had a movie made if it was.

Admittedly I haven't seen more than a couple episodes but the show failed for me because all the dialogue felt the same. Well that, and Kim Cattrall's character always seemed to be wearing a giant hat.

eroc said:
A shallow show for shallow people.

Fair enough.


New member
Box Office numbers for the weekend show:

1. "Sex and the City," $55.7 million.

2. "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," $46 million.

3. "The Strangers," $20.7 million.

So, despite the very big showing of Sex in the City, Indy still did incredibly well for the weekend- over 20 million dollars more than the #3 film. HUGE numbers.

I suspect the box office this weekend will show a different story, and Indy will regain the top spot. It's staying power is far superior due to it's wide range of appeal.

Seeing the film again tonight, I was heartened to see that the theater I went to (in a quite yuppie Southern California neighborhood) had KOTCS in two theaters, and SITC in only one. I asked, 'cause I was curious: SITC was about 30 % full, both evening showings of KOTCS were over 60% (huge for this particular theater. That made me happy (y)


New member
eroc said:
Sex and the City is the worst show ever. A shallow show for shallow people. Indy beat it over on Sunday, so maybe that nightmare is over with.

If you actually bothered to watch the show then you'd realize it's not about Joe Fridays random ****-buddy. It delves into love constantly. Don't judge a book by it's cover.


New member
Nurhachi1991 said:
Stupid sex in the city...........

Wow I just got my Mutt/Brando Jacket and all of my friends told me it was a gay jacket first I thought they were being ****** but there like no dude that actully is a jacket gay guys wear :mad: Its not a gay jacket is it?


Looks like I have had a similar Mutt leather jacket all along! Keep in mind that I am gay myself, but consider this a biker jacket.
