Dr. Pepper promotion


New member
metalinvader said:
Jackson said:

The cover of the new Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull novel sucks! (n) (n) Let me tell you why. Because when i read a the new noveliization I want to believe I am reading about Indiana Jones. With a book cover like that they should rename the movie Mutt and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I want a Indiana film (book) not a Mutt one. I also have a feeling the making of this movie was rushed and there is something wrong with it. Like the beards may think it sucks. Georges comments in the recent vaniety fair do not inspire confidence as well. He is going around telling everyone that he thinks they are going to hate it for christ sake. Has his confidence level been so shattered by the failure of The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. When promoting your latest film should you not say good things about it. Like for example. If I where George Lucas perhaps I would say something like this.

"I dont care what the critics think. This movie is great. Its not Raiders but nothing ever will be. But is has the spirit of Indiana Jones who is a little older and wiser but who still has his sense of adventure. The Mcguffin is also one of the best I have ever come up with and it will bring wonder to the fans.. You cant listen to critics you must make up your own mind.I stand by this film and the I know the fans will to"-George Lucas ( no its not but I wish it was)

Thats why there has been no trailer because they are to busy trying to save the movie in the editing room. :sick: :sick:

Well,Wrong thread but...The book cover is most likely one of MANY..Just like the episode 1 novels they will probably release about four diferent covers.One with each main character.

There will be maybe more than one cover for the novels, but they promote Shia too much for my taste, every second Picture is Indy with Shia, even on the packaging of Dr. Pepper is Indy with Mutt...
I'm really beginning to worry about the movie and specially the part of Mutt, I really think that Indy is more in the background in this movie, he is maybe the advisor, guide ore something like that but Mutt will defiantly play a bigger part than any other sidekicks did in the last 3 Indy movies, and I'm sure now that
Mutt is Indy's and Marion’s son

Back to topic: I don't know I also share the same feeling about the "hater" of that picture the Fedora seems a little too small, his right arm is somehow strange...He is too Old ;)


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Kernunnos said:
And guess what? There's a possibility that you might be old one day too!

Alright, love - calm down... As it happens, I'm no spring chicken myself.

I'm just expressing an opinion - I think Ford looks great in all the other pictures I've seen, it's just this one I really dislike.

Those rolled-up sleeves... looks like he's been snapped while doing some gentle gardening... ;)


New member
Guys, calm down about the whole Shia thing. This is an Indiana Jones movie, not a Mutt Williams movie. Lucas, Spielberg and Ford have made that clear. They refer to him as Indy's sidekick, and in every movie I've ever seen where there is a sidekick, that sidekick is not the star of the movie.

Keep in mind that most of this is probably just marketing. We haven't actually seen the film yet... or any footage from it for that matter. Remember the way they marketed Revenge of the Sith? The way they marketed that film, you would have thought that Darth Vader (in the suit) was going to be all throughout that movie, but when we saw the actual film, he was only in it for about a minute and a half.


New member
Jedinizar said:
that picture the Fedora seems a little too small

It might be the one they used for a lot of the late (94-96) filming that was done for the YIJC. It was noticeably smaller than the other Fedoras.

(Sorry for the double post, I meant to edit this into my first post.)


New member
Go to throwmetheidol and look at the German novel cover just above the soda pic. Yes, it's Shia riding his bike and, er, a shadow behind him. No Harrison, no Indy. Hmmm...


New member
I'm a bit skeptical too. I feel, for one, he might be a little too old, or unfit. I look at a guy like Roger Daltrey and he's sixty something and still looks fit and young. Ford looks very weary and haggard in so many photos, specifically the motorcycle set shots. I think they could have started this in 2006 and worked on a stronger regimen with him, perhaps.

The idea that there isn't a trailer out is bothersome too. And the German novelization pisses me off too. A silhouette? Really?

Either way, I'm still psyched and I'll be buying all of this merch, too.

Fortune and glory, kids.


New member
Yep, cinemas greatest hero is reduced to a shadow. I can't post the picture because I don't have sufficient posts, but somebody should. It really is ridiculous.


New member
trippweeder said:
Yep, cinemas greatest hero is reduced to a shadow. I can't post the picture because I don't have sufficient posts, but somebody should. It really is ridiculous.

I just think selling the age thing is going to be a hard sell, which is depressing. But anyhow, people will come along, me thinks.


Well-known member
trippweeder said:
Yep, cinemas greatest hero is reduced to a shadow. I can't post the picture because I don't have sufficient posts, but somebody should. It really is ridiculous.

The cover in question is the YA version of the book.Mutt is going to appeal to a younger audience so why not put him on the cover.No biggie..


Well-known member
Throwmetheidol.com has pictures of the new cans..



New member
metalinvader said:
Throwmetheidol.com has pictures of the new cans..

Dang. I don't even drink soda, and I've got to get me some of those. The Spalko one looks cool.