Alpha Dog


New member
now i dont know about you fellows movie watchers, but i saw alpha dog and i very much enjoyed it. and for the record, justin timberlake is a good actor.


New member
Thank You!! I too thoroughly enjoyed this movie! It was really good, and the story was just crazy. Crazy to think that people actually live their lives the way the central characters did.

I couldn't believe the ending, but I think that's what made it so great. It was realistic and it made you think about problems that start out small but somehow evolve into enigma's that have no solution. I guess it helped me realize that no matter how big one thinks their problems are, you should always take a step back from the situation and analyze all possible outcomes.

Its just blew me away because it all could have been avoided. Crazy movie, but wonderful indeed. Sharon Stone did very well too. She is a good actress.

And of course Justin can act! Don't you remember the Mickey Mouse Club!? lmao! No but seriously I completely agree with you, he did a really great job in this film. I loved him before the movie and after Alpha Dog, I respect him more as an artist. He really is a triple threat.