Amrish Puri


New member
I was really disappointed that the "making of " temple of doom feature on the DVDs does NOT contain any interviews with Amrish Puri, the actor who played Mola Ram.

The only thing they say is that because of his work on "temple" that is is the number one heavy in Indian film and still shaves his head....

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Well, you must understand that Mr. Puri is probably rather busy, considering his position in the Indian film industry. According to the Internet Movie Database, he has made 171 films from 1971 to 2003, and I'm willing to bet the number is probably a few films more, at least. That's an average of 5.34375 films per year...but don't feel bad about it. A working actor is an eating actor, so I really wouldn't be surprised if he was asked to be interviewed but didn't really have the time.


New member
He was in "Gandhi". He played Mr. Khan, Gandhi's Muslim friend and partner in South Africa.
I thought he was wonderful as Mola Ram. You can have an evil cult, human sacrifices and child slavery but without a personality to hold it all together, it's kind of trite...Puri did a great job and he was in my opinion the best Indy villain.


New member
Blofeld said:
He was in "Gandhi". He played Mr. Khan, Gandhi's Muslim friend and partner in South Africa.
I thought he was wonderful as Mola Ram. You can have an evil cult, human sacrifices and child slavery but without a personality to hold it all together, it's kind of trite...Puri did a great job and he was in my opinion the best Indy villain.

I agree, although it might be argued that he was the only 'villain' in the classical sense. Belloq was more a competitor, Toht was just a sadist, and Donovan and Vogel kind of blend in with the whole Nazi thing. As far as over-the-top, comic bookish antagonists ( and are there any better kind?) Mola Ram's the man.