Best Indy companion/sidekick


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Chime in with your favorite Indy companion/Sidekick

Candidates are:
Short Round
Marcus Brody
Henry Jones Sr.
Wu Han

I like Shorty best, he was a funny, cute kid with a lot of personality who actually helped Indy


New member
I'd have to go with Sallah.

Hearing him say, "Indy, I am so pleased that you are not dead!" just warms my heart. Don't know why though...



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Blofeld said:
Candidates are:

Gah! You mangled the poor guy's name so badly, it took me a full 4 seconds to figure out who you meant. ;) His name is actually "Satipo".

As for best partner, I don't know - I kinda like Indy better when he's alone, 'cause that's how I got used to him in Emperor's Tomb. ;)

Well, I guess if forced to pick someone it would be... hmmmmm... I guess Sallah.

Miss Ravenwood

New member
I don't know if I'd call Henry Sr a Indy's Dad he seems far too important for that title. But since he's listed I'll pick Henry Sr. :)


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Henry Sr.! No doubts about it; for me he made the third movie the best one. But like Action Girl I must say I have difficulty referring to him as a sidekick. He's more of a mentor with sometimes opposing views than an assistant.


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"No Dr.Jones YOU Cheat!"

Short Round

He was funny,(He made me laugh at least) he could kick butt, and he was a kid. Like someone else pointed out, he actually did something! Sallah helped out a lot too, but I favor Short Round over Sallah.


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"Okey Dokey Dr. Jones. Hold onto your potatoes!"

"You call him Dr. Jones Doll!"

"Hold on lady, we are going for a ride."


Yup, Shorty is my favorite.


Miss Ravenwood

New member
Yeah Shorty was funny. I love it when Willie finds out the Maharaja is a child and Shorty just tells her "maybe he likes older women". That cracks me up.

And then later on the bridge when Indy's about to cut the ropes "He no nuts, he CRAZY!" makes me laugh too.


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Not one sinle line out of Shorty's mouth made me laugh. Or even smile for that matter. As a matter of fact, every single time he opened his mouth I cringed. Every line of dialogue he spoke gave me the feeling of hundreds of ants crawling up the back of my neck. I feel nauseous just thinking about his voice.

I would have to go with Sallah in Raiders (when he was an actual character) as opposed to Sallah in Last Crusade (when he was more of a parody of the character from Raiders.)
Definitely Henry Sr. No doubt about it. Most of my favorite lines are from scenes with him in it.

When Indy asks "what did you find, Dad?" and he answers:
"Illumination", man, that just gives me chills every time i hear it for some weird reason.

He makes the movie light-hearted and fun!


New member
"May he who illuminated this...illuminate me..."

Watching this the other day with a friend who's never seen the movies, I realized what Henry said, and hence finally figured out why he says this at the end,
"Me?...Illumination." Pretty cool.

I think if you include Marcus and Henry, you'd have to include Marion, Elsa, and Willie. Henry was more of a tag along, like Willie. he helped a bit, but wasn't on the journey to help Indy necessarily, unlike the others. Anyway...

That being said, I like Marion the best as a sidekick.

Aaron H

Moderator Emeritus
spohlso said:
Not one sinle line out of Shorty's mouth made me laugh. Or even smile for that matter. As a matter of fact, every single time he opened his mouth I cringed. Every line of dialogue he spoke gave me the feeling of hundreds of ants crawling up the back of my neck. I feel nauseous just thinking about his voice.
YES! He is one of the reasons why I don't like ToD.

Iwould say the best sidekick was the Monkey...err...ummm, I mean Raiders Sallah. He was funny and witty without meaning to be.


New member
I would definately have to go with Henry and Sallah (both in opera fanatic and quirky arab kleptomanic with a camel fixation)