

New member
So like everyone else, I think I am more excited than anyone else. What concerns me is that I will be too critical while watching the movie. That I'll hang on every bit of dialog and every scene.

Does anyone know what I mean? I'm afraid that after 19 years of waiting, I won't even let myself enjoy it for what it is.

I'd like to think that the movie itself will take over and the next thing I know 2 hours will have gone by, but...

By the way I plan on watching the trailer on GMA, Online a few times at work and in the theater at 11:45am with Spiderwick. Not staying for the movie though so I better eat my Sour Patch Kids quickly.


New member
I plan to savor the movie the first two times around (once in a theater and once at the drive-in), then I'll be all critical.


New member
I don't think I will be critical about the movie, at least the first time around, I be savouring the moment I finally get to see Indy on the big screen


Active member
I will enjoy it the first two times I see it. (Then if I go a third time then I will judge it..)

Indy Smith

New member
indyjones2131 said:
So like everyone else, I think I am more excited than anyone else. What concerns me is that I will be too critical while watching the movie. That I'll hang on every bit of dialog and every scene.

Does anyone know what I mean? I'm afraid that after 19 years of waiting, I won't even let myself enjoy it for what it is.

I'd like to think that the movie itself will take over and the next thing I know 2 hours will have gone by, but...

By the way I plan on watching the trailer on GMA, Online a few times at work and in the theater at 11:45am with Spiderwick. Not staying for the movie though so I better eat my Sour Patch Kids quickly.

Sorry mate, but if it was me I would stay for the movie. If I went to a movie just to see the trailer I would still stay for the movie. I'd want to get my moneys worth. And sorry, but a 2 minute trailer isn't worth the six pounds, 12 pounds or 10 dollars or whatever the price. I actually have a pass and I would STILL stay for the movie
Spiderwick is gonna be huge! Indy fans are gonna send a film into box office orbit and be on the bus home before the movie starts.


New member
indyjones2131 said:
So like everyone else, I think I am more excited than anyone else. What concerns me is that I will be too critical while watching the movie. That I'll hang on every bit of dialog and every scene.

Does anyone know what I mean? I'm afraid that after 19 years of waiting, I won't even let myself enjoy it for what it is.

I'd like to think that the movie itself will take over and the next thing I know 2 hours will have gone by, but...

By the way I plan on watching the trailer on GMA, Online a few times at work and in the theater at 11:45am with Spiderwick. Not staying for the movie though so I better eat my Sour Patch Kids quickly.

This happened to me the first time I saw Crusade. I got all hung up on what I believed to be its flaws. It wasn't until my second or third trip to the movie theater that I started to appreciate that film for what it was--an imitation of Raiders redeemed by the chemistry/banter between Ford and Connery.

I had to recalibrate my expectations. (I think Lucas made a good point in that Vanity Fair article when he said something along the lines of, "They [we, the fans] write their own movie." We all have our own unique, idiosyncratic vision for the character, and that's what we want to see on the screen.)

So my advice would be to go into the theater this May with the mindset that the film will stink--and hope to be pleasantly surprised.

I'm cautiously optimistic, intrigued by the rumors and photos, the pieces of the plot puzzle. How they fit together, will, obviously, determine the success of the film.


New member
herr gruber said:
Spiderwick is gonna be huge! Indy fans are gonna send a film into box office orbit and be on the bus home before the movie starts.

No way (see my prior comments regarding WING COMMANDER and TPM). There's isn't nearly enough crazy people to pay for a trailer. Especially when it'll be only the same day!

In 1999 having trailers online was still rare. Now you can watch on your cell phone or iPod. No need to go to a theater to catch it.


New member
RedHuffy said:
(I think Lucas made a good point in that Vanity Fair article when he said something along the lines of, "They [we, the fans] write their own movie." We all have our own unique, idiosyncratic vision for the character, and that's what we want to see on the screen.)

I see this thought process as part of the reason as to why fans dislike the prequel Star Wars. They did have to be compared against aginst the original trilogy, which is wonderful. I enjoy all three prequels, and while Episodes I ans II remain on the bottom of the six films, I enjoy Sith better than Jedi, but only slightly. The first two prequels just aren't up to the standards of the OT. But this is just my take and digression on the subject.

That being said, I am very sure that I will not be going into my first viewing with a critical eye. I go to enjoy it. I did that for the first two prequels and enjoyed them both quite a bit at the time. Any hard thinking concerning the film will come after that fact, probably at my other viewings. I really do this with any film I see, no matter how much I have been anticipating it.
sandiegojones said:
No way (see my prior comments regarding WING COMMANDER and TPM). There's isn't nearly enough crazy people to pay for a trailer. Especially when it'll be only the same day!

In 1999 having trailers online was still rare. Now you can watch on your cell phone or iPod. No need to go to a theater to catch it.

Well, judging from my readings in various threads at the Raven, there are plenty of fans who would wield their cash just to see it at a theatre.


New member
I may be at the theater anyway Thursday or Friday (seeing Rambo for a fifth and final time :D ), so in that case I may hang around to catch the trailer before leaving. If not, I'm content to see it online. I mean, I'm sure it's gonna be at, and I'd rather watch it there than on Entertainment Tonight.

As for the movie itself, I doubt I'm going to be overly critical of it. While I could see the possibility of maybe having a couple minor complaints, overall I expect to just sit back and have a grand ol' time like I did with the other films. I'm just happy Indy is finally back. :)


New member
If anything I think I'll be so buzzed about seeing the film, that if it is severely flawed, it'll take a while for the geek factor to subside for me to think clearly.

I can remember leaving TPM, and trying to convince myself that it wasn't half bad. I did the same thing for AOTC, except I was on more of a high, because of the end Yoda fight. After ROTS, I literally felt like I'd been punched in the stomach, and I was in a bit of a daze. It took almost 1 year later for me to realize, how big of a letdown the whole prequel series had been. Being a lifelong fan of any film series can make you blind to its flaws. These films become so personal, that you defend them even if they don't deserve it.

So no, during the film I'm sure I'll be revelling in all its glory. A year from now, maybe I'll be singing a different tune.

Darth Vile

New member
People?s critical facilities seem to go out of the window when they watch a movie they already know much about. The only time you can really appreciate a movie for what it is, is either way after the event (perhaps when it comes out on DVD), or when a movie slips in under the radar i.e. no expectations e.g. Star Wars, Raiders, Alien, The Matrix etc.

Take the Star Wars prequels for example, they are not bad movies? in fact they are very well-made, enjoyable and intelligent extensions of the OT. Problem is, IMHO, the world (that includes Star Wars fans) didn?t really need a new Star Wars movie? they thought they did, but the world had long since moved on from the innocence of the original Star Wars blockbusters.

I get the feeling that many people expect KOTCS to transport them back to their childhood and re-experience the fun of the ?event movies?, but similar to the Star Wars prequels, that time has long gone. People who are expecting the same feeling they had when first watching Raiders will be disappointed I?m sure. For me, I?ll soak up this pre-movie speculation/fun and just try and enjoy it for what it is ? escapist fun.


New member
deckard24 said:
If anything I think I'll be so buzzed about seeing the film, that if it is severely flawed, it'll take a while for the geek factor to subside for me to think clearly.

Don't be so sure. Spidey 3 was the first movie I was really pumped to see in a very long time. I left the theater having seen it opening night knowing I had seen a bad movie. I saw it a second time a few weeks later and had to pretend to like it because I saw it with someone who had yet to see it. She came around eventually and told me it was a bad movie. Haha.

I enjoyed all 3 prequels my first time seeing them. But I realized the flaws of TPM and AotC before seeing RotS. As a result, my expectations were so low I was thoroughly blown away. I'd been trying to keep my expectations for this one low as well but the past month has gotten me more pumped than I'd ever been in my whole life!


New member
indyjones2131 said:
So like everyone else, I think I am more excited than anyone else. What concerns me is that I will be too critical while watching the movie. That I'll hang on every bit of dialog and every scene.

Does anyone know what I mean? I'm afraid that after 19 years of waiting, I won't even let myself enjoy it for what it is.

I'd like to think that the movie itself will take over and the next thing I know 2 hours will have gone by, but...

By the way I plan on watching the trailer on GMA, Online a few times at work and in the theater at 11:45am with Spiderwick. Not staying for the movie though so I better eat my Sour Patch Kids quickly.

I know exactly what you mean. The internet has definately affected the way I view movies, and I guess my age and the way the world is today. I am far more critical and cinacle (sp?) than I used to be. I wish I could go back to being more naive and innocent when I was younger and just enjoy things the way they are. Its far more difficult for me to not have expectations and turn off my brain.

Hopefully Indy 4 will be great! I really want it to be! Regardless, I'll be there opening night!


New member
I'm so psyched for this. Tomorrow, I think everything starts. From promo to product that will just grow wilder up 'til May.


New member
I agree, but i think if we aren't a bit skeptical of a few things, than the film would be mediocre and not particularly risky.
When Last Crusade was released I remember the first review that I read in 'Film Review' magazine was less than enthusiastic. "Thank Christ For Connery" I believe was the quote. I tend not to pay attention to reviews, preferring to make my own mind up.
Besides, when it comes to Indy, a critics negative attitude is certainly going to have no effect on box office! If a critic battered KOTCS, calling it " an unecessary, uninspiring effort" or such, I'd still be packing my popcorn enthusiastically.


Active member
indyjones2131, The fact that you are aware that you could be too critical of the film is good thing. I suspect you will be able to look at it with more than one perceptive. Being objective. Those who are not aware of their own tendencies to do this are the ones setting themselves up for real disappointment. Because they will be looking for the movie THEY WOULD HAVE made. Forgetting they are just a mere member of the audience. Their childhood nostalgia clashing with their current adult sensibilities.


ok, I have 2 small things that bug me about the trailer. I love Indy and will see it as many times as i can. I will buy the DVD and then buy the collection box when it comes out. I saw the first one in theaters and have loved him ever since. hahaa its kinda funny I wanted to go see Superman 2 and my dad made me see Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indy is all American and that is one of the things I love about him. But anyway on to the small issues I have.

1. Indy's bag is outside his jacket. I know it is geeky and minor, but he has always had it under his jacket. in the photos i have seen and the trailer it is outside his jacket. Indy wouldnt do that, too easy to get hung up on stuff.

2. I can see the green screen backgrounds, or at least I can tell. on the cliff with the jeeps, look behind Harrison, the sky looks like something out of AOTC. Raiders was not like that, yes they used mat-painting, but not that this. They did real for real as much as they could. that didnt look real for real, I dont think it will give the same (outside in a moving jeep)feel to the movie.

Other than those I am sooooo pumped about this movie!!! I will have to get my Indy costume out for the midnight show. Go Indiana!!
